The best boy on campus

Chapter 37 Police-Civil Cooperation

Liu Boyang expected this kind of result, otherwise the scheming old man wouldn't wink at him, so he took Captain Wang's cigarette and said with a smile: "Even if I don't know how to smoke, I will take the captain's cigarette." I have to smoke"

Sun Xiaorou, Guo Xiao, and the others who were sitting in the same car with Liu Boyang were stunned, looking at their brother Yang in disbelief, negotiating with Captain Wang in a serious way *book*(

"Hehe, I was joking, little brother. We didn't neglect you just now? In front of so many people, there is nothing we can do. If I don't take you away under such circumstances, I will lose this." Captain Wang said He pointed at his big cap, smiled wryly and said

"No way, hehe, we are the ones who caused trouble for Captain Wang, the police and the people should cooperate, and cooperation with Captain Wang is what we should do," Liu Boyang said with a smile

"Haha, little brother is well said. Since this is the case, I can rest assured. Forgive me for asking. Is my family respect really Liu Tianlong?" When Captain Wang mentioned Liu Tianlong's name, he no longer dared to show any emotion. With a smile on his face, he asked solemnly

When Liu Tianlong was calling the wind and rain in City W, he was just in junior high school. At that time, he fully understood the great ability of Mr. Liu. After so many years, although Daoer rumored that Mr. Liu had withdrawn from the arena, but his The name is still very famous, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, his old man is much stronger than the current gangsters in W City, it is estimated that one look can wash the blood of the entire W City, and I can never afford to provoke such a person

"My name is Liu Boyang." Liu Boyang said with a noncommittal smile. He didn't want others to think that he was made by relying on the old man. We men have hands and feet. We rely on our own ability to conquer the world, and it has nothing to do with anyone.

Captain Wang understood, nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, I had no choice but to bring the little brothers into the car just now, we also have difficulties as police officers, now the little brothers are free, you can leave at any time, or I It’s okay to find someone to take you back.”

"No need, hehe, don't bother the captain, we can go back by ourselves." Liu Boyang took his wife Sun Xiaorou's hand and said with a smile

"Well, and, little brother, let me say one more thing, the crackdown has been severe recently, I know that little brother must have the ambition of Jiazun back then, to set off a hurricane in the underground world of City W, but please don't make any noise Make it too big, otherwise not only will I not be able to protect you, maybe I will also pay for it with you." Captain Wang said earnestly

"Hehe, I see. Don't worry, captain. I know what I'm doing. I won't cause trouble for you easily." Liu Boyang said with a smile

"Besides, if little brother needs my help in this area in the future, just make a phone call, and I will take care of things on the field. Little brother understands people, do you understand what I mean? "

"Okay, then thank you Captain Wang for your love. This is exactly what I want to say. From then on, we will work together to stabilize this area, haha"

"Well said, it's my Wang Tiande's good luck to meet my little brother today. In this way, little brother, there is a foot-washing city over there that was opened by a friend of mine. I took a stake in it. In order to express my apology, Brother Liu can take your brothers there to have some fun today, and credit it to my account when it's done."

His titles are getting closer and closer, from little brother to Liu brother, the relationship between the two seems to have improved a lot at once

"Hehe, then I would like to accept Captain Wang's kindness. Respect is worse than obedience. I thank you on behalf of the brothers."

"What's the matter, Brother Liu is going to save me face, have fun"

"No problem, I will inevitably cause trouble to Captain Wang in the future, but I, Liu Boyang, am also a good citizen who abides by the law. Captain Wang takes good care of me, and I will 'repay the government' in the future," Liu Boyang said pointedly.

"Haha, Brother Liu is too polite, so I am also looking forward to the day when Brother Liu rises from Dongshan Mountain." Captain Wang laughed.

At this moment, he was actually still shocked. Sure enough, there is no dog in the generation of tigers. After negotiating with Liu Boyang just a few words, he found that this person's scheming was unfathomable.

When Liu Boyang and others got out of the car, a police officer next to him asked Captain Wang, "Captain, why are you talking so politely to that kid? Who is he?"

