As far as Liu Boyang is concerned, it was pure accident that Ban Hua was almost molested by gangsters just now. He just came to W City and didn’t know anything about it. Is it the famous ruffian street?

And Song Qianxia didn't know about this, she was usually the kind of good girl who stayed at home honestly, and rarely went out to eat roadside meals, this time she happily followed Liu Boyang out, unexpectedly met this kind of girl Liu Boyang was very worried about this kind of thing, for fear that those little gangsters would leave a shadow in the beauty's heart, and he would be a sinner

With apologies to the beauty in his heart, Liu Boyang offered to take Song Qianxia home. Her home is far away, and it takes nearly [-] minutes to take a taxi.

The two were sitting in the car, Liu Boyang gently held Banhua's hand, the little beauty leaned her head gently on Liu Boyang's shoulder, the corners of her eyes were still wet, her pretty face was flushed, she had lingering fears about those little bastards just now But more is the joy of "the rest of my life after the catastrophe". I really don't know if this is God's deliberate arrangement. After I have experienced this incident, my relationship with Liu Boyang has been shortened a lot at once, and I don't need to deliberately I kept my distance from him for the sake of a girl's reserve

Looking at Liu Boyang's resolute side face, Song Qianxia asked in a low voice: "Liu Boyang, what are you thinking?"

Liu Boyang tilted his head slightly, he was very close to Song Qianxia's pretty cheeks, and both could feel each other's breath. At this moment, Ban Hua's face was like peach blossoms, her breath was like orchid, fragrant and fragrant, she was so drunk beautiful woman

"I'm thinking about those bastards just now," Liu Boyang said with a light smile

"Ah, what do you want them to do?" Song Qianxia asked puzzled

"The group of bastards dared to touch you. They really ate the courage of the ambitious leopard. If it weren't for the red coral to get in the leg, I promise you, I won't let them leave standing up." Liu Boyang said, grinding his teeth

Seeing that the boy she adored was still angry about being slighted by others, Song Qianxia felt satisfied for a while, and asked softly: "Liu Boyang, is I... important in your heart?"

"Yes" Liu Boyang nodded and said in his heart, no one should touch you except me

Seeing his determined look, Song Qianxia's pretty face became more rosy, leaning against him happily, putting her head gently on his chest, quietly enjoying this tranquility, this satisfaction

Suddenly, Liu Boyang stretched out his hand to pinch her delicate chin like nephrite jade, and lifted her pretty face. Song Qianxia was startled at first, and then immediately understood what was about to happen, her heart was beating violently, This was her first kiss, but she didn't know whether it was because she drank too much alcohol or for some other reason, but she found that she was powerless and didn't want to stop Liu Boyang's next move

Song Qianxia's beautiful face and delicate lips had already moved Liu Boyang's index finger. He tentatively lifted up this girl's small face so that he could kiss her deeply. He was also a little nervous in his heart. After all, Song Qianxia Qian Xia is not like other girls, she is an obedient girl, so if she treats her like this, won't she be objected?But as his actions progressed, he discovered that Song Qianxia had no intention of refusing. Immediately, Liu Boyang buried his head gently as if he had received an amnesty.

Tasting the taste of kissing for the first time, Song Qianxia was a little uncomfortable at first, and avoided it symbolically, but then he was melted by Liu Boyang's fiery enthusiasm, and his teeth were overcome by him before he persisted for long, and then his domineering tongue Rushed in, rolled up his sweet tongue and couldn't stop flirting, Liu Boyang was like a helpless child, greedily sucking the girl's pure fragrance, sweet and clear, indescribably wonderful

With Liu Boyang's fierce kiss, Song Qianxia finally gave up struggling and cooperated with him hard, but what he didn't expect was that Liu Boyang's bad guy was not satisfied with the status quo at all, and his big hands began to be dishonest. First start from my lower abdomen, and then go all the way up, along my plump body

The pure Song Qianxia had never had such experience before, she panicked and wanted to push those big hands away, but after trying a few times, it didn't help at all. How can I have the strength of his hands? Seeing that my chest was about to collapse, suddenly , at this time the taxi stopped, and then the driver who had watched the show for a long time finally couldn't help interrupting them:

"Hey, I said, here we are"

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