The best boy on campus

Chapter 670 Brother Ning, I'm here to 'see you'!

As mentioned earlier, Hua Street is a relatively famous night market street in the entire W City. At night, it is a chaotic place full of flowers, wine, greenery, and chaos.Originally, this place was owned by the Siberian tiger. When Liu Boyang ran to G City, he took over the Siberian tiger. Naturally, Huajie should be managed by the Jiulong Society, but who would think that Peng Yousheng, Xin Baokai, and Li Zifeng are so bold? How dare you take advantage of the fact that the heads of the Jiulong club are not there!

Regardless of the fact that this is his home site, Liu Boyang really came to Huajie for the first time. After he brought a group of people, he didn't look at anything and went straight to the "Rolling Stone" skating rink.

The scale of the "Rolling Stone" skating rink is not large, and the total skating rinks add up to no more than [-] square meters, but it is located in a very good location, the prime location of Huajie, the sixth facade just entering the entrance of Huajie that's it.

It's daytime now, but ice skating has no time limit, and you can skate if you want, so when Liu Boyang and his group rushed to the gate of "Rolling Stone", they could tell that it was bustling inside just by listening to it, young men and women with excess hormones Laughing and frolicking wantonly, screaming constantly with the music, Nima, the men who come to skate at this time are definitely ruffians, and most of the women are rotten girls.

"Are you here to skate? Please go to the ticket window over there to buy tickets!" There were two people standing at the door of "Rolling Stone". As soon as they saw Liu Boyang Dama Jindao was about to walk in, they immediately came out to block the way.

"Get lost, hurry up." Liu Boyang said lightly.

"Are you fucking blind? Don't you know who you ghost is?" Li Gui stood up and cursed.

Those two people took a closer look, and immediately recognized Li Guihou Qiang and his group. Isn't this the last head of their own business?They immediately understood everything, and quickly moved out of the way: "Hehe, brothers, please come inside."

Liu Boyang smiled and turned back to pat Li Gui on the shoulder: "That's right, Mr. Ghost? You're famous enough! I'm excited to hear it."

Li Gui sneered and said embarrassedly: "Brother Yang laughed at me, I was blind by myself..."

A group of people strode into the ice rink.

At this time, Ning Gaoning was sitting on the sofa outside the skating rink with his two younger brothers to rest. Ning Gaoning took a bottle of mineral water and took a sip. With his head tilted in his mouth, another younger brother lit the fire for him.

"Brother Ning, don't you think that girl is pretty?" The younger brother who was handing the cigarette pointed at a girl in white fleece and thin legs in black silk at the bottom of the skating rink and said, that girl can go out in stockings in this weather , It really deserves to be a model of sacrificing oneself to please men.

Ning Gaoning squinted and saw that the girl was really good, with a slim waist, tall and beautiful legs, tall and plump breasts, white skin, and long hair hanging around her waist, but the skating posture was a bit funny, she was obviously a beginner.

"Tsk tsk, not bad, the ass is upright enough, it must feel good to the touch." Ning Gaoning took a big sip of the flue, he is used to smoking the smoke with his nose after taking a big sip, just like taking drugs, he can lift his chin up Go to heaven, full of anger.

"Quack, since Brother Ning seems to like it, you are so awesome, go knock her! Brothers give you encouragement! Such a juicy woman is cheap, and others are not at a loss?" The younger brother urged.

"Hehe, well said! I'm in a good mood today, let's see if I can get her back!" Li Zi smiled charmingly, and stood up beautifully, with the skates on his feet not taking off at all. The girl chased straight after her.

But not long after he left, a pretty waitress from the skating rink came over and said to Ning Gaoning and his two younger brothers: "You two brothers, someone is looking for you outside, please follow me."

The two looked at each other suspiciously, without thinking much, followed the waitress who was at least sixteen or seventeen years old and hadn't fully developed to the outside of the house, but who would have thought that the two wine bottles would be greeted by "bang bang" as soon as they stepped out of the skating rink? On their heads, the two of them didn't react at all, and they both fell down without farting, bleeding from their foreheads, and Hou Qiang and Li Gui grabbed one of them and dragged them to the toilet.

"Hehe, thank you." Cui Guodong smiled at the waitress, pinched a hundred-yuan bill into her little dress with two fingers, and rubbed her small breasts by the way. The sixteen or seventeen-year-old The waitress' face turned from pale to blushing, and she hurried away.

"Guodong, you boy, then you are ruining a girl like Shui Ling, and you are getting worse and worse after learning from the old cat." Liu Boyang scolded with a smile.

"Hey, don't you waste a young man with a flirt!" Cui Guodong laughed, "What if she goes back and tells her boss?"

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "I wish I could. I just want to meet the proprietress of this place. If she dares to play around with us, I have to give her a thought! Now go ahead and serve 'Brother Ning'."

This guy Ning Gaoning really has a way of picking up girls. In just a short while, he has already held the beautiful hand of the long-haired girl. While pulling her in front of her, instructing her to do a good job of her feet, while stepping on the skates by herself Backwards, leading her to skate together, as the girl gradually mastered the strength and range of motion of skating, Ning Gaoning's hand was slowly transferred from the girl's hand to her shoulder, only to stop lightly later, wait She took the initiative to throw herself into the arms.

It's a pity that he had a good dream and was about to proceed according to the plan. Suddenly, the wheels of the skates under his feet didn't listen to him, and he slid forward quickly, causing him to fly upside down on the spot, and his buttocks hit the ground hard. All of a sudden, I fell all over the place, and almost broke my tailbone!Stretching out his hands to cover his buttocks, he rolled in pain, and shouted loudly: "Who the hell tripped me?!"

The long-haired girl who was held by him just now was caught off guard and was almost brought down by him, but suddenly a powerful hand stretched out from behind and pulled her back straight. The long-haired girl was completely dumbfounded, Yun Li Like a mist, it fell into the arms of a boy behind. Cui Guodong stopped his hand and accidentally touched her plump breasts, and smiled wryly at Liu Boyang: "Brother Yang, I really didn't do it on purpose this time!"

The girl was shocked and didn't know what was going on in front of her eyes, but Ning Gaoning didn't expect that he would be held up by someone just after scolding him. He turned his head in panic and saw that it was Li Gui and Hou Qiang!

"Yes, it's you?!" Ning Gaoning realized that something was wrong, and just about to say something, suddenly a kick came from the front, hitting his lower abdomen hard, Ning Gaoning felt his stomach was empty, and his intestines were full He was about to be kicked to pieces, and all the strength in the pain dissipated instantly, and the whole person was flying around like a toad, and Hou Qiang and Li Guiren almost couldn't hold him with one arm.

Gao Zhenfei withdrew his feet, and after Li Zifeng's feet landed, he grabbed his hair and knocked his knees on his forehead. Ning Gaoning's eyes suddenly turned dark, the bridge of his nose was completely broken, and tears flew out!He fell to the ground and remained motionless.

Liu Boyang squatted down with a smile, lifted his head and said, "Brother Ning, I came to see you, long time no see, do you still recognize me?"

Chapter 670 Brother Ning, I'm here to 'see you'! (two)@! !

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