The best boy on campus

Chapter 419 Black and Red Double Evil!

"Quack, boy, it's not bad. Among the three cuts, this one is still decent. Although you are obviously suspected of deceiving me when I am talking, it is obvious that you have used your brains and brains. In the end You pass this test!" After the two of them stood still for a few seconds, Old Man Hong spoke first, and after being disappointed twice before, he finally smiled again, and put the knife as thin as a cicada's wing into his palm.

The old cat was finally able to take a deep breath. Thinking of the critical moment just now, he still has lingering fears, and said with sincere admiration: "Your old man is really much better than me. If I don't move, I will be more careful." , I can’t even get close to you! The gap is too big!”

The old man Hong laughed loudly after hearing this, and his dry and hoarse voice was not so unpleasant after he got used to it, and said: "You don't need to flatter me, to be honest, you have done a good job with the previous two swords, after all, you don't have a master to teach you , It’s all natural, this qualification, even the Menglan hero you admire in your mouth, can’t compare with you! I’m just picking on the shortcomings. I said you are worthless before, just trying to push you to the extreme , and see what tricks you can do. Facts have proved that you have not let me down."

The old cat was ashamed, embarrassed by the old man's praise, scratched his head and laughed: "This is all when I was playing heads-up with my brothers, and I figured it out by myself. When I hit them, I can only do tricks on the knife, and if I fail in one blow, I will make repeated stabs, only in this way can I get some ground, otherwise I can only be abused by them dryly."

Old Man Hong was quite surprised, and asked excitedly, "Oh? Do you have other stubborn brothers?"

The old cat said: "That's right! There are eight brothers in total that I have played since childhood!" He pointed back at Wan Ziliang, and said, "Brothers like Lao Wan, I just met in school. As for the eight brothers, we have grown up playing games since we were young. They are all good at martial arts, and they are all better than me! Especially my eldest brother, second brother and third brother, I am not on the same level as them. He's really soaring, I can't beat him with one hand!" When mentioning the big brother Liu Boyang, the old cat seemed to have endless words, and his heart was filled with an indescribable warm feeling.

"There is such a thing?" Old Man Hong was surprised, a thousand gold is easy to get, but a good talent is hard to find!Today, I found that a good young man is already lucky, but he actually said that there are eight other people who are not the same as him!If I can accept it myself, isn't this God wanting to make my Red Three Swords flourish?And if his elder brother, Hero Menglan, whom Lao Mao had admired for a long time, also had his eyes on two of his favourites, wouldn't there be an heir to Hei Sandao?

The combination of black and red is unrivaled!Bullying and close combat, the world is irresistible!Except for the seven strange people whose whereabouts are erratic, who else in the whole country can stand shoulder to shoulder with the black and red double evil spirits?

"Yes! If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely introduce them to you, the old man!" Seeing that the old man Hong is also interested in his brothers, the old cat is very excited. If the brothers can also accept this strange man in the future With the guidance of the old man, the fighting power has been improved to a higher level. Then in the future, the brothers will follow Brother Yang to fight against the big gangsters and create a piece of the Liu family world, which is even more not empty talk!

"That's all! I also want to meet the amazing young people you mentioned, Quack! Today's trip didn't come in vain, I should be lucky!" Old Man Hong said with a smile.

The old cat rejoiced and said: "Then I will thank senior on behalf of my brothers!"

Old Man Hong smiled and said: "Why, you were so anxious just now, why don't you want to be a teacher now? Are you still called Senior?"

When the old cat heard this, he was even more delighted, and hurriedly said: "Thank you, old man Hong! Thanks to you for looking up to my old cat, you will be my master in the future! My old cat swears to God, I will treat you with respect and gratitude in the future." , work hard to learn the style, so as not to embarrass you! Here is a ceremony for you, master, please..."

The old man Hong didn't wait for the old cat to finish speaking, he held the excited old cat with one hand and said with a smile: "Come on, I don't like these nonsense, I don't want to let me down, just keep learning from me in the future, With you, Red Three Swords, I believe it will be able to regain its glory!"

"Yeah!" The old cat said excitedly.Looking at the smiling and kind old man in front of him, he still can't believe that all this is true. How can it be such a coincidence that when he comes out to kill someone, he can be accepted as a disciple by an expert hermit?Could it be that I have done a lot of good deeds recently, and my character has exploded? ——Brother Mao, who couldn't reach the edge with eight poles, thought happily in his heart.

"Quack, big apprentice, what's your last name, I haven't told the old man yet!" Old man Hong said with a smile.

"Master, my name is Yuan Dapeng!" Lao Mao laughed.

"Yuan Dapeng?" The old man Hong chewed carefully, pondered for a while, and praised: "That's right, a good name, the person lives up to his name, Jin Ling Dapeng, although unwritten, has the spirit of eating cows!"

The old cat was even more embarrassed by the praise of the old man Hong, and smiled: "Master, don't praise me, I am good at everything, but I am thin-skinned! Now we are a family, can I ask you something? Ah? Are you that Menglan hero?"

"No." Old Man Hong pursed his lips and said with a smile, "You really admire him so much? If you really want to see him, wait a little while, maybe I will grant your wish."

The old cat was so excited that his whole body trembled instantly, and he didn't dare to say it: "True, really?" After he finished speaking, he realized that he lost his words, and no apprentice doubted the master's truth, so he hurriedly covered his mouth.

But the old man Hong was very good-tempered, he didn't care at all, and said with a smile: "Come on, follow me to identify the house!"

"Where are you going?" the old cat asked blankly, although he just recognized his master, but it is so late now, does he still want to take himself away?I haven't met Brother Yang yet about killing the black scorpion today!

"Of course it's my place. I'll take you to find out the door now. No matter what you do in the future, you must spare one day every week to go to my place and let me hone your skills. Can you do it?" Old Man Hong said.

The old cat thought about it for a while, and said firmly: "No problem!" It's a good thing to learn art by yourself, and I believe Brother Yang should be happy for himself too!

"Well, that's good, let's go." The old man said, striding towards the darkness behind the T-shaped street.

From the beginning to the end, he never looked directly at Wan Ziliang and the others, as if people who had nothing to do with him didn't deserve his attention, and he didn't need to think about what he said or did.

The old cat hesitated a little, and whispered to Wan Ziliang: "Old Wan, then I will go to the master to identify the door first, you have seen everything here, and when Brother Yang comes, you will follow him for me." Explain clearly!"

Wan Ziliang nodded and said: "Don't worry! I know, you just go! Leave everything here to me and my brothers!"

The old cat let out a sigh, turned around to look at the Black Scorpion brothers who died tragically in the firefight just now, Black Scorpion himself, and the blood-stained ground, and sighed: "It may be a little troublesome, these dead bodies are best found It would be nice if the place burned..."

At this moment, the old man Hong, who had already gone away, suddenly said a word from his figure hidden in the darkness, "I don't care about these things, you group of half-grown children, what should you do when you go back? If Hongmen has taken on the burden, it should be regarded as an introductory gift for my apprentice. If someone asks tomorrow, let him come to me directly!"




[……Chapter 410: Black and Red Shuangsha! 】

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