"A person we can't afford to provoke, drive." Captain Wang restrained the smile on his face, looked out at Liu Boyang and a group of people through the car window, and murmured: "Liu Tianlong's grandson really deserves his reputation. , it must not be something in the pool."

"This W city, it won't be long before it's going to be stormy again..."

After seeing the police car leaving, Lao Mao and others surrounded Liu Boyang with a smile, and asked, "Brother Yang, what did the captain tell you? Why were his subordinates so polite to us along the way?"

Liu Boyang smiled lightly and said, "It's not that old bastard principal who told him about the old man."

"Haha, let me tell you, the attitude of the **** changed so quickly, so she is also a pious person." The old cat said with a smile

"Don't say that, we will use each other more in the future." Liu Boyang laughed

Behind Hou Qiang and the others stood where they were and did not dare to say a word, even if Liu Boyang told them to die, they would be willing

My eldest brother is so powerful that even the police came to take the initiative to approach him. Moreover, it seems that Brother Yang still has a deep background, and even the awesome Captain Wang is talking about it. Who is my boss? ah

The name Liu Tianlong, of course, these juniors have never heard of it. Even if they heard it before, they can't think of it now, but since they saw what happened today, they have nothing to say about Liu Boyang, the boss. Yeah, one-on-one is awesome, the brother-in-law is awesome, the gang is awesome, the family background is awesome, even the kung fu of picking up girls is awesome, how can there be such an awesome person in the world

They all felt that being able to keep up with Liu Boyang in this life was the result of their eight lifetimes of cultivation.

"Brother Yang, who is Liu Tianlong? Is it your grandfather?" Sun Xiaorou looked at Liu Boyang with eyes full of admiration at the moment. Her man always brought him surprises. He was completely captured by Liu Boyang

"Hehe, he's just a perverted old man. My daughter-in-law doesn't have to be confused. I'll just take you home and see him later." If Liu Tianlong heard his precious grandson commenting on him like this outside, it would be no wonder he vomited blood out of anger. Pain him for nothing

When Sun Xiaorou heard that Liu Boyang had even spoken out, she couldn't help but blushed slightly, but her heart was full of joy, could she really marry Liu Boyang in the future?how happy that would be

"Brother Yang, what should we do now? Go back to school?" Hou Qiang stepped forward and asked

"Well, you all go back with me. As for the old cat Gazi, you four don't have to go there. It's no fun to surf the Internet all day long. Just now Captain Wang told me that there is a Footwashing City over there that he covers. Let’s go and play together, it’s cheaper for you guys, enjoy yourself” Liu Boyang said with a smile

"Haha, it's better for Brother Yang to understand the brothers, alright, although my old cat is pure, kind and upright, but I really can't do that kind of thing that hinders other people's good intentions, let me be wronged for a while." with a cheeky smile

Cui Guodong Huzi and others looked cold, and even Gao Zhenfei curled his lips in disgust, are you so fucking pure?In the fourth grade of elementary school, your mother is not a virgin anymore

"Fifth brother, you are the vanguard of the army. Are you ashamed to say that? I won't criticize your flirtatious things in front of my sister-in-law. Stop talking nonsense here." Huzi laughed.

"Huzi, you are fucking itchy again, aren't you..."

"Ah, brother cat, don't come here... Wow, why do you keep bullying me?"


Sun Xiaorou saw those two live treasures having a good time, and couldn't help but burst out laughing, that appearance was really overwhelming, fascinating all beings

"What is the daughter-in-law laughing at?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile

"Brother Yang, where did you find so many good brothers?" Sun Xiaorou asked softly

"Hehe, they're all from the same village. We played together until the end. There are a few more. You'll know each other in the future. It's a blessing in my life, Liu Boyang, to be able to worship them." , the mood is more or less bad

"Uh, brother Yang, go to the free foot-washing city, why don't you ask us to go too? We don't want to go back to class. I heard that the massage lady there is very touching. Let's go in and enjoy it, can't we?" Hou Qiang and others pitifully called Qu Dao

Note to readers:

collection, smashing bricks

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