As Liu Boyang's kiss became more and more passionate, Song Qianxia felt that she was about to lose herself, and her whole delicate body became hotter and hotter. She knew that she could not let him go on like this, otherwise, she would not be able to guarantee that this bad guy would not would do that to him...

As a good girl, Song Qianxia is still quite conservative in her bones. Don't say that the two have not established a relationship yet. Even if they do, in such a short time of acquaintance, she can't be handed over to him with her most precious thing. How can it be so casual?

Song Qianxia reached out and grabbed Liu Boyang's big hand that was trying to occupy her chest for the second time, avoided his lips, and begged a little: "Liu Boyang, don't do this, I, I'm afraid..."

Liu Boyang looked at the lovely and pitiful eyes of the little beauty under him, and for a moment, his heart of pity was greater than that of animal desire, so he waved his hands very depressed, and said with a groan, "That's all, monitor, you're really good at whetting people's appetites."

Song Qianxia smiled sweetly, and tapped him on the head, "It's you, a big pervert, who went too far, that was his first kiss, you are so domineering"

Liu Boyang was taken aback by what he said, and said in astonishment: "No, you really haven't had a boyfriend before." It's hard to imagine that there are still girls in today's society who save their first kiss until high school, and they are still a top-notch beauty

"Why lie to you? Hehe, I have to do my homework."

In s, there is an evening self-study every night, but students can choose to go or not. As the class monitor, Song Qianxia naturally has to come every day, and she does her homework meticulously. However, something unusual happened today, and she didn't I have lost my mind, so I have to take a day off

There is still homework to be done, and now she stepped on the sofa with bare feet and walked over to turn on the light, then jumped to the ground, turned her head and said to Liu Boyang, "Don't you need to do your homework?"

"Just copy yours." Liu Boyang patted his butt and stood up and said

The two came to Song Qianxia's room, and Liu Boyang found that the girl's room was no different from other girls' rooms. The whole room was decorated in pink. The posters on it are nothing more than posters of some famous handsome male stars today, and beside them are cross-stitched pink Simmons Simmons embroidered by the handy Song Qianxia himself. A big stupid rogue rabbit, all kinds of cute, petty bourgeois things filled the whole dressing table

"No, monitor, do you like these things too?" Liu Boyang asked a little dumbfounded. He was born as a vulgar man, but he couldn't understand how these little girls love to play. In her eyes, those half-grown children in the kindergarten I have nothing to say about those who don’t wear ponytails like these things, but a girl in the first year of high school still likes this all day long, it’s a bit too... well, in fashionable words, too loli...

"Of course, hehe, don't you think it's cute?" Song Qianxia smiled and picked up a big furry bear, waving its clumsy paws and said to Liu Boyang


Writing on the same table with a beautiful woman is also very pleasant. Not only can I copy her homework, but I can also clearly ask about the fragrance emanating from her body, and I will never tire of seeing her beautiful face.

"Hey, I asked you to do your homework, why are you just staring at me?" The little beauty was a little unhappy, knocking on Liu Boyang's desk and said

"Squad leader, what do your parents do? Are you often away at night?" Liu Boyang had to turn his attention to other places and asked

"Well, my parents are busy with business, and they often don't go home. I spend nearly two-thirds of the time at home alone, so from a very young age, I have Learned to stand on my own..."

While copying homework, Liu Boyang listened to Song Qianxia tell about her own family situation, feeling very moved in her heart. Song Qianxia told herself that when she was very young, her parents were no longer by her side, and she was busy with tireless business all day long. So I have to leave her alone at home or send her to school. Fortunately, Song Qianxia has been more sensible and self-reliant since she was a child. She has survived for so many years without leaving much psychological shadow. If there is any negative effect, it is that her courage has become very small, and her personality is also very simple and honest

After hearing this, Liu Boyang was really embarrassed. How could her experience be so similar to his own? I also never knew where my parents went since I was a child. When I asked the old man and three uncles, they didn’t tell me, and no one was willing to tell me. Only the jade pendant next to him can prove that his parents once existed.

When I was young, I grew up with my sister Liu Xiaoying. In my impression of childhood, apart from the heartless smirk every day, fighting and messing with my brothers, most of it was the loneliness of being alone in the dark, so at this moment Liu Boyang can fully understand Song Qianxia used to live alone with the loneliness and hardships. Unknowingly, there was a pity for her in her heart. This is an indescribable kind of sympathy for people who have experienced the same experience.

At the request of the little beauty, in exchange, Liu Boyang also told the little beauty about his growth experience, which mentioned the hidden pain in his heart. On the surface, he lived a free-range life. Later, when the old man retired to the world, he had a close relative by his side. But even so, Liu Boyang felt that he was much happier than Song Qianxia. Although he lived alone, his life was far from Song Qianxia was so monotonous, he knew how to use "badness" to attract everyone's attention when he was a child, Liujiawan was always noisy, everyone shouted and beat him, only in this way could he find his own sense of existence and later went to Songkou Middle School to study , his life is full of tension and excitement, basically there are fights every day, and gradually he has made a group of brothers who have died and made friends with him. Liu Boyang always thought that Lao Mao and others were given to him by God in another aspect. I have no parents, but I have many relatives all of a sudden

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