"Brother Yang, are these brothers from your War Soul Hall?" Sister Sha looked at Yang Linhuzi and the others and asked with a smile.

"Hehe, yes, I brought my brothers here today just to have some fun. They are all a bunch of crazy little brats. Sister Sha, please take care of the arrangements and charge the expenses to my account later." Liu Boyang laughed.

"Oh, look, Young Brother Yang, you're being polite again, aren't you? Since these are all your brothers, they are no outsiders in our honeymoon paradise. I'm happy if you can come, hehe, no problem, this matter Leave it to me, and I'll arrange it right away!" Sister Sha glanced at Huzi and the others, giggling.

"Slow down—" Liu Boyang stopped Sister Sha when she turned around.


"Sister Sha, to be honest, my brothers have taken a fancy to the welcoming girls at the door, can you tell them to come over and play too?" Liu Boyang asked.

Sister Sha was stunned, then she blinked her eyes charmingly, covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Hehe, I didn't expect you guys to have high vision. Those girls are the pillars of our 'Honeymoon Paradise'. They need to be tall and good looking. , but they were all invited by Brother Wang at a high price. Usually, no matter how big-name people come, they don’t pick up the guests. But since the brothers can see them, it is their luck. I decide this matter and let them accompany the brothers. Have fun!"

"Then thank you, Sister Sha!" Liu Boyang said with a smile.He has already seen the excited faces of Huzi and others.

Sister Sha smiled and waved her hands, saying no, then turned and walked towards the door.

Liu Boyang was a little confused why she liked to get close to him so much. What she said just now reminded him that he owed her a favor all the time, but was it necessary?I am just a spectator, but you are clearly Wang Hai's concubine!

Sister Sha walked to the door and said a few words to the eight welcoming girls, and immediately the eight beauties looked towards Liu Boyang. Excuse me, what's this called? I just greeted him politely, but now I'm going to drag him into the water...

Soon, eight beauties at the level of celestial beings approached one after another, lined up in front of Liu Boyang and the others, put their hands on their delicate thighs, and said in unison: "Brother Yang! Hello, little brothers! "

Liu Boyang scratched his head in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "You don't have to do this, it makes me nervous. It's the little brats behind me who see you as beautiful as gods, and want to make friends with you. They just go."

"Yes, Brother Yang!" the eight beauties said crisply.That respectful and docile appearance made Liu Boyang's heart flutter even after seeing it.

"Brother Yang, brothers, don't think they are our hostesses here, in fact, all of them are doing very well in their work. If you pick out any one, they will be outstanding. Brothers, just pick whichever one you like. I've already told them that if anyone doesn't treat my brothers comfortably today, I won't spare her, so brothers can just play around..." Sister Sha laughed.

"Sister Sha" Eight Shui Ling girls acted like a baby to Sister Sha together.

Sister Sha was surrounded by them and giggled. The silver bell-like voice made the bones of Hu Zi and others go numb. They looked at these eight superb beauties, and they couldn't bear to choose. Which is good, all of them are fairies!

In the end, it was Sister Sha who made up her mind to ask the eight girls to accompany Huzi and others to the most luxurious and luxurious Indian-style bathing hall in the back, where they can slowly connect with each other, and whoever they like will want whoever they like...

So Yang Lin Huzi and his group took eight slim and attractive beauties to the high-end bathing pool, and only Liu Boyang stayed behind.

"Hehe, Sister Sha, you always take care of me like this, how can I repay you!" Liu Boyang laughed.

"Look at you, it's here again, since you call me sister, I don't take care of who you take care of, besides, there are a sea of ​​stinky men coming and going, but I don't see any pleasing ones, no The smell of copper all over the body is a pretender who has no fart skills! The only thing is to see that you are a bit manly, brother Yang, and I am happy to get close to you, sister! Don’t feel uncomfortable in your heart, let alone doubt that I have It's not necessary for any purpose, I'm a girl, I don't have that much scheming, I sincerely want to draw you closer to my brother." Sister Sha said with a smile.

"Hehe, I understand what Sister Sha said, well, from now on, you will be my sister, and I will accept all your kindness to me, but if you have any needs in the future and don't ask me for help, I will be anxious to you! "Liu Boyang laughed.

Sister Sha was waiting for this sentence. When Liu Boyang said it, she was in a good mood and said charmingly: "Oh, good! Hehe, brother, I will remember this, let's not talk about it, go sit over there!"

Sister Sha greeted Liu Boyang to a secluded corner next to the lobby, where there was a glass coffee table and several small leather sofas. Sister Sha took the initiative to sit opposite Liu Boyang and called the front desk lady to come and serve tea. Liu Boyang looked around the entire lobby when he was bored , the gaze unconsciously stays on those delicate and charming beauties walking back and forth non-stop, this place really deserves to be a man's paradise, if you just pull one over, you will be a top-notch beauty!

"Brother asked me for something this time? Hehe, is it the incident last time, you want to act?" Sister Sha sat opposite Liu Boyang, her two white and pink slender thighs lightly stacked, her icy muscles raised With delicate feet of snow bones, she picked up the cup and took a sip of tea, and smiled lightly, her appearance was truly charming.

Even though Liu Boyang had vented to Xiaorou Qianxia twice, but in the face of such a provocative Sister Sha, he still couldn't help but get angry, his lower body was about to move, his heart was like a cat scratching!

Sister Sha is really an enchanting fairy!Fatty Wang is really lucky. One of the most eye-catching fairies in the entire "Honeymoon Paradise" belongs to Sister Sha!

Liu Boyang straightened his waist to cover up his little brother's unusual appearance, took a cup of tea and took a sip of anger, and said with a smile, "I really can't hide anything from Sister Sha."

"When are you going to start?"


"Today? Tsk tsk, hehe, the time is quite short, no problem, I'll call the imperial concubine and Diaochan over and say hello to them." Sister Sha is also a vigorous person, and immediately raised her white wrist to greet the front desk Miss.

"Where are they now?" Liu Boyang asked.

"I'm serving guests inside, but it's not a big deal for my brothers. I'll let them get out to help you first." Sister Sha said.

This time Liu Boyang didn't say any more polite words. He always felt that Sister Sha's kindness to him was unreasonable, but he really couldn't see what Sister Sha had in mind. Could it be that, as she herself said, she had no purpose in flattering him, just Is it purely because of myself?

Chapter 620 The second is kind to people, Sister Sha@! !

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