The best boy on campus

Chapter 308 Headache Marco!

"I didn't do anything." Liu Boyang pretended to be innocent and thought to himself, wouldn't Ma Xiaoyu be so "open" and tell her sister about that kind of thing?

"Don't tell the truth?" Ma Ke'er looked at Liu Boyang with a smile, and continued to lean forward, so that that beautiful cheek was almost attached to Liu Boyang's face

Liu Boyang could even smell the unique fragrance emanating from her face, the rich and fragrant orchid fragrance exuded from her cherry lips, making Liu Boyang's cheeks a little itchy

"Really not, I don't understand what you want to ask." Liu Boyang continued to deny with a smile. He was going to pretend to be stupid, but he wanted to see how this girl could pry her mouth open.

"Emperor Yang Qing, no wonder people say that men are not bad, women don't love you, this guy is really dishonest, even my sister can be captured by you" Ma Keer laughed

"Hey, are you a younger sister? Have you seen any younger sister in the world who would say that about her older sister?" Liu Boyang said depressedly

"Why not? You stole my sister's heart, and sooner or later she will be my brother-in-law. I talk to my brother-in-law. Do I need to worry about anything?"

These words made Liu Boyang stupid. Even if he had heard that Ma Keer likes to make trouble, he never thought that she would be so mischievous. Not to mention that Ma Xiaoyu is not his wife now, even if it is true, she will It's not too late to call brother-in-law at that time! How could a younger sister push her into the fire pit first?

Uh, it doesn't seem right to say that, can I be a pit of fire...

"Don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with your sister," Liu Boyang said with a serious expression


"Do not believe?"

"Continue to install"

"Then why do you think I have a secret with your sister? Even if you don't believe me, you still have to trust your sister's character?" Liu Boyang laughed.

"Tch, come on, I suspect you because I found out that my sister is abnormal." Marco pursed her lips and smiled.

"Is your sister abnormal?" Liu Boyang asked in surprise

"What are you talking about, your sister is not normal?" Ma Ke'er was unhappy when she heard this, and directly flicked Liu Boyang on the head unceremoniously.

This moment directly stunned Liu Boyang, making him feel dumbfounded

This is the first time someone dared to use "violence" on Liu Boyang's head since he was a child

But seeing Ma Keer's sweet smile, even Liu Boyang couldn't get angry with her.

"What are you doing playing me? Didn't you say it yourself?" Liu Boyang asked her with curled lips.

"Emperor Yang Qing, your mouth is really tough. It seems that you won't be honest if you don't give you some evidence." Ma Keer pursed his lips and smiled.

"Evidence?" Liu Boyang sized this girl up and down, and she came with evidence?What evidence can I have in her hands?

"Emperor Yang Qing, let me tell you, whenever my sister encounters troublesome things, she will hide in her own room and tease the little bear, and..."

"Wait..." Liu Boyang didn't understand when he heard this, and asked, "What is a bear?"

"Stupid, you really don't understand how my sister can fall in love with someone like you. You don't understand? There is a white stuffed bear on my sister's bed. She usually takes it as a treasure, and sometimes she even hugs it when she sleeps." But whenever my sister encounters troubles, she will sit on the bed alone and hold the little bear in a daze, and will desperately pull and ravage it, tsk tsk tsk, what a poor little bear..." Ma Keer said to that Unfortunately, the little bear expressed deep sympathy and said

"Dizzy, your sister is playing with a bear and you can even suspect me? Does something wrong with her have something to do with me?" Liu Boyang added that he couldn't laugh or cry, little aunt, grandma, is this also evidence?

"Why are you still unwilling to tell the truth? Oh my God, how can there be a man like you who dares to speak out but dare not do it?" Ma Keer said in shock


"You're still quibbling, let me tell you, my sister has frequently ravaged that little bear recently. I saw her come in the door with a flushed face after returning home at noon three days ago, and she looked very worried. Don't think I don't know that when my sister was with you at noon that day, she told me that she would wait for you in the classroom." Marco smiled and said

"What else? Based on this, it is concluded?" Liu Boyang finally couldn't help it, and asked with a smile

When any man hears that his charm can conquer a super beautiful woman, he will inevitably show a proud and satisfied smile Attracted by yourself?

"Of course not. I wasn't sure at first, but later when I mentioned your name to my sister intentionally or unintentionally, I found that my sister's eyes would be extraordinarily bright, but she seemed to be taboo about something. You, she always avoids talking to me, as if she is faintly embarrassed..."


