The best boy on campus

Chapter 689 Mother and Daughter of the Ning Family!

The black car slowly stopped beside Liu Boyang. Liu Boyang was still a little dizzy, squinting his eyes and tilting his head to look into the car. There were actually two women sitting in the car, to be exact, a middle-aged woman and a girl. Through the glass of the car, these two people didn't give Liu Boyang a good look.

But Liu Boyang was stunned for a moment, looked at the girl in the car, opened his mouth wide in surprise and said, "Ye Qi?"

The middle-aged woman slowly rolled down the car window, looked at Liu Boyang expressionlessly and asked, "Are you Liu Boyang?"

Liu Boyang frowned slightly and nodded, he already had a premonition and asked, "Are you Ye Qi's mother?"

"Get in the car!" The middle-aged woman said coldly.

Without hesitation, Liu Boyang called Yang Lin first, and arranged for him to settle the bill after the meal. Anyway, the money is shared by the brothers, and it doesn't matter whoever pays. Then he got into the black Mercedes car. rear compartment.

Yang Lin was very worried after hanging up the phone, because Liu Boyang didn't tell him anything at all, and hurried out of the hotel with Lao Mao Huzi and others, but the road was empty, and there was no sign of Liu Boyang The mood of the brothers suddenly became worried.


"Ye Qi? Heh, the name is quite friendly." On the front passenger seat, the long-haired girl who looked exactly like Ning Yeqi looked back at Liu Boyang, and said with contempt in her tone.

At this moment, Liu Boyang's head finally cleared up, and he recognized that this person was not his wife. Although her face was carved out of the same mold as Ye Qi's, it was by no means the same person.In terms of age, she is older than Ye Qi, and she is also taller than Ye Qi. She also has thick makeup on her face, which makes her look a bit coquettish and charming.

My daughter-in-law, Ning Yeqi, has always been without makeup, never wearing heavy makeup, she is still beautiful and charming!The habits of the two are different, and it is also doomed that their personalities are very different.

"Are you Ye Qi's sister?" Liu Boyang asked lightly.He once heard Ning Yeqi mention that she also has a sister, who must be the fairy in front of him.It's just that what Liu Boyang couldn't imagine was that since they were born to the same parents, the two girls gave people completely different feelings. His daughter-in-law is so obedient and sensible, and this one looks like an arrogant and domineering little ancestor type.

"It's called Ning Yeqi—I've pronounced my sister's name completely!" the girl said coldly.

Liu Boyang smiled faintly, looking at her sharp appearance, it was obvious that she was here to raise an argument, and he would be in trouble tonight!

"Hehe, where are you taking me?"

"Shut up! How can a big man talk so much? Do you know what quality is? You'll know when it's over in a while? You smell like alcohol, it's disgusting! I really don't understand, is Ye Qi's brain flooded? How could you fall in love with someone like you?" the girl said indignantly.

"Who do you think is out of their minds? Say it again and let me hear it?" Someone pointed at him, no problem, Liu Boyang was willing to accompany him, but this woman dared to insult his daughter-in-law in front of him, which immediately touched Liu Boyang's back Lin, immediately asked coldly!

"Yoha! What's your attitude? You don't want to say you? Who are you attacking? Why do you still want to hit me? My old lady didn't say anything about you, why are you excited?" The girl said relentlessly.

Liu Boyang exploded violently, but before he could do anything, he heard the middle-aged woman in the driver's seat say: "Meng Nan! Shut up too! I forgot what you promised me when I brought you out? Pay attention to the quality of your words and deeds, we Ning family members cannot be laughed at!"

"Dug?! Mom, aren't you? You turned your elbows out and stood on his side? Don't forget the purpose of our coming out this time. If this kid is not separated from my sister, I will be with you Everyone is finished!"

As soon as the girl said these words, Liu Boyang immediately understood that these two people came to separate himself and Ye Qi today?

"I tell you to shut up! Where have you forgotten the tutoring you taught you since you were a child? I have my own sense of this matter, so I don't need you to remind me!" The middle-aged woman said coldly.These two people just quarreled on their own, completely treating Liu Boyang as air.

"Ha, it really is the mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, the more she likes her! My own daughter is worthless!" Ning Mengnan sneered and said sarcastic remarks while leaning on the car cushion and tilting her head to look out the window, as if she was talking to the air.

With a sound of "Zha——", the Mercedes-Benz car stopped suddenly, and Ning Yeqi's mother finally couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Get out of here!"

"Haha, are you serious? Hou Peipei, are you scaring me? I knew I couldn't come out with a woman like you. It would be great if I could come with my dad. You are worthy of being a bitch, and you are a bitch who works. Invite him to some coffee shop and explain clearly in this car? A waste of time and money!"

Hou Peipei's face was blue with anger. She has always been at odds with this eldest daughter, just like Ning Yeqi who is closer to her than her father Ning Huatian. She said angrily: "I tell you to get out! Didn't you hear that?" ? Stop embarrassing yourself here!"

Ning Mengnan also roared: "Hou Peipei, don't fucking yell at me!! I'm really afraid of you! Go down as soon as you go down, and leave me alone if you have the ability! Go back to Ninghua and I won't slap your mouth open !"

"You!!" Hou Peipei was about to have a heart attack out of anger.

Liu Boyang sneered and looked at the two women arguing and scolding, and said mockingly: "Did you two specially let me in to watch the joke today?"

When Ning Mengnan heard this, she kicked the door and got out of the car, then like a female ghost, she yanked open the door on the other side of Liu Boyang and jumped up, bringing in a smell of high-end perfume, with a coquettish and pretty face The whole person approached Liu Boyang, and mocked: "You ruffian, a bum, a self-righteous bumpkin, you are crazy! Tell me, what right do you have to pick on my sister? Just because you are a gangster?"

Liu Boyang was surprised and said: "Oh? I can't tell, you are quite good at cursing!"

"Surprised? My aunt can slap people! I warn you, stay away from my sister in the future, because you want to get my sister, it's just a dream! Did you beat back the person my father sent last time? You are very fierce, if you have the ability, you can hit me up?" Ning Mengnan said aggressively.

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "I usually don't hit women, I only hit one when I grow up, don't force me to break the precept again!"

"Yo ho, are you scaring me? Hou Peipei, did you hear that? This guy dares to scare me! This is your good son-in-law!" Ning Mengnan actually called her mother by her first name, and it seemed to be justified, without reason. A little shame.

"Ning Mengnan! Get the hell out of here!!!" Hou Peipei was furious. Before she had time to negotiate with Liu Boyang, she was blown away by her own daughter!

Ning Mengnan was unmoved, and sneered, she straddled her thighs and rode on Liu Boyang's thighs, staring at Liu Boyang almost face to face, and said, "Don't be such a gentleman, try to hit me!"

Liu Boyang said "Oh", without hesitation, he slapped her across the face with a slap, and directly slapped Ning Mengnan on the car seat. Ning Mengnan was stunned by the slap, and Hou Peipei was also stunned!

Liu Boyang bent down, pressed her hard, and said with a smile: "I've seen a lot of cheap women who are looking for fucks and scolding, but I've never seen one as cheap as you, who are looking for beatings!"

Chapter 680 Nine Mother and Daughter of the Ning Family! @! !

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