The best boy on campus

Chapter 688 Late Night Car!

After Director Du yelled, the whole box suddenly stopped, and then burst into laughter. Everyone rolled on the ground laughing, even the mayor Zhao Shuangmei blushed and held back her laughter. She couldn't do anything else Because she has to take into account her identity and image, her stomach hurts from holding back her laughter, and her delicate body trembles—she is also in the officialdom, even if she is a strong woman, she also knows some negative things. There is no one who is not stealthy, she didn't get caught by her, she is too lazy to care, but it seems that Du Chenghua's performance is a bit too much today...

Yang Lin was good at reading things. He was afraid that Director Du would leave a bad impression on Zhao Shuangmei because of this incident, so he quickly diverted Zhao Shuangmei's attention and said, "Mayor Zhao, you actually look pretty when you smile. I believe that if you Don't always keep a straight face on TV, your image will be more friendly to the people!"

Zhao Shuangmei felt flattered when Yang Lin took the initiative to talk to herself. She mustered up the courage several times to have a drink with Yang Lin tonight, but she never broke through her reserve. When she heard Yang Lin's praise of herself, her heart was filled with joy, and she said with a smile like a flower: "Really?"

"Yes!" Yang Lin nodded with a smile.

Zhao Shuangmei is indeed very beautiful. Even if she wears a rigid professional suit, she can't hide her hot body and beautiful appearance. At the age of 36, her skin is still tender, and her forehead has no crow's feet. Even after giving birth, her belly is white and compact without any trace of fat.When she came here today, she wanted to attract Yang Lin's attention, so she wore a pair of ultra-thin stockings, a leather skirt with a waist, and a small waistcoat, which set off her charming and charming, and she was simply the most beautiful scenery in the box... …

In fact, this kind of mature woman is Lao Mao's favorite, so Lao Mao toasted her the most tonight. Unfortunately, the drunkard's intention is not to drink, but to focus on Yang Lin...

"Okay, then I'll listen to you, and I'll smile more in the future. I've also heard that women get old easily if they keep a straight face. Even for Brother Yang, I have to change." Zhao Shuangmei said with pink cheeks.She also drank a lot of wine today, so she should speak boldly, otherwise, she would never say it if she had such a strong hint!

The sound of "Brother Yang" made Yang Lin's bones crumble. This kind of treatment, the old cat toasted her is just perfunctory, and he is so ambiguous to himself...

Yang Lin said in embarrassment: "Hehe, Mayor Zhao is serious. I just want to make a suggestion. I said it casually. You can just listen to it..."

"Brother Yang, you are so handsome and masculine, you must have a little girlfriend?" Zhao Shuangmei took advantage of the noise in the room and finally mustered up the courage to ask in a cliche manner.

"..." Yang Lin looked at her faint eyes, and the back of his head began to sweat instantly...

The heartfelt words that Director Du yelled just now may be the biggest joke tonight. Seeing the people in the room laughing wildly, he actually got drunk and said with a blushing face, "What are you all laughing at! My old Du said it here today. I just want the most beautiful girl, no one can compete with me!"

Stationmaster Li was lying on the ground with a smile. He propped himself up on the table and got up, squinting his eyes and said, "Ju Du, how old are you this year? Are the things in your crotch still okay? Haha, don't put the most beautiful I gave it to you, why don't you use it..."

This guy is definitely drinking too much. If he was given ten guts in normal times, he wouldn't dare to make such a joke with Du Chenghua...

Du Chenghua became angry when he heard that, he slammed the table, stared and said: "Do you dare to doubt my ability? Do you dare to take off your pants? I'll fuck you first!"

Liu Boyang took a sip of wine and immediately spit out, turned his head to look at Director Du, who was very righteous, and really couldn't understand why he was so righteous and fearless in the face of danger. He slapped the table and shouted, "Take it off! If you can't kill me, I'll fuck you. Hehehe, my chrysanthemum can open a bottle cap..."

Liu Boyang quickly held down the guy who was really about to take off his pants, and said with a smile: "Okay! Both of you calm down, I have never seen you so carried away, and I will find a beautiful girl for you later, don't be ashamed here Already!"

