The best boy on campus

Chapter 69 Push?Or not to push?

"Fuck your mother" was disturbed at the critical moment, Liu Boyang was really upset, took out 1 yuan to pay for the car, and got out of the car angrily without giving change.

Song Qianxia wanted to laugh when he looked so depressed, could his body be so attractive?Although she was a little bit unfulfilled, the flushed Song Qianxia still held back her smile and followed him out of the car

"Go to my house, there is no one in my house." Song Qianxia tried her best to pretend that what happened just now didn't happen, she raised her head and said to Liu Boyang

"Yes," Liu Boyang nodded in response.

Song Qianxia's home is better than Liu Boyang imagined. She lives in a high-end apartment and has to go through strict security checks in the community when entering and exiting. It seems to be the residence of the rich.

Song Qianxia took Liu Boyang upstairs, raised her head and asked him, "Hey, what's the matter with you? You've been looking bad since just now."

"Unhappy" Liu Boyang said lightly


"It's about to conquer the enemy's position, but it's disturbed by a driver who doesn't know how to drive. Damn, I don't know how to drive slowly." Liu Boyang said angrily

Of course Song Qianxia knew what this guy was referring to, her pretty face blushed immediately, and she spat: "Humph, big pervert Liu Boyang, you are too bad, you just know how to bully me and ignore you." Then she pretended to walk angrily Front

Liu Boyang watched the little girl open the door with her back turned to him, and suddenly felt an inexplicable impulse in her heart. This little girl is so alluring, her skin is white and tender, she just didn't have enough fun just now, there is no one in her house, Then can I...?hey-hey

"What are you thinking, pervert? Why don't you come in quickly?" Song Qianxia poked out half of her head and stared at him

"Hehe, follow orders, Squad Leader" Liu Boyang yelled in his heart, and immediately followed

Song Qianxia, ​​a little girl, came into her home, she was not a lady at all, she took off her shoes and socks, took two changes of clothes with her bare feet, and walked towards the bathroom, leaving One sentence: "Hey, pervert, watch TV first, I'll take a shower"

"You actually called me a pervert?" Liu Boyang curled his lips and said with a speechless smile, "Nizi, are you trying to seduce me on purpose? You know I'm a normal man, but you have to take a shower as soon as you enter the door. You want to test me." endurance?"

Song Qianxia blushed when he said that, pouted her mouth and blamed: "Hey, what are you thinking, I was bullied by those four big villains just now, and my whole body is completely dirty, can't I wash it? I can tell You, you are not allowed to take a peek." The pure and clean little girl is naturally extremely disgusted by a few little ruffians. If she doesn't take a bath, she will never accept it psychologically.

"So that's how it is," Liu Boyang smiled, knowing it in his heart, and said, "Oh, then go wash it, don't worry, I won't peek at you, don't you worry about my behavior?"

"I just don't worry about you." Song Qianxia smiled, and then shrank her whole body into the bathroom, and locked the door loudly on purpose

Liu Boyang's heart is really itchy and unbearable, this woman actually locked it, isn't this trying to appease Lao Tzu's appetite?

Watching TV, watching **** TV, ah, there are beautiful women who are naked on TV?

Liu Boyang was thinking with a full stomach, when he heard the faucet in the bathroom over there turn on, and then there was a sputtering sound of water, that little beauty has already started washing?

Damn it, why isn't the glass in her bathroom transparent for me to take a look, even if it's just a glance? It's a pity that such a fairy-level little beauty can't see her true face when she takes a bath.

Sigh...Liu Boyang sighed helplessly, but then again, even if she didn't lock the door, could he really go to peek at her?If she really did this, would she lose her trust in herself?

Forget it, the big man will do something and not do something, the little girl will be her own sooner or later, why rush at this moment?She was bullied by others just now, do you want to bully her too?I will spare this little girl today, tsk tsk, I will take a mandarin duck bath with Sun Xiaorou some other day to make up for today's loss

Thinking in this way, Liu Boyang turned on the TV boredly, staring at the boring TV program in a daze, but couldn't concentrate on the TV program, so he had to switch to another topic that made him puzzled:

How could that little girl Sun Xiaoying have anything to do with a woman like Red Coral?

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