After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out why, Liu Boyang was sitting on the sofa in a daze, when the sound of water in the bathroom stopped suddenly, and it was quiet for a while, only to hear the door open gently, and then Song Qianxia was wearing a The seductive pink bathrobe came out

"What are you looking at, a pervert?" Seeing Liu Boyang's eyes staring straight at him, Song Qianxia blushed and pursed her mouth in displeasure, but felt a little joy in her heart, What girl doesn't love seeing a boy she admires stunned by her beauty?But on the face, of course you still have to be reserved

Tsk tsk tsk, Liu Boyang sighed and shook his head. He had to admit that the picture of a beauty out of the bath in front of him was too tempting. Song Qianxia in front of him was wearing a pink bathrobe. Although most of her delicate body was covered, the two The jade feet, the two calves, the neck, the pretty face and the exposed skin on the arms are simply carved from jade, perfect and impeccable, as if water can be squeezed out with just a slight squeeze

Suet white jade is nothing more than that

The little beauty's hair has not been completely dried at the moment, and it is a little wet and scattered behind her head. She exudes the fragrance of shower gel all over her body. She really looks like a little angel at this moment, and her pure face reveals Different kind of softness

"Squad leader, you are so beautiful." Liu Boyang praised sincerely

"Slick tongue!" Song Qianxia pursed her lips and smiled, ran into the bedroom with her two little feet bare, took out a hair dryer, then walked back to Liu Boyang's side, and sat down on Liu Boyang's side in a cross-legged posture. Beside him, while drying his hair, he looked at the TV and asked, "What are you watching?"

"This? Looks like a horror movie" Liu Boyang said casually

Then I turned my attention to the TV. I didn’t watch it carefully just now, and I knew that there was a woman screaming incessantly. Generally, there are two episodes of such strange screams on TV. One is a female ghost running out Yes, the other is that a certain woman is dying of dystocia and Liu Boyang made up nonsense about the former, but he did not expect him to be right.

At this time, a white-faced woman with disheveled hair happened to flash out of the camera, with a vitriolic face, barking teeth and claws, and a look of choosing someone to eat

Liu Boyang curled his lips, and had to say, except that the woman who played the ghost was a bit ugly, this shot was really realistic, and it was easy for people to be brought into that tense atmosphere all at once.

"Ah" Suddenly Song Qianxia let out a scream, staring blankly at the TV, the hair dryer in her hand stopped blowing, and remained motionless

By the way, Liu Boyang suddenly remembered a saying about picking up girls: If you want to get a girl to fall into your arms in the shortest possible time, then take her to watch a horror movie...

"What's wrong? Afraid?" Liu Boyang asked knowingly

"Well, you change the show." Song Qianxia looked at him hesitantly and said, "I never watch horror movies. Every time I see a horror movie, I immediately change the channel."

"Hehe, but the filming is not bad, I like it" Liu Boyang said with a smile when the opportunity came

"Can you be considerate of girls?" Song Qianxia complained with her mouth pouted.

"Hehe, yes, so you can accompany me." Liu Boyang laughed

"Don't I don't want to watch the channel change" Song Qianxia crossed her waist and said

Looking at her like this, Liu Boyang wanted to laugh. He never thought that such a good girl would have such a "savage" side. Do you think that she is the biggest when she comes to her own home?

"Hate me? Tonight I just watched it. You invited me to your house. You have to take care of me as a guest." Liu Boyang made up his mind to get angry with her tonight.

"Hmph, if you don't change the channel, just give me the remote control." Song Qianxia said angrily, and rushed forward to grab the remote control from Liu Boyang's hand

What she didn't expect was that Liu Boyang took advantage of this opportunity to grab her soft body into his arms, and then hugged her tightly and never let go

Song Qianxia was a little scared, nervous like a bound deer, trying to struggle, suddenly Liu Boyang crawled into her ear and said: "Beauty, don't be afraid, I'm still here, hold you and see, I will Afraid?"

