what for?

This question really caught Liu Boyang

As long as he can remember, he has no parents. There is only one grandfather and three uncles in his family. The uncle now runs a listed company in city w with assets exceeding [-] million yuan. The second uncle is the mayor of city w today. The most disgraceful person seems to be my own uncle, who was just tinkering with white powder and ammunition in the Golden Triangle. He committed a big crime two years ago and went back to County H to avoid the limelight, so he was accused of being not tall. The uncle who is lean but better than Bruce Lee has practiced for two full years

As for what his grandfather did when he was young, Liu Boyang himself didn't know. It’s like a beauty pageant at the International Auto Show, with more than a dozen helicopters coming, and many foreign tycoons and tigers have traveled thousands of miles. According to my uncle, there are not only big shots from the Golden Triangle, but also people from Russia, Japan, and even the United States. The leaders of the underground party, but these big figures who can cover the sky with one hand in the world, are extremely filial in front of Mr. Liu. Whether you are blond, blue-eyed or black-haired and black-eyed, you will all respect tea with both hands and kneel down to celebrate your birthday. Mr. Liu in Tang suit is also calm, as if this is a matter of course

It was from that time that Liu Boyang knew how to write the word awesome. In contrast, he and his brothers were just playing around

But Liu Boyang never asked about the origin of his grandfather's identity. He knew that even if he asked the old man, he wouldn't say it. So far, the Liu family has never had a dandy who lives and dies depending on the family. Envy?Jealousy is?With hands and feet, work hard by yourself

Liu Boyang rarely mentioned the disappearance of his father and mother, because it was one of the few things that could make Mr. Liu look sad Liu Boyang knew that one day he would find out the truth

It seems that these things are not easy to tell the beautiful teacher, but Liu Boyang has made up his mind to chase this beauty with his own ability. Will these be adulterated?

"My family is an ordinary businessman." Liu Boyang prevaricated with a smile.

Of course, Fang Yuyan couldn't be fooled by such an obvious lie, but since Liu Boyang didn't want to say it, she didn't intend to ask further, so she said, "Don't think I'm a teacher, but I'm actually not a few years older than you. I also know about the matter, you beat Li Gui and others today, I guess they will not let it go, and Xiao Xueting, I heard that he has a very powerful brother-in-law in the outside world, you have to be careful."

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, the surname Liu has never been afraid of anyone haha, beautiful teacher, are you worried about me?" Liu Boyang laughed.

"Can you look serious?" Fang Yuyan scolded

"Okay, beautiful teacher, how about treating you to dinner tonight?"


When Liu Boyang returned to the classroom, the fourth period was already halfway through. After he walked in through the back door, he attracted the attention of everyone including the teacher. It is hard to imagine that this student became the most influential person in the class the first day he transferred.

The three of Hou Qiang and a man named Lu Dong all came back from the infirmary. Lu Dong was the guy who was hit by Liu Boyang's chest punch. Although he went into shock on the spot, he woke up not long after lying in the infirmary. Came here, and when he opened his eyes, he still looked terrified. On the way back, Hou Qiang asked him how he felt when he was punched by Liu Boyang. Lu Dong said with lingering fear, "It's like his mother was hit by a car."

Liu Boyang learned the news of the principal's "special care" for him from the mouth of the beautiful teacher. It seems that the mayor's second uncle's words are really good. Within a month, let this famous s become his Liu Boyang's world

From the moment Liu Boyang came in, Song Qianxia couldn't help but secretly glanced at him several times, and she couldn't explain why she did this. There was an instinct similar to caring that drove her to do this. She knew that Liu Boyang was called by Fang Yuyan just now. Let's go, she wants to see if Liu Boyang is okay

For the beauty's secret attention, Liu Boyang responded with a teasing smile, Song Qianxia immediately blushed and turned her head away, this little cabbage is still brooding about Liu Boyang eating her tofu, just thinking about it makes her feel full blushing

