The best boy on campus

Chapter 621 Going to Honeymoon Paradise for Fun

"Welcome! are, Brother Yang, Brother Yang?"


The meal at noon caused Li Gubai to make such a fuss, which made everyone lose the mood to eat, and Li Wanhao was particularly guilty. Although he couldn't apologize to everyone, Liu Boyang knew that he must be feeling bad.In order to let the brothers forget about this unpleasantness, and to celebrate that the Zhanhun Hall finally conquered Shixi, after coming out of "Hengyuan", Liu Boyang led the brothers to the "Honeymoon Paradise", ready to enjoy the "beauty bath" here, Eat, drink and soak in one train!

Originally, a group of girls from Xiaorou and Song Qianxia also came together. They didn't know what the "Honeymoon Paradise" was, and thought it was a place similar to TV, but after they came, they realized that this place turned out to be the dream paradise that all men dream of— ―“Pink” bath and massage place!

Sun Xiaorou and Song Qianxia's pretty face flushed in embarrassment, they finally understood why Ning Yeqi went back to school as soon as she heard that she was here, so she already knew it!

"Hmph! Big pervert! You're full of gossip, the worst!" Sun Xiaorou and Song Qianxia took advantage of his brothers' inattention, and angrily blamed Liu Boyang with a blushing face.

"Heaven and earth conscience! I just came in to take a bath, where are you thinking? Really, I found that your thoughts are becoming more and more impure, and the gap with me is getting bigger and bigger!" Liu Boyang curled his lips with a helpless look .

"You still say!" Sun Xiaorou puffed up her cheeks angrily, stared at him with wide eyes, and pinched him angrily!

This bad guy obviously came here to enjoy the blessings, so he just opened his eyes and told nonsense, but he dared to sue the wicked first!

"Don't believe my purity? Hehe, then you can come in together! When the time comes, the two of you will help me massage and step on my back, so I won't have to call someone else!" Liu Boyang laughed.

"Hmph! You think so beautifully! Qianxia, ​​let's go!" Sun Xiaorou angrily pulled Song Qianxia away.

Don't look at Xiaorou's angry look, in fact, she and Song Qianxia are not really angry, otherwise they would have quarreled with Liu Boyang long ago, they just don't want to participate, in fact they turned a blind eye to Liu Boyang's stealing with one eye closed...

——Do you really think Xiaorou doesn't want to go in and give her husband a back massage? ...The main reason is that apart from Liu Boyang, there are so many brothers who are naked later, how embarrassing it is for her to be in love with Qianxia...

Xiaoying had never been in the bathing city before, so she didn't know what was going on inside, and she thought it was very fresh. She kept cheering and wanted to follow in, but she was dragged away pitifully by the ugly red coral.

The queen of leather boots dragged Xiaoying, Mu Xiaoyu, and Mu Xiaoli before leaving, and gave Liu Boyang a hard look. The meaning was obvious, you bad guy, you don't know how to explain in advance when you come to this kind of place. Is it reconciled if the little girl is taken care of badly?


Liu Boyang and the others had only been to "Honeymoon Paradise" not long ago, so the welcoming ladies standing at the door knew them—these young people were people that even Sister Sha attached great importance to. Sister Sha reminded them that if next time they Come again, you must not be negligent, and you must entertain well!

"Is Sister Sha in there?" Liu Boyang asked the two rows of super juicy model-level beauties standing at the door.

One of the foremen came out, bowed to Liu Boyang with a pleasant smile, and said, "Sister Sha is here, Brother Yang, do you want me to call Sister Sha down for you?"

"Alright, sorry to trouble you." Liu Boyang has always been very polite when speaking to beauties. He had feasted his eyes just now. When this beautiful foreman bent down, all the collar of the big blue cheongsam on his body was exposed in front of his eyes. From Liu Boyang's The angle is just enough to see the snow-white, deep ravine inside, which is enough to suffocate people!

Standing at the door are the same pretty girls who were the eight immortals from last time. The only difference from last time is that the cheongsams on their bodies have changed from red to blue, which is more charming and exaggerated, and the slits on their chests are bigger and fuller. The straight plumpness directly seduces men to commit crimes, and the thighs are still straight as always. They don’t even wear stockings in such a cold day, and they go directly to the battle with tender flesh. The pair of slender jade feet are still wearing exquisite high-heeled shoes. These two temperaments of charm can be regarded as a perfect combination in them!

When I came here last time, it was the old cat who dazzled these eight girls. This time it is the turn of Hu Zilong Tianyang and the others. There is a future in mixing with Brother Yang, and I can have such a game! Than the gentle nest of heaven!

"Quality, pay attention to your quality! Don't be worthless and make people laugh, have you never seen a woman?" Lao Mao criticized Huzi and others with a serious face.

These words immediately caused the eight fairies at the door to chuckle softly.

Listening to what the old cat said, Liu Boyang couldn't help but smile lightly, as if he wasn't the guy who stared at the other person's thigh until his eyes were fixed last time.

"Fuck me, where did you find all these beauties? They are all really awesome, Brother Yang, can you call them in to serve us later?" Huzi asked with a smile.

"I don't know, probably not, but if brothers really want it, I'll say hello to Sister Sha later and see if I can accommodate her."

"Hey! Good! How dare she disrespect Brother Yang! We know that Brother Yang is the most sympathetic brother! Haha!" Hu Zi laughed dejectedly.He secretly glanced at a beautiful woman standing in the second row from the right. That girl's figure was absolutely amazing!The face is as long as a doll, and the skin is so delicate and moist, if it can be hugged and rolled on the bed, it will be so beautiful!

Liu Boyang led his brothers into the lobby, and found that the business of "Honeymoon Paradise" had recovered a lot. Standing here, one could hear the comfortable groans of the men from the bathing pool inside, and the whole hall was swaying Stunning and stunning beauties walked by like a mermaid, busy, all with bare and soft white feet, bringing a burst of fragrant wind.It seems that Sister Sha is really good at running the skin and meat business...

"Oh, brother Yang! What wind brought you here?" Not long after, the door foreman called Sister Sha down from the second floor, and Sister Sha greeted Liu Boyang affectionately as soon as she saw Liu Boyang.

"Hehe, I'm here to cause trouble for Sister Sha again!" Liu Boyang smiled politely.

"Oh, you're talking nonsense again, aren't you? We're a family. If there's any trouble, don't bother me. If you say that again, I'll get angry! I'm worried about nothing to do. You came just in time, so I will I am willing to make friends with you, Brother Yang, ha ha!" Sister Sha said with a silvery smile.She is indeed a veteran of the romantic scene, she can make a man feel extremely comfortable in a few words.

When Sister Sha stood pretty in front of the brothers, Huzi and others looked dumbfounded: Sister Sha is still wearing the same enchanting attire today, a black leather suit with a small jacket unbuttoned inside, revealing a low-cut and tight-fitting dress. Underneath is an ultra-short black leather skirt with no shoes on. Under her snow-white slender calves is a pair of snow-white and delicate jade feet. Her skin is fair and her appearance is even more beautiful. It's all sexy and delicate!

Huzi and the others were stunned, when did the godmother Sang be so young in this day and age, she is so seductive, she can kill a lustful man!

Chapter 620 Go to Honeymoon Paradise @! !

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