"How long have you been here?" Liu Boyang stepped forward and put his arms around his wife's shoulders with a smile

"I came here a long time ago. I saw you guys discussing things inside, so I didn't bother you." Sun Xiaorou said sensiblely

"How do you know I'm back in class?" Liu Boyang asked

"You guessed it, I ran to the infirmary after class, and when I saw you weren't there, I guessed that you must have returned to the classroom, Brother Yang, are you...are you going out to fight with people again?" Sun Xiaorou looked at Liu Boyang with eyes full of eyes. asked worriedly

"Did you hear what you said just now?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile

"Yeah." Sun Xiaorou pursed her lips and nodded, thought for a while, and said hesitantly: "Brother Yang, I know you are very capable, but even I know that the Siberian tiger in Huajie is not someone to mess with." , can you not conflict with him?"

"Daughter-in-law, you don't have to worry about it, I know it well," Liu Boyang said with a light smile

"No, I want to take care of it. Brother Yang, you are already very strong now. The whole freshman year of high school is yours. Are you still not satisfied? Please don't go outside the school to expand your power, it will be very dangerous Yes," Sun Xiaorou said with her lips in full of worry.

She knows that as a girl, she should not ask about some things about men, but she is worried about Liu Boyang and doesn't want him to have any accidents

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry about me. Don't worry, I will be fine. I will marry you in the future. How can I put myself in danger?" Liu Boyang pinched his wife's face and said with a smile

"But Brother Yang..." Sun Xiaorou still didn't give up

"Don't talk about it," Liu Boyang waved his hand, and said lightly: "I will never change the things I decide easily, and no one can talk to you. Wife, you should know that I came to this city W not just to be a student Yes, since my grandfather's generation, there hasn't been a mediocre person named Liu, how can I lose face?"

Seeing his aloof expression, daughter-in-law Sun Xiaorou knew in her heart that she couldn't persuade him no matter what, she couldn't help feeling wronged and sad for a while, her eye circles were slightly red, and she almost burst into tears

Seeing his daughter-in-law showing such a state, Liu Boyang couldn't bear it for a while. Let such a sensible daughter-in-law worry about him every day in the future. He also felt that he was too selfish, but the way he decided couldn't be changed. The only choice he could make was It's almost time to cut the mess

Liu Boyang suppressed the feeling of pity in his heart, tried his best to smile and asked: "Xiaorou, do you regret it? Only after following me did I realize that I am not the kind of person you imagined. If this is the case, it is still too late for you to regret it now." ..."

Before he could finish speaking, a pale finger suddenly sealed his mouth

Sun Xiaorou said with tears in her eyes: "Brother Buyang, don't get me wrong that I have never regretted my decision, I only said this because I was worried about you..."

"From the moment I saw you last night, I knew Brother Yang that you are definitely a hardworking figure in society. I still choose to follow you because I want to treat you well, Brother Yang, you know Well, I don't ask you to be able to stand up to the sky in the future, to be able to dominate the world, to be able to look down on the heroes, to be able to look down on the world, what I hope is that we can be together forever in peace, grow old, even if we live the most ordinary life, every day I will feel happy even if I have simple tea and light food, as long as you treat me well, I will love you forever." Sun Xiaorou said in a low voice with red eyes

This is what she was thinking as a little woman. After she finished speaking with tears, she buried her head in Liu Boyang's chest and sobbed softly.

Liu Boyang sighed deeply, lovingly stroked his wife's docile hair, was silent for a while, and said with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, I understand, I promise you, when I fulfill my life goal, I will Retiring to the Jianghu, as you said, we live an ordinary and peaceful life, aloof from the world, unknown to the public, watching our children hugging each other and talking happily every day, I love you very much"

"Yeah" Hearing her man's vow, Sun Xiaorou was so moved that she cried even more fiercely, and hugged Liu Boyang tightly, as if she wanted to be immersed in the kind of happiness he described forever

Liu Boyang let his daughter-in-law hide in his arms and cried for a while, gently stroked her hair, and comforted her in a low voice, until the old cat called and said that they had arrived at the school gate, and the two reluctantly separated, holding each other start walking downstairs

Lao Mao Huzi and others stood outside the van, smoking cigarettes and quietly waiting for Liu Boyang. Yang Lin had already finished the matter of transferring schools there, so he rushed over together. Several people watched Liu Boyang holding Sun Xiaorou's hand Come out, all smile and walk over

"Hi sister-in-law." The old cat and the tiger greeted Sun Xiaorou with a playful smile

Sun Xiaorou's pretty face flushed slightly, she pursed her lips and smiled in response: "Yes."

Yang Lin is quite different. The girl he found to comfort Brother Yang last night turned out to be his sister-in-law overnight. This reality is really cruel. I feel a little embarrassed at the moment, so I can only smile dryly and nod to Sun Xiaorou

"The second child is here too? How is your transfer?" Liu Boyang asked Yang Lindao

"Okay, my cousin is going out in person. Is there something wrong with it? The students of me, Lao Mao, and Guodong have all been transferred here, but they haven't been divided into classes. I heard that the principal in S doesn't agree. The rest of us are in the same class as you, Brother Yang, and my uncle dealt with him personally, but the old man still refuses to let go, it seems that you have to go there in person this afternoon, Brother Yang," Yang Lin said

Liu Boyang was always at ease when Yang Lin was doing business. The brothers of them gathered together, and they could discuss everything in time. It was indeed more convenient. At that moment, Liu Boyang nodded and said, "Well, it just so happens that I want to meet there too. Old man, let's see what kind of wishful thinking he has planned on me, I will go in the afternoon."

"Has Brother Yang dealt with that old man?" Yang Lin asked

"It's been fought. The old man is not as simple as he appears on the surface. I guess he stopped this matter because he wanted me to go to him in person. I want to see what kind of mind he has." Liu Boyang said

"Oh, then it's all up to Brother Yang, where are we going now?" Yang Lin asked

"Looking for a hotel, I have something I want to discuss with my brothers," Liu Boyang said

When Yang Lin and the others heard Liu Boyang's words, they suddenly understood in their hearts that Brother Yang must have a goal, anyway, since the brothers are all here, it is time for our Jiulong Club to set off a wave in this W City waves come

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