The best boy on campus

Chapter 558 Clean and tidy!

On that dark road, hearing noises coming from the woods, Cui Guodong lay lazily on the steering wheel, stroking the a47 on his lap thoughtfully, without moving.

And Li Wanhao squatted outside the Great Liberation just like him, smoking a cigarette, and drawing circles on the ground with his fingers thoughtfully.

The six younger brothers they brought with them panicked. Hearing the sound in the forest getting more and more intense, it was obviously the sound of a fight. One of the younger brothers bit the bullet and ran into the carriage and asked Cui Guodong, "Brother Guodong, Yang Brother and the others are already fighting with Guo Yongbo, why don't we go in and help?"

Cui Guodong glanced back at him lazily, and said with a smile, "Help? With Guo Yongbo and the others, are they worthy?"

The younger brother was dumbfounded.

Li Wanhao came up and patted the younger brother on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Don't be impatient, don't be impatient, just those three-legged cats, Brother Yang and the others are enough, and if we go, it will be superfluous."

Facts have proved that Li Wanhao and Cui Guodong are more familiar with the skills of the three of Liu Boyang. Ever since Liu Boyang said "don't leave a living!", the old cat and Wan Ziliang were decisive and unambiguous, and they both rushed up like wolves into a herd of sheep. , rushed into Guo Yongbo's group!

Guo Yongbo was shocked, and hurriedly ordered his younger brothers to also rush up to fight with Lao Mao and Wan Ziliang, and wanted to play a game of winning with more and less, but unfortunately they really underestimated the strength of those two people, especially Lao Mao. After only one meeting, the old cat threw two out like playing with it, and then the old cat took out a kitchen knife, one sharply slashed, and a brightly colored head was thrown into the air. An arc of blood was sprinkled in mid-air, rolling into the woods like a ball .

Guo Yongbo was terrified, he had never seen such a perverted man like Lao Mao in his life!He knew that it was too late for him to beg for mercy and speak kind words to Liu Boyang, so he yelled for the other younger brothers to go first!And he himself sneaked towards a hut with a shotgun in it!As long as he can successfully resist a shot, at least he can persist!

It's a pity that the old cat has already figured out his movements. This idiot shouted before he ran away. Isn't this clearly exposing himself as a target?Where did the old cat wait for him to run far away? Lightning threw out the kitchen knife, and chopped it straight into Guo Yongbo's right calf. Guo Yongbo felt a numbness in his scalp, and a sharp pain like burning magma came from his right calf. He let out a hysterical scream, fell hard to the ground, hugged his calf and began to cry and roll.

While the old cat was getting addicted to his hands, Wan Ziliang was not idle. Although he was not as perverted as the old cat's force value, he was definitely not an easy character to deal with. In the beginning, Guo Yongbo's nine younger brothers were divided into four people to deal with Wan Ziliang. , the other four went to deal with the old cat, and one more daring one went directly to Liu Boyang!

Shunzi was the leader among the four who dealt with Wan Ziliang. He bullied Wan Ziliang when he was young, so he punched Wan Ziliang hard to send Wan Ziliang back to his hometown, but Wan Ziliang was faster than him, and grabbed Shunzi's wrist, Ji hit Shunzi's armpit with a hard fist, bouncing Shunzi up all at once!

Shunzi's shoulders and armpits were hot and his forehead was black. Before he could react to what was going on, Wan Ziliang plucked his hair and knocked him with a clean knee, straight to the door of his face. With a "click", the bridge of his nose shattered without any suspense. Now, Shunzi was stunned by the pain, he was weaker than anyone else, and Wan Ziliang rushed up and took a step, grabbed his two arms, fell over his shoulder like playing with a sack, and threw the other three at once. One fell down too, and the four lay on the ground moaning and moaning, but Wan Ziliang, who was excited when he killed someone, didn't intend to give them a chance to get up again, so he picked up a burning stick from the fire and directly Carrying towards them...

Four shrill screams sounded in the middle of the night...

The heads of the four people burst open and brain matter seeped out...

Wan Ziliang has finished solving everything here, let alone the old cat. Except for the guy whose head was cut off by him, he didn't take much effort to break the necks of the other three stupid birds who dared to jump at him. Afterwards, he clapped his hands and glanced around, with a depressed expression on his face. These guys were too unreasonable. The old cat felt that the warm-up hadn't even started yet, and he was already kneeling on the ground.

Liu Boyang stepped on the head of a guy who was dying on the ground, and pulled out the iron fork used for roasting chicken from the neck of the big fat Kaizi with a "poof", pulling out a pool of blood, Kaizi's eyes were unwilling to lie on the ground , while Liu Boyang walked towards Guo Yongbo with a calm smile.

Lao Mao and Wan Ziliang, who had finished exercising their hands and feet, followed behind Liu Boyang. When Guo Yongbo saw these three people approaching, he was so frightened that he cried for his father and mother, with a kitchen knife still hanging on his calf. He cried to Liu Boyang and begged for mercy: "Little brother! Little brother Listen to me! I was wrong! I beg you to be merciful and let me go! Brother Guo... Ah bah! I, Guo Yongbo, don’t know Mount Tai, brother, just let me go as a fart!”

Liu Boyang looked at this guy wagging his tail and begging for mercy, and said with a smile: "When you gave me the poisoned wine just now, did you ever think about letting me go?"

Guo Yongbo was desperate and wanted to say something, but Liu Boyang suddenly pierced his iron fork into his heart. Guo Yongbo tensed up in an instant and let out a final howl, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, but unfortunately he couldn't say another word.

"Thank you for telling me the news about Da Gao tonight. Farewell!" Liu Boyang pulled out the iron fork, and Guo Yongbo died with regret.

In the blink of an eye, eleven human lives lay on the ground. The big wolfhounds tied to the pillars were anxious, and barked at Liu Boyang and the other three with red eyes, because it was their master who died!

The old cat was annoyed, so he pulled out a kitchen knife from Guo Yongbo's calf, wiped off the blood, then walked over and kicked the most ferocious wolf dog on the neck, kicking that huge wolf dog flying out and hitting the thatched hut. I couldn't stand up when I fell.

"I'm the most annoying bastards who bark so fiercely. Who did you learn from? If you didn't raise your legs to pee one by one, I would really think you are little tigers!" the old cat sneered. He squatted down in front of the five big dogs, and slammed the kitchen knife into the ground, with a "cha", three points into the ground!

The five big dogs were so frightened that they all backed away, sitting on the ground and incontinent, their buttocks were all mushy.When they looked at the old cat again, they were already terrified, and they didn't dare to bark anymore. They bowed their heads and purred, they were more obedient than rabbits.

"Brother Yang, are you calling it a day?" Wan Ziliang walked up and asked a little helplessly.He turned a blind eye to the pile of dead bodies on the ground, because these days there are many people who died early and were reincarnated due to lack of greed!

"Save someone first." Liu Boyang smiled faintly and walked towards the thatched hut.

p: Brothers, I saw everyone's message, and I am very sorry.I'm a newcomer, and it's my first time writing a book. To be honest, I'm a bit powerless at the end of writing, and the rhythm is messed up.But I promise everyone that starting from today's chapter, I will stop adding water, speed up the pace, and just write stories without dragging the plot!Please support my brothers to continue reading. If I can’t grasp the rhythm again in the future, and everyone thinks I’m procrastinating the plot, I allow everyone to scold me in the book review area. I will listen to opinions with an open mind and correct it immediately.This book is now updated three times a day, hoping to bring you happiness and refreshment.Please witness and support my growth and progress, thank you!

Chapter 550 The eighth is clean and tidy! @! !

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