The best boy on campus

Chapter 674 Peng Yousheng is here!

Xin Baokai was completely frightened, and shrank and hid in the water, his legs were frozen by the cold water, looked left and looked, there was really no other place to escape, he could only look at Gao Zhenfei desperately and helplessly, but he didn't dare to go any further. Say half a word. (net)

"Fourth brother, it's not just once or twice that kid, just kill him." Cui Guodong said to Gao Zhenfei.

"Don't, don't, brothers, don't spare my life! I've learned the lesson, killing people is against the law, I beg you, I don't want to die!" Xin Baokai, a dignified boss, cried out in fright stand up!

But at this moment, Xin Baokai suddenly heard begging for mercy from another direction, and the voice was still very familiar! ——"Several big brothers, I have already handed over Xin Baokai to you, please go around me once!"

Xin Baokai turned his head in amazement, only to find that his most powerful brother, Mao Liang, had a bruised nose, a swollen face, and many scars, and was escorted over, and behind him stood a character that Xin Baokai could not even dream of - Liu Boyang!

Xin Baokai was stunned for a moment, he stared at Liu Boyang carefully with his eyes wide open, shook his head vigorously to make sure that he was not dreaming, he opened his mouth wide and said, "This—this—"

Liu Boyang greeted him with a smile, and said, "Boss Kai, long time no see."

"You, haven't you already..." Xin Baokai's face was full of disbelief.

"I'm already dead, right?" Liu Boyang laughed.

Xin Baokai's face was dull, and he nodded blankly.

"Hehe, thanks to your boss Kai, how can I die so easily, but some people will be unlucky today." Liu Boyang laughed.

Xin Baokai heard the meaning of Liu Boyang's words, snotted his nose and burst into tears, and begged: "Brother, don't! We have no grievances in the past, and we have no enmity in the past. In the past, Ning Gaoning and Li Zifeng bothered you and I didn't bother you. You You can’t treat me like this!! I beg you to let me live, Zhang Qiang and the others, I will definitely apologize, and I will give you money if you want it! I just ask you to walk around me!”

"Hehe, when I mentioned this, I got angry. Although some people didn't bother me directly, they made trouble afterward and asked the police to arrest my little brother. He thought he had been plotting against me behind my back. I wouldn't know! With someone like you, Li Zifeng is better than Gao Ning!" Liu Boyang sneered.

Xin Baokai was suddenly dumbfounded, and before he could speak, Liu Boyang turned his head and asked Mao Liang, "Do you want to live?"

Mao Liang's trousers were wet in fear, he nodded quickly and said, "I want to! I want to!"

"Da Fei, give him the brick." Liu Boyang said.

Gao Zhenfei came over and stuffed the brick into Mao Liang's hand, Mao Liang was dumbfounded, and Xin Baokai was also dumbfounded!

"Today you two can only live as one, bald man, you can figure it out yourself." Liu Boyang smiled lightly.

"Don't!!" Xin Baokai shouted in the river. He desperately wanted to climb up the bank, but Cui Guodong walked over and kicked him into the water again. He wiped the river water and his face was covered with tears Crying in despair!

"Brother, I kneel down to you, I, I dare not kill people..." The bald Mao Liang tremblingly held the brick, and cried in fright.

"Don't dare to kill, does that mean you want to die?" Liu Boyang smiled lightly, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "That's enough loyalty! You want to give him the chance? Hehe, that's good, if Xin Baokai stays here today, I'll send him off." You go to the west! Dafei—”

Gao Zhenfei walked over with the blade on, and Mao Liang hurriedly said, "Don't! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"

Xin Baokai in the river broke his throat and yelled: "Fuck your mother Maoliang! How dare you kill me?! You forgot that I was..."

It was fine if he didn't provoke Mao Liang, but when Mao Liang was provoked, he would go all out, gritted his teeth and said nothing, grabbed a brick and rushed over, aiming at Xin Baokai and smashing it down!Xin Baokai was so frightened that he hurriedly dodged instinctively, but he couldn't dodge at such a short distance, the brick hit his chest, and he fell into the water with a miserable howl, his limbs thrashed wildly, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

"He's not dead yet." Gao Zhenfei reminded lightly.

Mao Liang's face turned pale with fright, and he rushed to the river like crazy, took two more bricks and threw them at Xin Baokai, the first brick was still on Xin Baokai's chest, A puddle of blood burst out, the second one was right on the forehead, the skull was cut open instantly, and red, white angels burst out like scattered flowers...

Once one of the three giants in China, the boss of Xin Baokaikai, who had a great reputation, was smashed to death by his most confidant younger brother under the water of the sewage river...

A cloud of bright red blood rippled on the surface of the water, and then slowly spread out. Xin Baokai's body sank slowly, and it would probably take a few days to soak up...

Mao Liang was paralyzed from fright, watching his former boss being crushed to death by him, kneeling on the ground, his face was wet, and he didn't know whether it was crying or a runny nose...

"Good job, how does it feel to kill someone for the first time?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile and patted him on the shoulder.

Mao Liang wailed and hugged his face, knelt on the ground and shivered, his voice was hoarse from crying.Liu Boyang didn't know what this guy was afraid of. Back then, he followed Xin Baokai to show off his might, but who knew that he was such a coward and could not help him!

Cui Guodong came over and said to Liu Boyang: "Brother Yang, do you want to give him too—" He said and stroked his neck, "I'm afraid it will be a trouble to keep it."

When Liu Boyang mentioned Mao Liang, this guy was crying like his dead parents. He was twitching and crying when he was held by Liu Boyang.Liu Boyang slapped him, but Mao Liang didn't realize it, and was still looking at the ball of blood in the middle of the water and crying bitterly!

Li Gui, Song Jinlong and the others looked at Mao Liang's disgusting behavior, and felt disgusted in their hearts!Nima, you have today too! !

Liu Boyang thought for a while, without much hesitation, he kicked Mao Liang into the water. He really wanted to spare his life. After all, he killed Xin Baokai with his hands, and it was a scapegoat. But look at his frightened appearance, who knows when he will wake up, if he is so nervous that he can't control his mouth, and reveals what happened today, Liu Boyang and others will be in big trouble again!

Mao Liang fell into the water and struggled desperately. Gao Zhenfei threw a brick and threw him into the water, but not much blood gushed out. It is estimated that the sewage poured directly into his nose and choked him alive...

But the moment Gao Zhenfei stopped, suddenly there was a deafening roar of motorcycles outside the back alley, even Liu Boyang was startled, and several people turned around and looked at the people rushing out of the back alley !

I saw a familiar gorilla-like figure rushing out holding the front wheel of the motorcycle violently, followed by dozens of motorcycles "buzzing" loudly, except for the leading gorilla, every other There were at least two people sitting in the car, and they were either holding steel pipes or dancing with machetes!

The leading gorilla in Malaysia, Peng Yousheng, pointed at Liu Boyang's nose with a machete, and said to the boys behind him, "Damn it, Liu is indeed here! Brothers! Hack them to death! Don't let any of them escape today." !"

Chapter 670: Peng Yousheng is here! @! !

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