"Oh? It's the beautiful class leader? Why are you here? You came here to see me?" Suddenly seeing Song Qianxia rushing in like a little rabbit, carrying fruit, Liu Boyang immediately understood. , asked in a good mood

Sun Xiaorou next to him gave him an angry look, but since she had agreed to allow him to have three wives and four concubines, she was already mentally prepared, so she didn't have too many complaints

Song Qianxia felt sore in her heart, but she still deliberately pretended to be nonchalant, squeezed out a smile, walked over to Liu Boyang's bed with the fruit she brought, and asked, "Is student Liu Boyang feeling better?"

"It's much better, hehe, who told you I'm here?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile

"Everyone in the class knows about it," Song Qianxia said honestly

"Oh." Liu Boyang nodded, continued to smile and said, "It's still the class monitor who is enthusiastic, and brought so many things to see me."

Song Qianxia forced a smile and said: "Student Liu Boyang, what are you talking about? You are so wise and powerful in the morning. You alone cleaned up the entire second and third of the high school gangsters. As the class monitor, shouldn't I come to visit you and express my congratulations?" ?”

"Qianxia, ​​don't stand and talk, please sit down." Sun Xiaorou generously walked over and took Song Qianxia's hand, pulling her to sit beside him

"Xiaorou, I didn't expect you to be here. When did you and Liu Boyang meet? Are you... boyfriend and girlfriend?" Song Qianxia regretted a little after she asked, she really deserves to be damned, why did she suddenly come up? Asking such a sensitive topic like this, isn't it showing my inner thoughts that I care about this matter?

But after asking, she felt a little frustrated. Is there still a need to ask?If the two of them weren't lovers, would they have acted so close just now?What are you chewing your tongue on?

Song Qianxia sneaked a glance at Sun Xiaorou, feeling that she was not as confident as her, her legs were not as long as hers, her breasts were not as big as hers, the only thing that stood out was that her skin was also very good... Uh, what are you thinking

In fact, Song Qianxia is a little inferior to think this way. Her appearance is not much worse than Sun Xiaorou. The two have their own characteristics. Although both belong to the gentle and virtuous type, Sun Xiaorou belongs to the kind of personality that is soft like autumn water, faint but mixed with strength. but Song Qianxia belongs to the kind of soft and honest girl who is as gentle as spring willows and Lin Daiyu

Liu Boyang was a little surprised. It turned out that the two had known each other for a long time.

You must know that Sun Xiaorou, like Song Qianxia, ​​is also a top student in the class. Every time the exam is in the same exam room, she once participated in the Olympic tutoring in the school together. Although she is not very familiar, she has met him several times. In front of me, I have talked several times, not to mention that these two people have been rated as four-level flowers by good people, and it is difficult not to hear each other's name.

"Hehe, I'm just here too. Don't get me wrong. Liu Boyang and I are just ordinary friends. The fight between Liu Boyang and Ning Gaoning this morning was due to me, and I came to thank him." Sun Xiaorou said with a charming smile

As soon as these words came out, Liu Boyang was taken aback immediately, he was a little unpredictable for a while, what does the daughter-in-law mean by saying this?

Sun Xiaorou secretly gave Liu Boyang a gentle and sly look, don't you want to chase her too?People are helping you, can't you see it?

Sun Xiaorou said this, not only would it not make Song Qianxia continue to feel jealous because of the intimacy of the two just now, and she might give up Liu Boyang because of it, and the deed of the hero who saved the beauty would also win her over. You must know that a boy with a chivalrous heart is a deadly trump card for a gentle and considerate girl.

Sun Xiaorou looked at Liu Boyang, and sighed in her heart: Husband, it's a good deal for you. I could tell that Qianxia was also interested in you, but now that people say that, she can't escape your palm.

Liu Boyang immediately understood what his daughter-in-law meant, and he was really touched and didn't know what to say. Sun Xiaorou's generosity and understanding were beyond his imagination. She actually offered to help him chase girls?Such a good girl, where else in the whole world can I find a second one?