Liu Boyang pressed the two of them down, and he really wanted to go outside to get some air. When he passed by Yang Lin and Zhao Shuangmei, he saw the two sitting there talking quietly, Liu Boyang had already seen the clue, and from Zhao Shuangmei tonight As soon as she entered the door, she looked at Yang Lin differently. Liu Boyang grabbed Yang Lin's neck while drinking and said, "This woman is called Chun. You are so awesome that you will kill him tonight! I am happy for you if you mess with the mayor." !"

Yang Lin smiled and pushed Liu Boyang away: "Fuck you, am I that kind of person? Only old cats are good at that, okay?..."

Liu Boyang curled his lips and scolded: "Pretend to be a kid with me, don't care about you if you're lazy..."

Yang Lin saw Liu Boyang walking out swayingly, and asked, "Brother Yang, where are you going?"

"Go out and get some air!"

After Liu Boyang went out, Zhao Shuangmei asked Yang Lin in bewilderment: "What did he tell you just now? He's still sneaky, won't you let me listen?"

"Guess." Yang Lin took a big gulp of Wuliangye.

Zhao Shuangmei said with flushed cheeks, "I don't. It's definitely not a good thing to say bad things about people." She has been there before, and she knows the kind of wretchedness that belongs to men...

Yang Lin smiled and said, "No way, Brother Yang asked me to take you home, saying that he was afraid that it would not be safe for you to go back alone..."


Liu Boyang walked out of the box door and went all the way down the stairs. He saw that the boys in the hall on the first floor were also drunk and lying on several tables. This group of boys found many girls from nowhere, maybe even they The daughter-in-law or the good female classmates in the class also called them together. When this group of men and women saw Liu Boyang going downstairs, they all shouted drunkenly: "Brother Yang!!"

Liu Boyang smiled and waved his hands: "Don't worry about me, just eat and drink well!"

"Brother Yang, come over and have a drink! They all say you are huge!" A few girls came up and said with a smile.

"Brother Yang, let's offer you a toast..." Those younger brothers also surrounded me politely and said.

Liu Boyang pushed everyone away with a smile, and said, "I'll have a drink with you when I come back, I'll go out to get some air first..."

"Brother Yang, what's the matter with you?"

"Hehe, it's okay..." Sometimes being popular is a troublesome thing. Liu Boyang struggled to separate from the crowd and go out. Another hotel waiter came over and said, "Sir, will you pay the bill tonight?"


"Now your total consumption has exceeded 12, but there are still people ordering food and wine. Do you think we should continue to serve or..."

Liu Boyang nodded and said with a smile: "Go ahead, you can order whatever they order, and I will pay later..."

"Hehe, yes! You are so loyal! Are you drinking too much? Shall I help you find a place to rest?"

"No need." Liu Boyang declined the kindness of this beautiful waiter, and walked out the door swaying. At this time, the alcohol in his body finally surged up, and he was dizzy, and even his vision was a little blurred. He walked down the steps of the hotel , straightened up and took a deep breath, only feeling the coolness in the lungs, suddenly something surged up in the stomach, the fullness was unbearable, and he hurried to the flower pond by the roadside and vomited.

This vomit was uncontrollable, his throat was sore, and all the food he ate at night poured out. He vomited for a long time, and finally wiped the corners of his mouth and straightened up, but suddenly the opposite road drove over A black car, with two sharp searchlights piercing Liu Boyang's eyes, was clearly coming towards him!

Liu Boyang raised his arm to block the light, and asked, "Who?"

p: Here, I am very grateful to a brother who gave me an opinion. He said that the last chapter was a bit ridiculous, and the bus cannot carry vegetables and food.I admit that, after all, novels are fictional, mostly exaggerated.But everyone also doesn't know that the black forces' contracting of the road line is a real story in my hometown, and it has indeed caused a sensation in the city.Brother, you don’t know that in some remote county towns, passenger cars are not strictly used as passenger cars. The luggage compartment under it and the compartments can store goods.

Chapter 680 Late Night Car! @! !

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