"Oh? Who is she looking for to clean me up?" Liu Boyang asked with a faint smile, soaking *book*(

Hou Qiang and the others were filled with admiration again, Guo Xiao said, "It's her god-brother, the Siberian Tiger who is the leader of Huajie."

"Siberian tiger?"

"It's because that guy is a famous ruthless character in Huajie. Huajie used to be chaotic and there were many bosses, but in the end those who competed with him were chopped into meat sauce and fed to dogs by him, or they were buried alive. , except for the owner of the 'Taiping Restaurant', Xiang Xiang, no one in China Street dares to say no to him now," Guo Xiao explained

Liu Boyang heard this, and said with a faint smile: "Well, so he can be considered a character, how did that little girl Xiao Xueting know him?"

"We don't know about this, but it seems that...Xiao Xueting made him a godbrother in name, but not his little wife in fact. We often saw the Siberian Tiger send a car to pick her up. It’s a day to go out and play,” Lu Dong said.

Liu Boyang squinted his eyes, he didn't expect that little girl to be picked up first. Hearing the name of the Siberian tiger, he knew it was not a good thing. Guy bag?It's so fucking beautiful to accompany an ugly man, it's so hard to fuck

"Then what kind of character is the elephant?" Liu Boyang asked lightly

"There is also the No. [-] guy in China Street. He is a bald, fat man with meat all over his body. He was born earlier than the Siberian Tiger, but he is not as ruthless as the Siberian Tiger. He used to own most of the territory in Huajie, but now he is letting the Northeast The tiger has almost snatched it up, I heard that the two of them are fighting each other these two days, otherwise the Siberian tiger would have come to the school to trouble you," Guo Xiao said

"So this Huajie is not stable, who is in the upper hand now?" Liu Boyang asked

"The Siberian Tiger heard that the Siberian Tiger led people to copy the 'Taiping Restaurant' last night. All the waitresses were pressed to the ground and raped, and the men who dared to speak were chopped off. By the time the elephant heard Xin'er and rushed over, it was too late. , it is estimated that the two of them are now gathering people to prepare for the last fight."

"Well, where is this Huajie?"

"It's the street behind our school. It's a night market street. It's very bustling. There are lights, feasting and greenery at night. Many big shots in the city often have fun in it, but now they are almost unified by the Siberian tiger." Hou Qiang said with a bit of a sigh

There are wine, ktv, foot washing city, sauna building, restaurant, barber shop and other industries in Huajie. For the underworld, they are all places where money can be made quickly. If the Siberian Tiger completely unifies there, his strength will be greatly improved. In Huajie, he can fuck any woman he wants, and ask for money if anyone doesn't like it, how prestige and domineering

"Hehe, God helped me too." Liu Boyang suddenly said something that Hou Qiang and others couldn't understand

"Who is the Siberian tiger? It seems quite arrogant. It's unlucky for him to offend our brothers." Liu Boyang smiled faintly.

"Ah, Brother Yang, aren't you afraid that the Siberian Tiger will come to the school to look for you after the elephant is settled? Now we have many brothers, but we can't compare with the Siberian Tigers. They have guns." Guo Xiao said with some concern

"Looking for me? I still want to look for him. Huajie is such a big piece of fat, how can I give it up to others? Why don't you care about the Siberian tiger and the Northwest cat? I've targeted it, and it's hard for anyone to speak." Liu Boyang rolled his eyes Yi ruthlessly said, after what happened with Ning Yeqi, he was unhappy at first, and was just looking for someone to vent his anger on, but this Siberian tiger came to his door by himself, not to mention that this beast dared to seduce the woman he liked. If you don't abolish him, will you be worthy of your last name?

Who is the leader of Huajie?Amur tiger?You are the one who killed me

"Brother Yang, think it over. This Siberian Tiger is no better than those forces in our school. Although he is incomparable with the four major gangs in W City today, he is not a force to be provoked. He fell into their hands." There are now a thousand people instead of eight hundred, can we beat them?" Hearing that Liu Boyang has such a big appetite that he even wants to kill the Siberian tiger, Hou Qiang and others were both excited and worried I am excited that if I can really rule Huajie with Brother Yang in the future, then having fun is just a matter of one word, but the worry is that if the Siberian tiger counterfeit it, I will have to accompany my life

"Hmph, as long as I, Liu Boyang, want to do things in this world, there is nothing I can't do. Don't be afraid. I won't lead you to do it with Siberian tigers in a straightforward manner. We are students and educated people. You need to use your brain to do things." Liu Boyang smiled and pointed to his forehead

"Ah, Brother Yang, what do you mean?" Hou Qiang and others asked in surprise

"Hehe, I already have an idea in my mind. I, Liu Boyang, don't do things that I'm not sure about, and I don't do things that I'm sure about. Just follow me with a hundred hearts, I won't let you die in vain, I will take you to enjoy the blessings," Liu Boyang said with a smile

"Yes" after listening to Liu Boyang's words, a group of younger brothers were as excited as if they had been beaten. Although they were just gangsters in the school and had never thought of conflicting with the real black forces in society, Liu Boyang's words Let them let go of a lot of horizons, and each of them took out their guts. Who doesn't hang a head on both shoulders, and when they come out to mix, they will become big, and the gangsters are especially awesome?

For no reason, they suddenly had a strong confidence in their hearts. Under the leadership of Brother Yang, they would definitely be able to carve out a world in the underworld of W City

"Brother Yang, we all listen to you. We will do it whenever you say. I, Hou Qiang, who was the first to play forward, have long thought that the Siberian Tigers are not pleasing to the eyes. People who are almost [-] are still fucking Forced to come to the school to find girls, it’s simply that we don’t see us who are mixed schools.”

"That's right, Brother Yang, if we catch him, we'll castrate him first, then chop him up and feed him to the dogs"

Seeing this group of younger brothers all inspired by me to fight, the Siberian tiger, which was originally a taboo figure in their hearts, has now become meat on the cutting board, Liu Boyang is very satisfied, what he wants is to find an effect, man My blood is used to fight, I don't believe that I and my brothers can't fight together with this group of little calves

"Don't worry, hehe, although I already have an idea in my heart, I have to discuss it with you Gazi brothers later, and make a decision after careful consideration. After all, this is also a big deal. Let's not fight unprepared battles." Liu Boyang smiled road

"Brother Yang, let's wait for the Siberian tiger and the elephant to lose both, and take them out with a surprise attack. This will save a lot of trouble," Guo Xiao said.

Liu Boyang raised his head to look at this boy, and couldn't help but nodded in his heart. Among the younger brothers in front of him, he had the most flexible mind, and he was more suitable to be a small military adviser. Relatively speaking, Hou Qiang had more courage than resourcefulness. Information It is more active in nature, suitable for being a soldier or intelligence collector in the front line. Another day, after the old cats and their transfer procedures are completed, I will inevitably be able to open the incense hall. These younger brothers need to do corresponding tasks according to their different characteristics. As a boss, "make the best use of everything and make the best use of people" is something that you have to deal with

"Guo Xiao is right. A smart person will always choose the best time to act, cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, and never cause future troubles. I will stop here at noon today. When I do it, I will give you orders. Now you all go back. I have other things"

"Yes" a group of younger brothers didn't say much, they all responded respectfully and walked out of the classroom

Liu Boyang also stood up, took out his mobile phone and made a call with Lao Mao and the others, asking them to pick him up in a car. As soon as he hung up the phone and went out, he suddenly saw his daughter-in-law Sun Xiaorou standing at the door with a smile on her face, waiting for him

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