The best boy on campus

Chapter 357 Cry!

Early the next morning, Liu Boyang and Ning Yeqi had breakfast and went to school together.

After a night of precipitation, Ning Yeqi really relaxed a lot of knots

She told herself to be at peace when she came, and not to think too much. Now that she has come to this point, there is absolutely no reason to turn back. At noon, she will secretly call her mother and explain her situation. After her father's anger subsides, Then tell him the news, let them know that they are living happily now and don't have to worry about themselves

In fact, when Ning Yeqi woke up early in the morning, she found herself lying in Liu Boyang's warm embrace. Seeing the boy who was holding her in a deep sleep, she suddenly felt very guilty and blamed herself. Everything was entrusted to him, but when he was really "hands-on" with him, he was so scared that he cried, which made him at a loss and couldn't stop apologizing to himself

Bingshan beauty felt really guilty in her heart and felt sorry for Liu Boyang, so when Liu Boyang was fast asleep and not paying attention, she took the initiative to lightly kiss him on the lips

Then he lay in his thick arms, quietly watching his sweetheart sleeping soundly from a close distance, his pretty face was blushing, but his heart was full of satisfaction

At that moment, she completely figured it out, and she didn't regret her choice. If she was asked to choose again, she would still come here without hesitation.

It's a pity that a certain guy really slept very late last night, so he didn't notice at all, and just like that, he missed the first kiss of a beautiful woman without anyone noticing.

After entering the school, the two walked together, Liu Boyang naturally held his wife's hand, and Ning Yeqi was no longer shy and coy, and walked beside him generously, not caring about the way or envy or Jealous eyes, pretending to be a well-behaved little daughter-in-law

But not everyone looks at them with envy

Ma Xiaoyu and Ma Ke'er walked into the classroom door first. Seeing the two people's unabashed intimacy, Ma Xiaoyu was obviously very sad, but she pretended to turn a blind eye and walked to her seat without looking back.

But Ma Ke'er was not as good-tempered as her sister. She stared at the two of them coldly, gave a disdainful "hum", pointed at Liu Boyang and said bitterly, "Emperor Yang Qing, you are going too far by waiting for me." , so arrogant that no one dares to get so close to this woman in the classroom, you are blatantly bullying my sister, I can't spare you"

Liu Boyang glanced at her, and said coldly: "I tell you, I respect you for being a girl, so I put up with you again and again, but don't be too ignorant. Anyway, if you weren't messing around from the middle, you shouldn't care about it." Who cares, how could your sister be so embarrassing now? Do you have the face to criticize me? "

Originally, Liu Boyang didn't want to be as familiar with her as a girl. As the saying goes, if you don't look at the monk's face, you should see the Buddha's face. Liu Boyang still feels sorry for her sister Ma Xiaoyu, but this girl is so aggressive that she dared to target her daughter-in-law Ning Ye Qi, Liu Boyang can no longer sit idly by

Ning Yeqi stood beside Liu Boyang quietly, listening to their tit-for-tat conversations, sometimes looked at Liu Boyang, and sometimes lowered her head in silence

She still doesn't know what relationship Liu Boyang has with that Ma Xiaoyu, and she hasn't had time to ask, so she doesn't know how to interject

Liu Boyang didn't wait for Ma Ke'er to speak, and said again: "That's right, ask yourself, for your sister, I did something wrong, I will find an opportunity to explain it clearly to her, you don't need to worry about this, but I also tell you, this is not the same as It's okay with you, it's between me and her, I advise you to stop and stop, if you shouldn't get involved, don't interfere."

These words hit the nail on the head, and Ma Keer, who was directly stabbed, was furious

"Emperor Yang Qing, don't pretend to be a grandson here. What kind of person are you? I don't know? You are just a heartless Chen Shimei who loves the old and hates the old. How can my sister fall in love with a rotten person like you? You are in front of this woman. Pretending to be a gentleman, who cares? My sister doesn't need your apology, my sister never wants to talk to you again in her life," Marco yelled

Liu Boyang narrowed his eyes, glanced at her coldly, then turned his head to look at Ma Xiaoyu who just stood up with a haggard face, and said lightly: "Did you say that?"

"I said it, how?" Marco pinched her waist and said confidently, "Don't think too highly of yourself, you can't live without my sister, and people chasing my sister can line up from here to the school gate. She ain't no one wants you to think everyone is blind like you"

Liu Boyang's face was ashen, and he was furious. There are not many people in this world who dare to scold him so ugly face to face. Xiao Xueting in S is one of them. But her fate is that Liu Boyang almost broke her wrist. You Ma Jialong The second lady who helped you is amazing, isn't she?Annoyed me, don't blame us for not being sympathetic

Just as Liu Boyang was about to say something, suddenly Tong Wen and others next to him immediately ran up to hold Liu Boyang, and persuaded in a low voice: "Brother Yang, don't be angry, Ma Keer is like this, she is a girl, don't be as knowledgeable as her." Tong Wensheng was afraid that Liu Boyang would not understand the deep meaning of his words, so he winked at Liu Boyang desperately while speaking

Of course Liu Boyang understood what he meant. These boys were afraid that if they started fighting with Ma Xiaoyu in the classroom, they would turn around and come to the Dragon Gang to cause trouble.

But Liu Boyang would not blame Tong Wen and others for their lack of guts and guts. If they had guts, they would not have been bullied before. He knew that these boys had good intentions, so he didn't intend to embarrass or reprimand them. He said coldly: "Get out of the way"

Tong Wen and the others were taken aback for a moment, seeing Liu Boyang's unfriendly eyes, and realized that they were talking too much, so they didn't dare to say anything anymore, and obediently retreated behind him

At this time the whole class was quiet, and everyone looked at this side without daring to breathe, watching the two-man battle between Liu Boyang and Ma Keer, but none of them dared to interrupt indiscriminately, no one gloated, and Ma Keer was willing Those who were worried were also worried about Liu Boyang, and none of them were watching

We are all classmates, and these two people are top-notch figures in the class, no one is so cheap, and I don't want them to fight and lose both

"Tong Wen, get out of the way of you bastards, who want you to meddle?" Ma Ke'er has a carefree personality, seeing Tong Wen and others speak for her, she doesn't appreciate it at all, pointing at them and scolding

She used to play ball with Tong Wen and others, and it is true that they have a good relationship, but now that Tong Wen and the others are following Liu Boyang, Ma Keer naturally regards them as enemies who are equal to Liu Boyang, and immediately draws a clear line , never give them a good look

Tong Wen and the others couldn't stop laughing wryly in their hearts. This little aunt turned her face on her face so quickly, didn't she just say one more word?As for harming the fish in the pond so soon?

"What's the matter, Emperor Yang Qing, do you still want to hit me? Am I wrong? Are you guilty? If you have the guts, try to touch me." Ma Keer put on an expression of no fear, holding her snow-white eyes upright. Neck, with a full chest, yelled at Liu Boyang

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