The best boy on campus

Chapter 669 Pick two of your big tendons!

These people came with a murderous intent, Li Zifeng was almost frightened into impotence by them!After regaining his senses, he stared at the person who walked in first with big strides. It didn't matter if he didn't look at him, his scalp was blown out of fear!He screamed instinctively, fell off the bed, sat on the ground slumped, stared at Liu Boyang with dull eyes, and instantly felt a cold chill rushing from the soles of his feet to his mind!

The stripped courtesan who had been stripped by Li Zifeng on the bed screamed, and hurriedly pulled off the quilt to cover herself up, looking at the group of air-conditioned people in fear.

"You, you, aren't you dead?" Li Zifeng looked at Liu Boyang in disbelief and said.

Liu Boyang laughed and said, "That's right, but recently I heard that your surname Li dared to bully my brother while I was away. I was upset to hear that down here, so I came up here to chat with you, and we will settle the score."

Li Zifeng listened to Liu Boyang's familiar voice, and looked at his familiar smile and eyes!The remaining thoughts in my heart that all this is an illusion are all shattered!He was so frightened that he hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy, "There are a lot of brothers! Don't be as knowledgeable as me, this is none of my business, it's Boss Peng..."

As he was talking, he suddenly saw a shadow under Liu Boyang's feet, and was stunned for a moment. He looked up at Liu Boyang and said blankly, "You, aren't you a ghost?"

"Ghost!" Liu Boyang sneered, kicked Li Zifeng's chin in the air, kicked him 360 degrees on his back, and Li Zifeng immediately rolled to the side and twitched.

"Ah!!" The woman on the bed screamed in fright. Gao Zhenfei walked over and lifted her quilt expressionlessly. Cut it down, and the courtesan will be stunned immediately.

"It's Li Zifeng, do you still recognize me?" Liu Boyang asked while squatting down and picking Li Zifeng's hair.

Li Zifeng's face was covered in blood from the knock just now, his bones were scattered, his nosebleed was gurgling, and he said weakly: "Are you not dead?"

"Why do you come to serve Brother Li today after you're dead? Give me a reason not to kill you." Liu Boyang smiled harmlessly.

"Brother, don't! Don't, don't! It's none of my business to beat your little brother. It was Boss Peng who called me. I didn't know that you are still alive..." Li Zifeng hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Hehe, if Peng Yousheng tells you to hit me, you will hit me? Listen to what you mean, if I really die, you will clean up my people casually, right? Let alone, you discounted one arm of my brother. It is not too much to pick you two big muscles today ? Come and not reciprocate indecent!"

"Brother... Liu, brother Liu... have something to say, let's..." Li Zifeng hurriedly begged for mercy, but Liu Boyang had already waved to the back and said, "Lu Dong, if you want to vent your hatred, serve him comfortably. gone."

Lu Dong rubbed the arm that was broken by Li Zifeng, and said with a sneer, "Okay! Thank you Brother Yang!" After speaking, he walked up with Li Guihou Qiang and others, aiming at Li Zifeng on the ground and beating wildly. Kick, regardless of head or body, as soon as he greeted him to death, the painful Li Zifeng hugged his face and curled up like a shrimp, howling and rolling on the ground. Immediately, his face turned green from the pain, his eyeballs glared, bloodshot eyes burst out, he let out a loud howl like killing a pig, he got up from the ground violently, and pushed Lu Dong, Hou Qiang and others away, the so-called dog jumping over the wall is his current state , Lightning hid the sharp knife under the bed for a long time, rushing up to make Hou Qiang and others desperate!

Hou Qiang couldn't use any strength in one arm, and the movement of his whole body was a bit sluggish. He was about to be stabbed in the heart by Li Zifeng, when suddenly Liu Boyang kicked Li Zifeng's wrist coldly, kicking the knife away, and then instantly Stepping up, he slammed his elbow on Li Zifeng's neck hard and smashed Li Zifeng to the ground. Liu Boyang reached out to catch the sharp knife that fell from mid-air, and threw it to Hou Qiang, saying: "Qiangzi, abolish him!" !"

"Yes!" Hou Qiang's eyes turned hard, your mother's bastard, who dares to fight back after being beaten to such a degree, who will not be abolished today?

Li Guimeng grabbed Li Zifeng's hand from the ground, and stamped his wrist with his foot. Li Zifeng woke up with a start, and said in hysterical fear: "Don't! Brothers, I was wrong..."

It's a pity that it was too late for him to beg for mercy. Without a word, Hou Qiang took a knife and slashed at his wrist... There was a desperate scream of pain in the room...

Gao Zhenfei stepped on Li Zifeng's mouth. Li Zifeng's eyes widened and he twitched a few times. He struggled to dodge, but to no avail. The other hand was also picked, and he passed out from the pain...

After Li Zifeng's tendons in both hands were severed, Cui Guodong came up and said to Liu Boyang indifferently: "Brother Yang, should we just give him up? If we don't cut the grass, it's a disaster to keep it. Since he can take revenge on us this time, it's hard to guarantee that he won't in the future." There will be a second time."

Liu Boyang smiled lightly and said: "How much trouble can a cripple make? If it wasn't for this boy who keeps trying to make things difficult for us, we wouldn't be so ruthless. Some people don't know good and bad, so they should be punished." His bear problem! Keep it for everyone who dares to take advantage of the Nine Dragons Society to see, thinking about us, this is the end!"

Liu Boyang walked to the bed, kicked the courtesan on the bed, and the courtesan didn't move at all.

Liu Boyang said coldly: "Get up! Stop pretending to me!"

The courtesan lifted the quilt tremblingly, revealing a fairly good-looking head, trembling and crying: "Brother, you let me go, I have nothing to do with Li Zifeng..."

She had woken up a long time ago, she was so frightened that she cried bitterly, and kept hiding under the quilt and pretending to be dumb...

"Have you seen all this today?" Liu Boyang asked.

The courtesan nodded silly.

Liu Boyang narrowed his eyes, and Hou Qiang came up behind him with a knife dripping blood.

The courtesan hurriedly dodged back and begged, "I didn't! I didn't!!"

The corner of Liu Boyang's mouth twisted, and he sneered and said, "Don't be afraid, Li Zifeng and I are wronged and debtors, it has nothing to do with you, and our men are not people who kill innocent people indiscriminately, but if someone asks you in the future, you know what to say ?”

"I know! I know!" The courtesan nodded quickly.

"Just know, I'm afraid you don't know. If you want to watch Li Zifeng die, you don't want to move. If you don't want him to die in front of your eyes, you can call a car to come after the old men leave. In addition, I ask you, Do you know where Xin Baokai or Ning Gaoning are?"

The courtesan flinched, "I..."

"Don't tell me you don't know."

The courtesan cried and nodded, and said, "When Li Zifeng called me out, he just separated from that guy named Ning Gaoning. Ning Gaoning should still be skating on Huajie..."

"Ice skating, which skating rink?" Liu Boyang asked.

Li Gui came up from behind and said, "Brother Yang, there is an ice skating rink called 'Rolling Stone' in Huajie. They beat it down."

"Oh." Liu Boyang nodded, glanced at the courtesan, there was a faint yellow stain under the quilt, and his feelings scared the bed, Liu Boyang smiled lightly: "Let's go!"

Chapter 660 IX Picking Your Two Big Tendons! @! !

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