The best boy on campus

Chapter 36 Captain Wang

Liu Boyang narrowed his eyes, and said calmly: "Comrade policeman, even if you want to arrest someone, you still have to have evidence? You arrest people so casually, how powerful you are!"

"You fucking fart, do you think I don't know what you are doing? Do you need evidence to arrest you? You are not a good thing when you see it. What are you doing in a daze? Take them all away." Captain Wang said to the police officers Yelling *bubble! book*

"Wait..." The old principal who rushed over hurriedly stopped the group of policemen just in time

"Who are you?" Captain Wang asked impatiently

"I am the principal in s"

"Principal? What do you want to do? Do you have something to say?" Captain Wang asked as he lit a cigarette

Many pedestrians around were attracted by their shouts and stopped to watch

"Yes, comrade policeman, why did you take my students away?" the old principal asked pretendingly

"Why? Do you need to ask? They gathered a crowd to fight and injured many people. Many people saw it with their own eyes. Am I being wronged if I take them back?" Captain Wang said lightly.

"Do you have any evidence? Why are they sure they did it?" asked the headmaster

"You don't have to worry about it." Captain Wang was a little angry, and shouted: "Comrade principal, as the head of a school, you should set an example. Don't you want to protect your students? Don't you know that this will offend the majesty of the law? "

"Comrade, I think you have misunderstood. Even if my students really got into a fight, it is an internal matter of our school. We will manage it ourselves, so there is no need for you to intervene, comrades of the police. As for whether they have I didn't participate in the brawl just now, I will ask when I go back, if they did it, I will never let them off lightly, but if they didn't do it, I will not allow others to arrest my students casually "The old headmaster straightened his back and said

"You..." Captain Wang was angry, did this old man take the wrong medicine today?I helped him clean up some campus garbage, not only did not say some words of thanks, but also ran out to protect his shortcomings. In front of so many people, isn't this embarrassing and embarrassing myself?

Hou Qiang and the others saw that the headmaster was blushing and thick-necked with the police because of himself and others, and they were all puzzled. They caused trouble for the school, and the headmaster actually ran out to protect them. What is this called? Son?

Only Liu Boyang can guess what's going on here, so he has been standing aside with a faint smile, silent

It seems that this old man really wants to get close to him

"I don't want to talk nonsense to you, Comrade Principal, I don't know what you think. You are so irresponsible to other victimized students. The fight didn't happen in your school, so you don't care about it. I will save face for you." I've told you so much, I'll tell you that if you dare to stop me again, I'll sue you for obstructing official business, what are you still looking at, take all these thorns away from me," Captain Wang yelled at his subordinates

Seven or eight police officers heard the captain's words, rushed forward to grab Liu Boyang and others, and dragged them to the car

Liu Boyang is not afraid at all, a small captain of the police station, he has not taken it seriously, even if he really went in, if he wants to come out, it will be a matter of what the second uncle said, but some people are going to be unlucky, surnamed Who is Wang responsible for this film?Okay, from now on, I will do some small things here every day, and see how long you can do as the captain

Seeing that his efforts were of no avail, the old headmaster narrowed his eyes and said indifferently: "Comrade captain, can you move forward and talk?"

"What else do you want to say? Let me tell you, no matter what you say, you will never be able to save this group of uneducated little bastards." Captain Wang was completely impatient, and said to the principal

"Well, just a word, I just want to remind the captain." The old principal said with a smile

Captain Wang has always been a sensible person, otherwise he would not have become the leader of the land. Hearing something in the old principal's words, it seemed a little strange, so he didn't say anything more at the moment, frowning on purpose: "Forget it, anyway. What you say is useless."

Having said that, his body still moved in front of the old headmaster, and the old headmaster kept a smile on his face, and in a very low voice, he only said a word to Captain Wang

Immediately, no one noticed the change in Captain Wang's face. His face was full of astonishment, and he stared at the old principal nodding when he saw the other party. Captain Wang immediately swallowed the saliva very hard.

But Captain Wang is also a smart person, his face suddenly returned to normal in the next moment, and he said loudly: "It's useless even if you say this, I will treat anyone who breaks the law equally, everyone is equal before the law, and the prince who breaks the law is the same as the common people. He is the grandson of a gangster or the nephew of the mayor, if he commits a crime in my hands, he will end up in the same place."

These words are so upright that the surrounding crowd can hardly help clapping and applauding. They will have to buy a pennant and send it to the branch office tomorrow.

"Huh, get in the car." Captain Wang didn't look at the old principal again, and yelled, walked to the front of a police car, opened the door and walked in.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? The police are amazing? Can they arrest people without committing a crime?" The old cat Cui Guodong and the others were not soft persimmons, they all shouted while pulling their necks

"F*ck, what's the name of the ghost? Be honest with me, or you won't have any good fruit to eat," a policeman said angrily

But at this time, Liu Boyang gave Cui Guodong and the others a wink, signaling them to shut up, and the four of them looked at each other, comprehending, and stopped talking, pretending to be honest and cooperating with the group of policemen.

Several police officers sneered in their hearts, this kid is the boss of the group, he is quite prestigious, he can catch the younger brother with a single look, and he will be the first to be operated on later

Liu Boyang and the others were pushed and shoved by the police officers behind them, and led them to three police cars. Before being pushed into the police car, Liu Boyang turned his head and glanced at the principal over there, only to see that the scheming principal showed his face to him. knowing smile

The alarm bell rang, the police lights were turned on, and three police cars, which symbolized the power of justice, started together. Then they turned on the turn signals and turned around in the direction they came. The van driven by Cui Guodong was also driven away by the police.

Sun Xiaorou was also brought into the car, her big eyes were a little frightened, when had a good girl like her dealt with the police?She was getting anxious, but she still sat obediently by Liu Boyang's side without saying a word.

The car was a little crowded, but the strange thing is that the police officers didn't make it too difficult. They must know that under normal circumstances, the police catch the gangsters on the street, and after they are brought into the car, they will beat them up violently to get rid of them. good to hold them down

It's probably not the first time Lao Mao Huzi and others have entered the game. Anyway, they are not the ones who are unlucky every time they enter. They have long been accustomed to it, so they are not afraid at all. They sit in the free car and talk and laugh. The police officers guarding them next to them were so angry that their teeth were itchy, but they didn't dare to do anything, because the captain had just winked to indicate that they should not be rude to these boys

Seeing Lao Mao and others sitting in the police car and talking and laughing so calmly, Hou Qiang and others were so impressed that they didn't know what to say, their bosses are awesome, they dare to be so arrogant in front of the police, but Those policemen could only watch helplessly and couldn't do anything. Who the hell are they?How can there be such a great ability?

"Daughter-in-law, are you afraid?" Liu Boyang looked at Sun Xiaorou's pale face and asked softly

Sun Xiaorou pretended to be strong and shook her head, indicating that she was not afraid

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, I won't let you have trouble, trust me" Liu Boyang gently stretched out his hand, pulled Sun Xiaorou into his arms and said

Sun Xiaorou's little head buried in Liu Boyang's chest nodded obediently. It is estimated that what happened in half a day today is more than what she experienced in the previous ten years of life.

Surprisingly, after driving for a few streets, those police cars suddenly turned off their lights, and then the alarm bell stopped whistling. Stopped near the city of washing feet

Captain Wang, who was sitting in front, turned around with a smile, and handed a cigarette to Liu Boyang. He changed his domineering tone and said without temper: "Little brother, do you smoke?"

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