The best boy on campus

Chapter 418 The first knife!

"Strength is enough, but the speed of your knife is still too far away. Your second knife is useless. There is still the last knife, don't let me down again! The request is not much, no matter what method you use, As long as you can force me to move my body, you will pass the test!" Old Man Hong said lightly.

The old cat bent down and picked up the kitchen knife on the ground in shock. Although he had expected the old man to be very skilled, he never expected him to be so shocking to the point of perversion!

Although the two knives just now were not swung by the old cat in the best state of strength, they are far from what ordinary people can parry!The old man actually resolved them lightly, and he was able to fight back with ease. He almost crippled the old cat's arm by moving his fingers. The difference in this realm and strength is really too big!

When Wan Ziliang and the others heard that Mr. Hong was too slow even for an old cat, they all wished they could beat the drums to express their grievances, and jumped up and called you an old lunatic!Is there a mistake?If the old cat is slow, are there any fast people in this world?As far as his two knives just now, that is to say, you, old man Hong, can resist standing here. If it were someone else, he would have gone to drink tea with Hades long ago!

At this moment, the old cat admires the old man in addition to admiration. Today, he has met an expert, and he is convinced that he lost without the slightest bit of displeasure!Of course, Wan Ziliang and the others couldn't understand how awesome the old man was, but the old cat who was shot twice by the old man felt it deeply!

Don't look at the old man casually flicking the old cat with two skinny fingers just now, the feeling of that feeling directly made the whole arm so painful and numb that he lost all strength!But after only a few seconds, the old cat's arm miraculously recovered, and the strange feeling disappeared!

Obviously the old man is very measured in his actions, just now he just opened a side dish to refresh the old cat.He said that if the old cat can do it 1 times in one minute, it will never be only 99 times!

The well-known hero and tiger man is indeed an incredible dragon, snake, and reckless man!

The third knife!And the last knife!

The old cat took a deep breath, closed his eyes and calmed down, carefully recalling the scenes of Zhao'er with his fourth brother Gao Zhenfei in County H.Among the nine brothers, Lao Mao and Gao Zhenfei are the only ones who have really fought with their housekeeping skills!Although Gao Zhenfei was the winner in the final result, the old cat who was on the verge of going berserk forced Gao Zhenfei to not take it lightly, and the victory was a narrow victory!

That was the first time in Lao Mao's life that he really went all out to fight, even the black scorpion just couldn't force him to that point, and facing Mr. Hong now, it will be the second time he has tried his best !

Although they faced different people twice, the experience and lessons learned from the fiasco of the fourth brother should be used. Of course, the fourth brother is not as good as the old man Hong, but if he is here, he will definitely make the old man feel more fearsome!

"There's only one knife left, are you ready?" Seeing the old cat closed his eyes and meditating, old man Hong asked aloud.His tone was still tepid, but there was no smile like before. It was obvious that the old cat's two knives did not satisfy him.

The old cat took a deep breath, opened his eyes and said, "Okay!"

I don't know what he remembered when he closed his eyes just now, even the tone of his words changed, as if he was a different person, without the previous nervousness and fear, but with a faint confidence.

The old man Hong saw the clue, his eyes lit up, this is what he wanted!Otherwise, I wouldn't have forced the old cat twice!He is looking forward to the old cat's unique skills at the bottom of the box for him to see and see!

There is only the last knife left, which is related to the future of the old cat, whether it can be accepted as a closed disciple by the old man Hong!

Even Wan Ziliang, who is a brother, has his heart raised in his throat!He didn't dare to breathe, and watched quietly without saying a word.I don't have the blessing and strength to enter the gate wall of the old senior, of course I hope my brother will have good luck!

"Old man, are you ready?" Contrary to everyone's expectations, when the two sides were waiting in full force, the old cat suddenly asked.

"Me? Of course, you just let the horse go..." Before the old man finished speaking, his eyes suddenly turned cold!

I saw the old cat slamming the kitchen knife at the moment when his defenses were lax while he was speaking, then rushed forward instantly, raised the knife in his hand and dropped it, slashed across a half-moon arc from top to bottom, and slashed hard at the face of old man Hong Door!

Old Man Hong narrowed his eyes, are you still here?Isn't that how you cut the first knife?How much more waves can be played by repeating the old tricks?

The old man was also unambiguous, and he directly put the cicada wing knife on top. His skill is comparable to Lu Xiaofeng's consonant finger in the novel. I think he even blocked bullets in the Northeast back then!I saw that the narrow blade did not deviate, and blocked the old cat's blade fiercely again, preventing him from entering!

It's a pity that the old man miscalculated this time!

After the old cat's kitchen knife was blocked by the old man, he flipped the knife wrist, and in a flash, he swung the blade of the kitchen knife around the old man's cicada-winged knife in a circle. The huge blade directly hit the old man's chest fiercely!

All of this was calculated by the old cat. Seeing that the old man missed his chest, the old cat suddenly made a move, grabbed the handle of the knife, and stabbed the old man in the chest viciously!

The old man was shocked. The old cat's ability to turn the knife with one hand was so mysterious that it was far beyond his expectations!

He no longer dared to play with the mentality of playing. Seeing the old cat Ling Lie attacking his heart, the old man frowned, and could only dodge sideways, his feet still, but his upper body had to dodge and move, so that The old cat's kitchen knife directly wiped the clothes on his chest and passed through abruptly, but the old man firmly clamped the old cat's blade with two fingers, dragged it back and forth, and immediately made the old cat's whole body jump forward, controlling his steps. Can't help staggering and running forward!

The old man has sharp eyesight and quick hands, playing with the knife flower with one hand, and instantly buckled the cicada-wing knife to the wrist artery of the old cat holding the knife. The elbow of the other arm was already in mid-air, and adjusted the angle strangely, waiting for the old cat to Knock your neck up!

At that critical juncture, the old cat was about to have its wrists cut or its neck smashed by the old man's steely elbow, but suddenly the old man put one foot on his feet, and the toes of the old cat's toes firmly touched the giant old cat's front feet. All of a sudden, the old cat stopped abruptly and was nailed in place!

The Adam's apple on his neck was already attached to the old man's elbow, even if it was an inch further, the old cat would be dead!

All of this is said to be too late and then too soon. Wan Ziliang and the others actually only saw the old cat move for a while, and then saw the old man red beating the old cat to death. As for what happened during the period, no one could see clearly. No one can figure it out!

Time froze again, and after minutes and seconds passed, everyone looked at the two statue-like people in shock, the old cat's face was already sweating, it was cold sweat!It wasn't scare, but the sweat that oozes out of instinct after deeply feeling the imminent danger of death!

The old man Hong just missed Jingzhou carelessly, and accidentally exposed the empty door, allowing the old cat to take an inch forward!

But the old cat is wandering around the Hall of Yama, full of dangers!




【...Chapter 410 The third knife! 】

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