Song Qianxia's face was flushed, her breathing was a little short, and she was thinking about Xiao Jiujiu in her heart. After a long while, she let out an inaudible "um"

Seeing that Song Qianxia no longer resisted, Liu Boyang knew that his trick had succeeded, he smiled lightly, hugged the beauty in his arms, and accompanied her to watch the horror movie

And Song Qianxia, ​​after the initial nervousness and embarrassment, tried her best to focus all her attention on the horror movie

I have to say that this horror film is really well shot. Whether it is the plot of the whole story or the constant shocking shots, it will give people a feeling of horror as if they were on the scene. When a man was strangled to death, the whole plot was ignited to a point, but at this moment, with a "pop", Liu Boyang suddenly turned off the lights in the room

"Yeah..." Song Qianxia screamed in fright, and instinctively hid in Liu Boyang's arms. Now the two of them were getting close, Song Qianxia's entire jade body and the pair of plump little white rabbits on her chest were tightly pressed against each other. On Liu Boyang's chest

After recovering, looking at Liu Boyang's smirking expression, Song Qianxia said angrily: "You are so bad, you" and punched a small pink fist in his arms

Liu Boyang chuckled, grabbed her little fist, pulled it into his arms, and said with a smile, "It's just a TV. As for scaring you like this?"

"Don't talk nonsense, watch TV." Song Qianxia didn't have the heart to pay attention to this big pervert. Now she is completely attracted by the plot of the horror movie, and once again put her eyes on the TV screen

But Liu Boyang is just the opposite of her. How can he be in the mood to watch a horror movie now? No matter how attractive the movie is, is this little beauty in his arms so attractive?Now Liu Boyang has personally experienced the softness and fragrance of the little beauty's body, her fiery cock has long been mobilized by her, and there is a faint tendency to rebel against the lower body

No wonder he behaved like this. Facing an angelic pure and beautiful girl like Song Qianxia, ​​with so little clothes after getting out of the bath, a normal man would not be unresponsive, unless that person is a eunuch

Liu Boyang couldn't control himself a little bit, he stretched out his hand gently, and stroked Song Qianxia's tender jade feet, the tentacles were soft and smooth, and there was an incomparably cool feeling, the beauty in it was really indescribable

Song Qianxia looked back at Liu Boyang, said nothing, and continued to watch TV

Liu Boyang saw that Song Qianxia didn't stop him, isn't this the same as acquiescing?As if he had received an amnesty, that hand slid along Song Qianxia's white jade-like feet, along the ankle, calf, knee, and all the way up...

When he almost touched Song Qianxia's thigh, Song Qianxia frowned, pushed him lightly, and whispered: "Don't do this"

Liu Boyang was a little regretful, he was about to go deep into the hinterland, but he was stopped, he couldn't help feeling depressed, and lost the desire to continue touching, so he had to sit upright and continue watching his damn movie, it was almost the end

But at this time, Song Qianxia in the dark turned her head gently, thought and thought, and asked with some difficulty: "Are you angry?"

"No." Liu Boyang pouted and said

Song Qianxia lowered her head, "Sorry, I never..."

Liu Boyang smiled slightly, grabbed the soft and boneless jade hand, interrupted her: "I'm not angry, how can I be willing to be angry with such a beautiful little beauty?"

Song Qianxia pursed her lips and smiled shyly, her pretty face flushed, she leaned forward, and finally took out the courage that had been brewing for a long time, and asked, "Then, do you like this?"


Before Liu Boyang finished asking, suddenly a fragrance came before his eyes, and those two thin lips gently kissed his own lips...

Xiao Nizi was so active, it was really unexpected by Liu Boyang

Life is like a dream, so do what you have to do. As a veteran, he didn't hesitate, and immediately grabbed the beautiful woman's delicate body and turned over, directly pressing her on the sofa. An earth-shattering French kiss is indispensable ...

Note to readers:

collection, smashing bricks, tickets

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