"Don't 'uh', I haven't finished the last point, hehe, it's funny to say it, when my sister came to school, she didn't deliberately dress herself up, but look at her, since you were in the classroom three days ago , which day did she not wear delicate makeup on her face? And oh, in order to match the most suitable and beautiful clothes, she tries on the mirror several times a day at home, until she is most satisfied and feels that she is the most beautiful, she will wear it Come to class Liu Boyang, do you still dare to say that my sister's change has nothing to do with you?" Ma Keer laughed

"Okay, even if you can say it, I can't talk about you, even if your sister really cares about me as you said, then why are you here? You just came here to tell me these things?" Liu Boyang laughed ask

"Go to hell, am I so bored? I just want to ask, what did you do with my sister at noon that day? Why was she attracted to you all of a sudden?" Marco asked excitedly

"You're very gossip, haha, I already told you, we really didn't do anything." Liu Boyang laughed

Ma Ke'er got angry, pouted her mouth and said, "Emperor Yang Qing, you bastard, I've told you so many secrets about my sister, yet you still haven't told me the truth? Hmph, you won't tell me." , think I don’t know? I just want to ask you now, do you and my sister... have that?” At the end, he was already smiling and whispering

"Which one?" Liu Boyang opened his eyes wide and looked at this beautiful girl in disbelief. She is really "open" enough. No wonder Tong Wen and others said she was a tomboy. girl's reserve

"Which one are you talking about?" Ma Ke'er was completely dissatisfied with Liu Boyang's blindly pretending to be stupid. She stretched out two jade hands, clasped her thumbs together a few times, conveyed a meaning, and said with a smile: "That's it, what do you have?" No?"

"I don't understand," Liu Boyang said with a smile

"You...okay, I just want to ask you for a boo, do you have any?" Ma Keer gave him a white look and said

"Hehe, so that's what you meant, I thought..." Liu Boyang smiled, and purposely didn't say anything further

"What do you think, you think I'm talking about the job of having a baby? You're so nasty" Ma Keer smiled

"Damn, we don't know who is more obscene" Liu Boyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but you said this first, we didn't say it

"Okay, look at his appearance from left to right, you don't need to say it, I know, it must be there, brother-in-law Yang Qingdi, I am optimistic that you can even catch up with my sister, you are so amazing, don't you know You know, since I was a child, it was not easy for me to kiss her, but you can actually kiss her, you are amazing." Mark stood up and smiled.

"You...kiss her?" Liu Boyang asked with an exaggerated grin

"What are you thinking about, sister, can't you kiss your beloved sister? You are my brother-in-law, that's the only bad thing, it's too dirty, and I'm very satisfied with the rest."


"Come on, brother-in-law, congratulations! My sister has never been in a relationship since she was a child. This is the first time for her. You don't hesitate to treat him badly, otherwise I will cut your bottom for my sister." Ma Keer laughed

"Nizi, I'm afraid of you, you can really make decisions for your sister," Liu Boyang said with a smile

"Come on, nothing in this world can escape my eyes, Ma Ke'er, you have to cherish my sister, she has rejected many boys since elementary school, you are her first, don't let her down" At the end of Ma Ke'er's speech, she actually patted Liu Boyang's shoulder seriously, and said, "Otherwise, I really won't spare you."

Liu Boyang smiled lightly and said nothing, he didn't express his opinion. After all, he said so much, and it was all Ma Keer passed on for his sister. Only the devil knows what Ma Xiaoyu is thinking in his heart.

At this moment, maybe she realized that the class had been in for a long time, and her sister hadn't returned to her seat. Ma Xiaoyu, who was in front of her, suddenly turned her head and said, "Ke'er, you're back, class is already in session." Glancing at Liu Boyang, his pretty face was immediately rosy again, and he turned his head away as if hastily dodging

Ma Ke'er chuckled, patted Liu Boyang's shoulder again, and said, "Brother-in-law, did you see, I've just talked to you for a while, and my sister is jealous..."

"Damn, you can even think of this," Liu Boyang said speechlessly

"Trust my girl's intuition, it has always been accurate." Ma Ke'er smiled, "Then I will go back first. I wish you and my sister a happy relationship for a hundred years, and you must not be sorry for her." After speaking, she winked at Liu Boyang eyes, and then walked back to the seat next to her sister Ma Xiaoyu with a relaxed pace.

Leaving Liu Boyang still sitting on the seat, I really can't laugh or cry. If Ma Xiaoyu really fell in love with her secretly, that would be a good thing. Is there any boy in the world who doesn't like the feeling of being loved by a beautiful woman?What's more, this girl Ma Xiaoyu is not only beautiful, but she has nothing to say about her figure and personality. The important thing is that she is the daughter of Ma Junsheng, the boss of the Dragon Gang in G City. Are you on good terms?

And the sad thing is, this girl Ma Ke'er is really a headache. To be honest, her personality is quite attractive to me. If I can chase the sisters at the same time...

Liu Boyang suddenly made a bold idea

This class did not last more than ten minutes before the class teacher Yang Yanping finally arrived late, and I don’t know why she was late today

It's just that the moment Yang Yanping entered the door, the buzz in the class immediately died down.

This is not because of Yang Yanping's intimidation, but because behind her, there is a super beautiful woman following her

When Liu Boyang saw this beautiful woman, he suddenly felt shocked by an electric shock, and he was stunned

Liu Boyang almost suspected that he was dreaming. He rubbed his eyes desperately, opened them and looked again.

Even a second glance made Liu Boyang's scalp tingle instantly, and an extremely intense excitement surged in his heart

He read it right, that girl turned out to be the Bingshan beauty whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Ning Yeqi, the top class girl in Class [-] of High School in W City S.

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