Liu Boyang also knows the truth that everything should not be rushed and stopped. Today, Song Qianxia has initially entered a position in Song Qianxia's heart. No matter whether it is good or bad, it is always good for her to pay attention to herself. As for that cold long-haired beauty Ning Ye Qi, don't be in a hurry, the future will be long and smooth

Liu Boyang has a strong self-confidence, sooner or later these girls will be his own, because he will not let anyone else have the opportunity to compete with him

Not in the mood to listen to the teacher's lecture, Liu Boyang spent the last ten minutes sleeping. After the bell rang for the end of get out of class, he straightened up, only to find Hou Qiang and the four of them standing beside him

The other students were packing their schoolbags while looking at this side in doubt, not knowing what was about to happen

"Huh? What do you want to do?" Liu Boyang asked with a faint smile

"Brother Yang, we want to talk to you," said Hou Qiang, the leader of the four

"With me?"

"Yes, the four of us brothers are convinced by your abilities, Brother Yang. If Brother Yang wants to stand up in S, we really want to fight the world with Brother Yang." heavy nod

In fact, they were also very disturbed. They had just formed a relationship with Liu Boyang. They didn't know if he would accept people like themselves. Hou Qiang hesitated before risking everything. There was a strong longing in their eyes when they made this decision. , Liu Boyang's methods convinced them. The kind of domineering he showed was even incomparable to Si Kongling, let alone the brute Li Gui and the shady Zhang Qiang.

If you follow him, your future is absolutely limitless. Some people are born with the air of a general and domineering aura, and the unattractive Liu Boyang is exactly this kind of person

"Hehe, you guys have made up your mind? Don't you want to be with that Sikong Ling?" Liu Boyang laughed.

"After thinking about it, please rest assured, Brother Yang, the four of us are willing to swear to pursue Brother Yang from today onwards, and we will never regret it." Hou Qiang and the other four vowed their loyalty

"Well, starting from today, you are my brothers, Liu Boyang. The green mountains will not change, and the green waters will flow forever. From now on, you will follow me to fight the mountains and rivers," Liu Boyang said with a smile

He is no stranger to Shou Xiaodi, and it's not the first day he's the boss

"Yes" Hou Qiang and the others shouted excitedly

At this time, there were not many people left in the class, or I would have been frightened to death by their hysterical joy

"By the way, Brother Yang, I heard that Zhang Qiang came to see you?" Hou Qiang suddenly thought of a question

"That's right, let me wait for him in the grove, if it wasn't for you guys, I would be here now" Liu Boyang laughed

Hou Qiang and the others were stunned for a while, and Lu Dong asked in surprise: "Isn't Brother Yang afraid of them? I heard that Zhang Qiang called more than 20 people to deal with you."

"Really? That's just right, I hope he didn't call out a group of wine bags and rice bags, don't let me down." Liu Boyang smiled indifferently

Although Hou Qiang and the others had already seen Liu Boyang's bloody methods, they still had to be impressed by his courage and courage. They gave a thumbs up in their hearts and once again lamented that their choice was correct.

"Brother Yang, do you want to know something about Zhang Qiang?" Lu Dong asked. He wanted to take the initiative to help Liu Boyang make suggestions, so as to know himself and the enemy and win a hundred battles.

"There's no need for that, it's just a clown." Liu Boyang walked to the door with his hands behind his back, "Stop talking, if you don't go, it will only break my evil spirit and make those bastards think I'm afraid of them."

"Wait, Brother Yang, let's go with you. If we really fight, we can be your helpers?" Hou Qiang and the others hurriedly chased after him.

"Helper? Hehe, then there's no need, you just need to watch from the side"

"Brother Yang, we know that you are invincible in fighting, but are you really sure about the number 20 of the opponent?" Lu Dong asked hesitantly

"Wood, don't talk nonsense, brother Yang dares to say that, of course he has the ability, we believe in brother Yang" Hou Qiang said firmly

Liu Boyang turned around and took a look at the four hot-blooded younger brothers, chuckled, and said, "Qiang Zi is right, if I don't even have this ability, why should I be your eldest brother?"

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