Liu Boyang made up his mind that no matter how many women there are in the future, he will not treat Sun Xiaorou badly.

In fact, this is also where Sun Xiaorou's cleverness is. Knowing that she can't stop it, it's better to generously fulfill her man's good deeds. This is how many times better than playing tricks. Not only will she not make her man angry, but she will also make her He has a heart of gratitude and indebtedness to himself, so he will treat himself well for the rest of his life

Of course, this trick can only be used on a man with a conscience. If you change to that kind of wolf-hearted guy, he will not be able to read your mind. Liu Boyang is not that kind of person

After listening to Sun Xiaorou's words, Song Qianxia felt relieved a lot, hehe, it turned out that they were not that kind of relationship, and they made her worry for nothing. Thinking of this, she felt much more relaxed, and the smile on her face returned to the original Chunzhen tilted her head and said with a smile: "Ah, I misunderstood that. Who would have thought that classmate Liu Boyang would be a hero to save the beauty?"

"Squad leader, you only met me the next day." Liu Boyang smiled and said that since his daughter-in-law strongly supports him in dating her, why do he pretend to be a big deal? It is inevitable to leave a good impression on this little beauty.

"Narcissist, don't you know how to be humble?" Song Qianxia said angrily in a good mood

"Okay, follow the instructions of the beautiful squad leader, and dare not in the future." Liu Boyang said with an exaggerated smile

"Hehe, is your injury serious?"

"It's not a big problem, it's just a minor injury. Even if it's serious, if you come to visit me personally, I'm not serious anymore." When dealing with this kind of little sheep, Liu Boyang certainly knows how to add words to his words, keeping his words inseparable. make fun of

Song Qianxia blushed a little when he said it, but her heart was sweet. She pouted and said, "Really? I am so important to Liu Boyang?"

"That has to be, I never lie"

"Tch, you dare to say such frivolous things in front of Xiaorou, are you shy?" Song Qianxia said cutely, sticking out her tongue

"I can't help it, who made me never go around the corner with beautiful women?" Liu Boyang made an innocent look

Sun Xiaorou next to her pursed her lips to hold back her smile, and gave him a sly wink, implying encouragement and reprimand: Unexpectedly, brother Yang, you are quite powerful, but why have you never said these words to me? ...

"You..." He told Song Qianxia that she couldn't sit still anymore. This girl has a thin skin, although her heart is as sweet as honey, but after all, with Sun Xiaorou watching, how could she, who has always been reserved, still Can you bear it?

"I'm ignoring you, it's time for class. I'll go back first, Xiaorou, do you want to go?" Song Qianxia turned her head and asked Sun Xiaorou

"Hehe, I'm going to leave later, you go first" Sun Xiaorou said with a smile

"Oh" Song Qianxia patted her buttocks and stood up, pouted and looked at Liu Boyang, pointed to the bag and said, "I bought some fruits for you, I'll let Xiaorou wash and eat them for you later"

"Okay" Liu Boyang smiled and nodded

"Get well soon"

"Do not"

"No? Why?" Song Qianxia asked suspiciously

"There is a beautiful squad leader who visits me every day, I wish I could be hospitalized every day." Liu Boyang laughed.

Song Qianxia's face was completely red, she stomped her feet angrily, and said angrily, "Who said he wants to see you every day? I don't care about the beauty you think, Xiaorou, I'll go first."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and left, intentionally ignoring Liu Boyang's eyes, she was so happy in her heart, and after walking out of the ward, she hummed a song unknowingly, her steps were so light and vigorous

"Daughter-in-law, thank you." Seeing Song Qianxia walk out of the ward, Liu Boyang smiled and held up Sun Xiaorou's little hand and said

Sun Xiaorou lay down on him like a kitten, her slender hands grabbed Liu Boyang's abdominal muscles tightly, and said with a smile while twisting: "Student Liu Boyang, I can't tell, you're pretty good at picking up girls."

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