The best boy on campus

Chapter 675 Fight fiercely!

Liu Boyang abolished Li Zifeng. After the courtesan beauty called the ambulance, of course she didn't have the guts to call the police, but she couldn't hold back the fear in her heart, so she called the domineering Peng Yousheng. Yes, suddenly furious!

The Kowloon Club wants to play for real!The last thing Peng Yousheng was afraid of was fighting people desperately, so he immediately called a large number of brothers from the outside world to kill him!

He didn't need to ask to know that Liu Boyang disabled Li Zifeng. The next one must be Ning Gaoning or Xin Baokai. He chased Xin Baokai first, and he heard from the "Phantom" game hall that Xin Baokai was taken away by surprise attack. Hearing the news, his lungs exploded with anger, and the leaping horse raised his knife and rushed out of the alley. Unexpectedly, he actually met Liu Boyang and others here!

Peng Yousheng took a glance at Liu Boyang, and said with a sneer, "***! Li Zifeng cried and told me on the phone just now that your surname Liu is back. I still didn't believe it. I thought he was scared out of his wits! I didn't expect you to be really Still alive!"

Instead of being angry, Liu Boyang smiled, glanced at the troops brought by Peng Yousheng, and said, "You brought so many people here to die?"

Peng Yousheng speculatively said: "It's not sure who will die and who will live today! My mother didn't like you from the first time I saw you! The surname Liu, did you survive the last time you were lucky? Today in the wilderness , I’ll give you another ride! Brothers—”

Before he finished speaking, a younger brother suddenly called him: "Brother Peng, slow down! Look over there!"

Peng Yousheng looked in the direction he pointed, and saw the blood in the sewage river was red, and there were two people soaking there faintly under the water. Peng Yousheng exploded all of a sudden, and he didn't know whether it was fear or fury. Did you fucking kill Xin Baokai?!"

In his eyes, Liu Boyang is only a freshman in high school after all, and he hasn't been around for a long time, so how could he kill someone as soon as he says he kills?Don't look at him coming today with a murderous look, and he kept saying that he wanted to hack Liu Boyang to death. In fact, it is still unknown whether he can actually do it later. It is easy to kill people, but not everyone has the guts!The group of people from the Kowloon Society are too confident! !

"Don't be surprised, you will end up in the same way later. (Net)" Liu Boyang lightly touched the spring on his hand, since these people came to the door today, and they saw through that he killed someone, no matter it was out of new hatred The old account is still murdered, and they can't be let go today!

"Brother Peng, this matter is not troublesome, we don't need to do it at all! They killed two people, we call the note here and they will be finished in their next life!"

Liu Boyang's face darkened, what he was most worried about was that this would happen, if these dozens of people dispersed to call the police, he would really be overwhelmed and walk around!

Who would have thought that Peng Yousheng slapped that guy on the back of the head without saying a word, and said furiously: "Calling you ancestor! These bastards killed my brother, report to your uncle's police! I must avenge this with my own hands! The surname Liu, your mother thought you were awesome when she came back from a few months of disappearance? Look at me chopping you up and feeding it to the dogs!"

As Peng Yousheng slammed the accelerator of the motorcycle, he only heard a "buzz" sound from the motor. He swung his machete and raised the front wheel, and charged towards Liu Boyang. The round knife is coming!

Gao Zhenfei said expressionlessly, "Brother Yang, what should we do?"

Liu Boyang said coldly: "Kill them all! Don't keep a single one!"

Peng Yousheng’s motorcycle was a large prince, and it was really faster than a galloping horse. It was almost like a sharp arrow and rushed to Liu Boyang. The wheels spinning like a chainsaw directly hit Liu Boyang’s chest. Hou Qiang roared: " Brother Yang, be careful—"

Liu Boyang flew in the flash of calcium carbide sparks, Peng Yousheng seemed to have expected that it would be impossible to kill Liu Boyang so easily, he calculated the direction in which Liu Boyang dodged, and chopped it down with a "shua" machete. In a moment of numbness, he stabbed sharply with his backhand, caught Peng Yousheng's falling wrist, forcibly held the machete in the air, turned his hand into a claw, and slammed down Peng Yousheng's wrist, trying to snatch the machete from Peng Yousheng's hand. come over!

Peng Yousheng was shocked, his wrist was burned by Liu Boyang's perverted strength, and it hurt like a fire!At this time, he really wanted to kill him, but he didn't expect that he would miss out on hitting and slashing, and Liu Boyang still had the strength to snatch his knife after he dodged!

Peng Yousheng hastily grasped the machete fiercely and flew back with his hand. He is definitely capable of dominating the third year of middle school and high school. His strength is astonishing. Even Liu Boyang couldn't match him. The two of them held the machete like a tug-of-war. Seeing that he couldn't take it off easily, Lightning raised his right hand and shot a silver thread at Peng Yousheng's eyeball. The thread passed through his forehead, straight through his skull, and he was killed in one blow without reacting at all. Liu Boyang pulled his hand violently, dragged his body and flew up from the car seat, and everyone present was shocked!

dead! !

Liu Boyang withdrew the silver thread coldly, Peng Yousheng felt timid in his heart, and shouted: "Brothers, be careful, this kid has a hidden weapon!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Cui Guodong rushed up and kicked him flying. Lao Liu's kick was the most vigorous. He started on the flat ground one and a half meters, kicked Peng Yousheng's head directly and kicked him out. Bounced and flew, fell hard on the ground and rubbed several times before stopping, broke several bones, scratched n many holes in the clothes, got up with a bruised nose and swollen face, and shouted angrily: "What are you all looking at! You are all fooled by them! Dead!! Hurry up and kill them with me!!"

Some of his brothers also yelled: "Damn Brother Peng is right! Doesn't he only have one hidden weapon! Let's go together and hack them to death!"

Immediately, dozens of motors roared, and they all came to kill again. This time, this group of people was completely red-eyed, and their swords and sticks carried a momentum of killing them all. Except for Liu Boyang, Gao Zhenfei and Cui Guodong, the faces of Li Gui and others changed immediately. Well, they don't have the perverted skills of Liu Boyang and the other three, they can't handle so many people at all!

"Just take care of yourself! It's important to save your life!" Liu Boyang gave Li Gui a cold push and shouted, "Run first!"

The four of Li Gui rushed to run, but they couldn't run past the motorcycle. One of the fiercest motorcycles rushed over and smashed directly on Lu Dong's waist and knocked him into the sewage river. Dong fell into the water with a "plop" and never came up again!

Li Gui and the others exploded when they heard the sound!Run away from his grandma!Fight them! !With a loud roar, Li Gui came back as if his eyes were shattered, and ran towards a motorcycle as if desperately trying to kill him!

Liu Boyang cursed secretly: "This kid is crazy! You can't find death!"

Chapter 670 Fierce fighting! @! !

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