The best boy on campus

Chapter 41 It's You?

Although Sun Xiaorou's hands weren't too strong, the pinching of Liu Boyang still hurt a lot. Liu Boyang grinned and denied, "Daughter-in-law, how can it be, how can it be?"

"Hmph, tell me the truth, how many girlfriends have you had?" Sun Xiaorou didn't believe his words, she just saw Liu Boyang's smooth tongue

"Just you," Liu Boyang said dishonestly

"Humph" the strength in the hand increases

"Ah, I said, I said, there have been many, but you are my favorite one." Liu Boyang's words are true. Among the girls who used to be with him, which one moved him as much as Sun Xiaorou ?Few of those people could really walk into his heart, but Sun Xiaorou managed to

"Why?" Sun Xiaorou raised her head and asked

"Because you are the most sensible one." Liu Boyang put away his joking expression and said seriously

"It's more or less the same." Sun Xiaorou withdrew her hands and lay quietly in Liu Boyang's arms, silent for a long time

Liu Boyang stretched out his hand to gently stroke her hair, feeling her body temperature and the two pairs of plump breasts, and felt a burst of satisfaction in his heart.

"I can see that Qianxia also really likes you." After the silence, Sun Xiaorou suddenly said

"Is there?" Liu Boyang asked knowingly, of course he also knew that the little girl was attracted to him, otherwise he wouldn't have worked so hard to buy so many things and run so many wards to find him, but he still pretended to be stupid in front of his wife full of good

"It's a woman's intuition, I'm sure." Sun Xiaorou raised her face and said seriously

"Oh, hehe, it seems that I am really blessed, and I immediately attracted the attention of the two superstars." Liu Boyang smiled and brushed Sun Xiaorou's hair

"Brother Yang, always remember what you promised me." Sun Xiaorou put away the previous jokes and said


"No matter how many women you have in the future, don't forget me and treat me well for the rest of your life," Sun Xiaorou repeated

"Well, don't worry, daughter-in-law, I will do what I say, and I won't disappoint my daughter-in-law." Liu Boyang said again as if showing his loyalty

Just kidding, for such a sensible girl, if I don't love her well, wouldn't that be an idiot?

"Hehe, that's good, I believe Brother Yang, I'll wash the fruit for you to eat." Sun Xiaorou stood up, looked through the bag, turned her head and asked Liu Boyang: "What do you want to eat? Apples or pears?"


"Well, wait a minute, I'll wash it for you." Sun Xiaorou said, picked up a few apples, and walked out of the ward

Liu Boyang looked at Sun Xiaorou's back, and the expression on his face did not return to seriousness until he walked out, is he an idiot?There is such a good daughter-in-law who still eats what's in the bowl and thinks about what's in the pot, and messes around with flowers and three wives and four concubines, can I be worthy of her?

Don't look at Sun Xiaorou pretending to be indifferent now, but Liu Boyang understands in his heart that Sun Xiaorou is actually very uncomfortable in his heart, love is selfish, who is willing to share his lover with others?The reason why Sun Xiaorou did this was because she had no choice. For Liu Boyang's happiness, she decided to sacrifice herself

Damn it, Liu Boyang, are you still human?

The more Liu Boyang thought about it, the more irritable he became, but there was another thought in his mind that he refused to admit defeat. People who are not flirtatious are in vain, who wouldn't yearn for the life of three wives and four concubines?For Song Qianxia, ​​Ning Yeqi and the others, I was tempted, what should I do if I couldn't control it?

Damn, I'm not born to be a love sage

It doesn't matter, anyway, Sun Xiaorou has already acquiesced, so what are you still thinking about?What are you pretending to be?At worst, I will do my best to treat Sun Xiaorou well in the future, as compensation. If I am fettered by these things every day and become a mother-in-law, what big things can I do?

"Brother Yang, what are you thinking?" Sun Xiaorou asked with a smile when she saw Liu Boyang staring at the ceiling in a daze after washing the fruit.

"Oh, it's nothing, what time is it now? You go back to class" Liu Boyang said after recovering

"Well, I'll peel the apples for you before leaving," Sun Xiaorou said softly

"No need, I like to eat with the skin on, don't worry about me, you are late for class now, if the teacher dares to trouble you, tell me," Liu Boyang said

"Hehe, it's okay, our teacher is very good to me, that's good, Brother Yang, I'll come to you after school." Sun Xiaorou finished speaking lightly, stood up and turned around to leave

"Daughter-in-law—" Liu Boyan suddenly stopped him

"...?" Sun Xiaorou turned around and looked at him puzzled.

"Did you blame me?" Liu Boyang didn't dare to look into Sun Xiaorou's eyes, and asked while looking at the ceiling

"No, why do you say that?" Sun Xiaorou asked in surprise

"That's good, hehe, don't worry, one day, I will marry you." Liu Boyang finally felt relieved and said with a smile

Sun Xiaorou was stunned in place, and after a long while, she came back from happiness, her pretty face flushed slightly, tears gradually filled her eyes, she walked over and hugged Liu Boyang's neck, kissed him on the cheek, and lay down on her knees Said in his ear: "Husband, I love you"

After speaking, he ran away like a cunning little rabbit, looked back at Liu Boyang and smiled at the door, and finally left the ward

The faint body temperature and wafting fragrance of his daughter-in-law still linger in his ears, Liu Boyang smiled gratifiedly, he is really a smoke from the ancestral grave, he is blessed in this life

Lying on the ward tossing and turning, everyone in Liu Boyang has had enough sleep, it's time to think about the development of the club in the future

The third child is gone, and now I have six brothers including myself, so it should be no problem to recruit dozens of younger brothers. Although it took less than two days, I have already settled the three groups. So far, there are still three groups of hostile forces in the school, Si Kongling, Xin Baokai, and Li Zifeng, especially the two in the second grade. Those who come out to hang out are very concerned about their status. If I am so arrogant, it will definitely cause their dissatisfaction. It will be a matter of time before there is a conflict. It is estimated that those people are planning some kind of plan now.

Thinking of Xin Baokai's appearance, Liu Boyang smiled lightly, it would be best if that guy could come and make trouble first, otherwise, he wouldn't mind taking him down first

Liu Boyang didn't care about people like Xin Baokai and Si Kongling at all. If anyone else cared about him in this school, he probably only had Peng Yousheng who was famous but rarely showed up in senior year. For some reason, Intuitively, Liu Boyang felt that that guy was not simple. Like the first and second graders, there are several groups of people who divide the world equally, but he dominates the third year alone. This strength is evident, and he is an enemy that cannot be underestimated.

Developing power in the school is only one aspect, and it must be done outside the school. After the second child arrives at noon today, call the brothers together to discuss it. Take it in one fell swoop and blow the reputation of the Kowloon Society

Liu Boyang's vision has always been very long-term, and the small S Middle School simply cannot satisfy his appetite. His current goal is to unify the underworld in the entire S City

It's not his Liu Boyang's style to make small troubles. If you want to play with the surname Liu, you can play with big ones, and if you want to mess around, you can hang out with the underworld.

One person hugged his head and thought for a long time. Suddenly, the door of the ward was pushed open again. The person who came this time made Liu Boyang never dreamed of it.

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