The best boy on campus

Chapter 358 Attack!

"Ke'er, that's enough." Ma Xiaoyu finally couldn't bear it any longer, she stood on her seat blushing and turned around and shouted

"What's enough?" Ma Ke'er said angrily, "Sister, did you see that? He wants to hit me, and the one named Yang wants to hit me!"

She looked at Liu Boyang, and said angrily: "You do it, Yang, you hit me, I'll see if you have the guts"

Liu Boyang gritted his teeth. At this moment, he really wanted to slap Ma Keer hard. Damn, this woman is just a tomboy in character, but she is outspoken. No one can explain her death, but her mother The disease of squeamishness is still very strong, and he does not treat other men as human beings in his bones

Do you fucking think that being the daughter of Ma Junsheng, the boss of the Dragon Gang, is something special?I will let you open your eyes today and let you know how heavy you really are

But just as Liu Boyang was about to move his arm, he was suddenly grabbed by Ning Yeqi. Liu Boyang glanced at his wife, only to see Ning Yeqi bit her lip and shook her head

At the same time, Ma Keer was also really scared. She saw Liu Boyang's movements clearly. If he hadn't been pulled by that girl, he would really slap her.

Marco'er was shocked, even if she was killed, she would never have imagined that someone in this city would dare to do something to her

She took two steps back in panic, stared straight at Liu Boyang, and gritted her teeth after a long while and said, "Okay, okay, you Yang Qingdi, you have the guts and you want to hit me? You remember it for me and I will." Let you know what the price is. If you don’t leave after school in the afternoon, I’ll see if your back is still as hard as it is now.”

Ma Xiaoyu walked up with a blushing face, grabbed her lawless younger sister, did not dare to look at Liu Boyang, dragged Ma Keer and walked forward, complaining to her in a low voice: "Sister, please calm down. Does the whole class read your jokes? Can you save me some face?"

Ma Keer didn't seem to hear her sister's words. While being dragged back by her sister, she turned her back to her sister and faced Liu Boyang, hissing: "Emperor Yang Qing, I'm a man, don't run away this afternoon, I want you to know What is the end of bullying me?"

The voice was already mixed with crying. This girl who was too proud since she was a child cried out angrily because of Liu Boyang's actions, her eyes were red, and she looked at Liu Boyang with murderous eyes, as if she wanted to fight him forever

Liu Boyang stared at her coldly, his heart, which was not easy at first, became even more irritated by her at the moment, originally wanted to prepare for the Ax Gang with all his strength today, but who knew that this girl would actually penetrate her leg again

Damn, are you full and have nothing to do?

Just as the whole classroom was full of swords and gunpowder, Yang Yunping, the head teacher, suddenly walked in. She saw the whole class standing and watching, and guessed that something must have happened, so she scolded, "What happened?"

No one in the class made a sound, even Liu Boyang glanced at her indifferently, then led his daughter-in-law back to her seat and sat down

The other students, including Tong Wen and others, also returned to their seats in twos and threes, without exception, remained silent, as if they hadn't heard or seen anything just now

"Why don't you talk? Who was arguing just now?" Yang Yunping didn't sleep well after being disturbed by Liu Boyang last night. There are noisy people, it's no wonder if you don't get upset

"Ma Ke'er, what happened just now?" Yang Yunping asked Ma Ke'er coldly

This sentence really lowered my face and asked the right person. After all, she could hear Marco'er's voice. She heard it in the corridor just now.

With a straight face, Marco said in a nonchalant way: "It's okay." The eye circles are still red, and they are obviously talking nonsense with their eyes open.

Yang Yunping was very upset, the head teacher, how could no one in the class take her seriously?For her mood at the moment, it is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire

But just as she was about to get mad, Ma Xiaoyu suddenly stood up and said, "Teacher, it's really nothing. It was just a little misunderstanding in the class just now. It has been resolved now. We have been delayed for 5 minutes. Please go to class first."

Yang Yunping glanced at her coldly, then looked at the gourd-like students in the classroom with an unkind expression, and finally fixed her eyes on Liu Boyang who was indifferent and indifferent, feeling angry, this damn bastard, he really sat with her again together

But Ma Xiaoyu's words made Yang Yunping unable to vent her anger even if she got angry. She walked up to the podium with a blue face, swallowed her breath and said, "It's fine, let's start class..."

The unhappiness in the morning was just a small episode. Except for Marco's unreasonable yelling and provocation, the whole morning was still very ordinary, and time passed by in a hurry

After the second class, during the big break, Li Wanhao, Ren Xiaotian, Cui Guodong, and the old cat Long Tian raised five people to find Liu Boyang and report to him the current situation of the gang

Since the establishment of the "Battle Soul Hall" at noon yesterday, Liu Boyang opened the incense hall and set up five hall masters. When he returned to school that afternoon, Li Wanhao and Lao Mao started to recruit younger brothers and consolidate their own branch halls.

Today, everyone's branch has basically been established. The five people not only cover their own class, but also expand to the surrounding classes. Like Lao Mao, he not only completely completed the unification of his nineteenth class, but also divided the 21th, 22st, and Class 23 is down, and as long as Guan Shijie survives for a day, the people in class [-] will find it difficult to change their minds, and the old cat is too lazy to be serious with them

In addition to dominating Class [-], Cui Guodong also won Class [-] and Class [-]

In addition to his [-]th class, Li Wanhao also subdued the surrounding two classes, the [-]th class and the [-]th class. As for the previous ones, the [-]th class and the [-]th class, it wasn't that Li Wanhao couldn't beat them, but because he was lazy. It's full of useless boys, the higher the class name, the more good students there are, and it's useless to ask for it


As for Long Tianyang on the Art Sports side, he is in a fierce battle with Wan Ziliang, the boss of the sports team. The reason is that Long Tianyang sees that the four old cats have expanded their power and recruited younger brothers. He also wants to expand outward, so he decided to He set his sights on Class [-] of Physical Education, which is not recognized as the boss, but Wan Ziliang couldn't get used to it, and insisted on fighting with him. Although the two groups of people have not yet started working, they have already torn their faces, and they may start a war at any time

When five people came to look for Liu Boyang during the big class break, the specific number of people in the five sub-classes had been determined. Lao Mao had the most younger brothers in the Tiger Hall, and four classes clearly swore to mix with him. There were a total of [-] people.

Ren Xiaotian's Chipeng Hall is second, and the three classes add up to 92 people

Cui Guodong’s Cheetah Hall ranks third, also has three classes, but has 82 fewer students than Chipeng Hall, with [-] juniors

Li Wanhao's Law Enforcement Hall ranked fourth, with a total of 64 people in three classes

Only Long Tianyang's Qinglongtang, or only his No. 53 boy from the first sports class, of course, may be the strongest when it comes to individual combat strength, after all, he was born as a sports student

But Long Tianyang is not satisfied, the other four halls can expand outward, why can't he?It's all the fault of Wan Ziliang meddling in other people's affairs, otherwise he would have intimidated and subdued Class 50 of Physical Education, adding more than [-] younger brothers would be no problem at all

Long Tianyang originally wanted to come over to say hello to Liu Boyang during this class break, and then settle accounts with the blind Wan Ziliang when he went back, but when he mentioned this matter, the brothers stopped doing it

Now is the time for the "War Soul Hall" to recruit people and develop their power. Everyone is full of enthusiasm and ambition, but at this time someone dares to jump out and say "no". Is it exciting?

Dare to mess with Qinglongtang, just dare to mess with the Soul Gang didn't say, fuck him

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