The best boy on campus

Chapter 7 Arrogant Provocation

The class fell silent for a while, and many people saw it. A group of people came from outside the door, led by the number one character in the first grade, Huang Mao Zhang Qiangpao-Book_) Everyone looked at I saw Liu Boyang, with complicated eyes, some were worried about him, and some were gloating about his misfortune. Of course, most of them wanted to watch this lively event that didn’t cost money.

Liu Boyang smiled lightly, did Li Gui's helper come so soon?Forget it, let yourself solve it all at once, save trouble

He was about to stand up and walk out when his forearm was suddenly grabbed by a jade wrist. Looking down, it was Song Qianxia's pretty face full of worry.

"Liu Boyang, don't go out, they are all bad students like Li Gui, and the one named Zhang Qiang with the dyed yellow hair is better at fighting than Li Gui, there are so many of them, you will suffer, let me go first You tell the teacher" Song Qianxia said worriedly

"Hehe, it's okay, beauty, I don't pay attention to those little shrimps, so you don't have to worry about me." It's not Liu Boyang's style to make girls worry about themselves. She squeezed Song Qianxia's delicate chin, her eyes were full of ridicule, and there was a funny smile on the corner of her mouth

This action made Song Qianxia stunned for a moment. After she regained her composure, her pretty face flushed red. It was the first time a boy picked her so lightly since she was a child.

Feeling like a deer bumping around in his heart, he wanted to reproach Liu Boyang for a few words, but after thinking about it, now was not the time, so he could only pouted and stared at him with an aggrieved face, with a somewhat angry expression on his face

As a result, the class exploded, and almost all the students were stunned. This Liu Boyang is too good. He dared to eat Banhua's tofu in such a short time, and Banhua stared at him. In addition, there is no other indication. You must know that even Si Kongling wanted to get close to Song Qianxia, ​​and he was rejected. Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that Liu Boyang is indeed not an ordinary person, definitely not as ordinary as his appearance

"Hmph, frivolity" Ning Yeqi gave a flat evaluation in her heart

Liu Boyang didn't mind the eyes of other students at all. After teasing Song Qianxia, ​​he strode out of the classroom and confronted Zhang Qiang and his group.

Zhang Qiang was a little surprised, his first impression of Liu Boyang was that this kid is not an ordinary person, he has a lot of people, he can still be so indifferent, no wonder the old ghost will fall into his hands

But seeing Liu Boyang's expression of not taking his group of people seriously in the slightest, Zhang Qiang couldn't help burning with anger. Since the day he came to S Zhongli stick, since when has he been underestimated by others?

"Your name is Liu Boyang?" Zhang Qiang pointed at Liu Boyang's nose with a triangle iron and said

Liu Boyang said lightly: "Speak politely."

Zhang Qiang was stunned, and sneered: "Okay, enough, you beat Old Ghost Li to death? He is my brother, I have to get him back in this place."

Liu Boyang smiled lightly: "What do you want?"

"After school, come to the grove behind the school if you feel like it. Let's settle the accounts once and for all. Don't run, you can't even run."


"Okay, master is waiting for you." After Zhang Qiang finished speaking, he gave a cruel look, turned around and left with a group of people

"Go in, go in, don't look at it"

"Everyone go back to your seats, it's time for class"

The group of students who came out to watch the excitement in the class were disappointed when they saw that the two parties did not fight face to face, and they all returned to the classroom with murmurs.

Liu Boyang smiled indifferently, and wanted to follow in, but saw Fang Yuyan, the beautiful class teacher at the other end of the corridor, walking over with a very ugly expression

"Oh? Beautiful teacher, are you here to look for me?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile, it seems that the principal finally made a move

Fang Yuyan bit her lip, looking helplessly at this seemingly ordinary student, she never thought that he would make such a big mess for herself on the first day

"Student Liu Boyang, come with me." After Fang Yuyan finished speaking, she turned and walked towards her office

Liu Boyang shrugged indifferently, followed her all the way up to the fourth floor

In the office, Fang Yuyan waited for Liu Boyang to come in, closed the door, and then sat down on her desk in a serious manner, looking at Liu Boyang with a calm and pretty face.

Seeing the sulking look of the beautiful class teacher, Liu Boyang wanted to tease her, "Huh? The teacher's face is so ugly. Could it be that the surname He didn't give up and harassed you again?"

Fang Yuyan blushed and spat: "Don't talk nonsense, sit down first."

Liu Boyang smiled, and sat down opposite the beautiful head teacher

"Don't laugh, do you know how much trouble you have caused me?" Fang Yuyan said straight to the point

"Is there?" Liu Boyang pretended to be innocent.

"Pretending to be confused, you beat up your classmates in class, and even angered the teacher, which has a very bad influence on the next class. Isn't it all your good deeds?" Fang Yuyan said angrily

"Hey, teacher, although I admire you very much, I will sue you for slander if you say this. Don't just frame good people casually. I swear to God, I definitely didn't start what happened today."

Liu Boyang's shy [laughing expression, ambiguous tone, and words with meaning in his words, Fang Yuyan couldn't help but blush

"You, can you be more respectful when you talk to the teacher? I am your teacher. Even if Li Gui and the others are wrong first, you don't have to be so cruel to them. You are classmates, and you will live together for three years in the future. Woolen cloth"

"Teacher, what you said is wrong. They come to trouble me, so I can only let them bully me? Besides, I don't think I did anything cruel at all, I just taught them a little lesson." Liu Boyang said It's true, in his dictionary, he really didn't hit Li Gui and others ruthlessly. In the past in County H, when was there a fight without a knife?No one was killed or disabled this time, so I definitely showed mercy

Seeing Liu Boyang's "innocent" expression, Fang Yuyan was so angry that she was about to vomit blood: "You still said that you beat Li Gui so hard that he couldn't get out of bed, and you beat Song Jinlong and the others unconscious, is this still called mercy?"

"That's right, in the past, they would have lost their lives," Liu Boyang said lightly

Fang Yuyan was speechless for a while, and she was also very surprised that this student named Liu Boyang made such a big commotion and sent five classmates to the infirmary, but why didn't the principal respond at all?

Not only did it not work, the old man also issued a password to prevent all the teachers who knew about it from disclosing the matter to the public, and even asked the head teachers of each class to go back and tell the students in each class not to publicize the matter

If that's all, Fang Yuyan can still understand. After all, S High School is an aristocratic school, and most of the students are rebellious. Basically, there will be one or two incidents of student fights every week, but this time the principal unexpectedly A special order was also issued, that is, if the parents of those students who were beaten came to the school, they would not have to go to Liu Boyang, and all compensation would be borne by the school.

This is so unusual

Fang Yuyan was caught in one person's thoughts, and unconsciously ignored Liu Boyang. When she recovered, she found that Liu Boyang was looking at her with a smile in his eyes, not in a hurry

Fang Yuyan blushed, "You, what are you looking at?"

"Teacher Fang, you are so beautiful." For beautiful women, Liu Boyang has never been stingy with his compliments

When Fang Yuyan heard him teasing herself so blatantly, she blushed so much, she turned her head away from him uncomfortably, and asked, changing the subject, "Liu Boyang, can you tell the teacher what your family does?"

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