The best boy on campus

Chapter 700: Destroyed Building Photography Prestige!

"Mengnan, these two are Liu Boyang's brothers, do you know them?" Far away, in an extended Lincoln car, Li Gubai asked Ning Mengnan with a smile while playing with the jade wrench in his hand. .

"Joke, who are they? Why do my aunts know them? If it wasn't for my silly sister, I wouldn't even be interested in meeting a scum like Liu Boyang, so what are his brothers?" Ning Mengnan said disdainfully.She slept at Li Gubai's house last night, and she looked radiant and charming again.

Li Gubai smiled helplessly, and said: "I really hope that as you said, Liu Boyang will really rush over for your sister later, so that I can watch a good show again."

"You dead skull! You only know how to go to the theater! I can tell you, if your people can't help me stop Liu later, I will not forgive you, I will castrate you!" Ning Meng Nan came over viciously and grabbed Li Gubai's neck, while the other hand was dishonestly grabbing Li Gubai's underside.

Li Gubai lightly held her treacherous hand, and at the same time took off the shackles around his neck, and said with a tepid smile, "Don't worry, I will."

Ning Mengnan felt more and more that Li Gubai was very suitable for her taste, gentleman, elegant, rich in city and powerful!Such a nearly perfect man is rare!She stretched her breasts on purpose, slid her green fingers on Li Gubai's face, and smiled provocatively and charmingly: "Honestly, how did you bear it last night? I didn't close the door. Waiting for you all night, how dare you not go in! Is it your place... can't you?"

Li Gubai gently pushed her away with a smile, and said: "Whether it's okay or not, you really want to know, if you have a chance to try it with you, you will know."

Ning Mengnan held his face reluctantly, smiled drunkenly and said, "I'm going to try it now! When your men beat them to the ground later, we two will have sex in the car while we are passionate... ..."


Huzi and Cui Guodong slammed the door twice to get out of the car, glanced back and forth, and sneered, "Who told you to come to Lou's photography car? Good dogs don't get in the way, I have urgent matters, get out of here!" "

A dozen or so men in black came out of the three cars before and after, and of course Ding Feng and Yuan Long took the lead. Except for the two, everyone else was carrying things in their hands. Ding Feng and Yuan Long looked indifferent. Walking forward, Ding Feng raised his buttocks and sat on the front of the car very arrogantly, lit the cigarette and said, "You are not so small! Are you weaned and yell at the old men? Today, the grandpas have a task, as long as you two Obediently stand here and don't move, you can say anything, if you dare not know what you are good at, don't blame the old men for bullying the younger!"

This group of people obviously came prepared, Huzi turned around immediately, called Yang Lin to report the situation, Cui Guodong stood up and said: "Listen, Grandpa Cui, say it again, get out of here quickly! Who are you guys? Did you find it? Why does that hermaphrodite Li Gubai keep haunting him everywhere?"

"Boy, watch what the hell you say!" Ding Feng was furious, and threw the cigarette butt at Cui Guodong. Cui Guodong brushed it away with one hand and smiled coldly!

Hu Zi came up from behind, and said calmly: "Second brother said, we should all lie down, we don't need to chase sister-in-law anymore, he and brother Yang have already gone."

"Oh." Cui Guodong nodded with a smile, unhurriedly took out Juanba Dao from his waist, pressed the spring, and with a "shua", the blade was as straight as electricity!

Cui Guodong stepped forward and said, "Aren't you the guy who ate shit last time? I haven't seen you for a few days. How did you become so awesome? I almost didn't recognize it. Is shit delicious? You are no longer a dung beetle, and you want to scare me with these few people? Come, come, let's play two tricks!"

Cui Guodong brought up the biggest shame of Ding Feng's life, and he immediately exploded, shouting sharply: "Damn it! This little bastard doesn't know what's good! Brothers, let them think about it!"

As soon as the words fell, the dozen or so people around immediately rushed towards Cui Guodong and Huzi with swords and sticks, but Cui Guodong flew up to Ding Feng in an instant, and he slashed down with his eight swords!

Ding Feng's hanging hair was frightened, and he quickly turned his body to dodge. With a "cha", a knife hole was opened in the place where he was sitting just now, and Juan Ba ​​knife was inserted into it like a broken bamboo. Appalling!If it's Ding Feng who intervenes, I'm sure I'll send him to see Lord Hades right away!

"Hiding for nothing, it's just warming up." Cui Guodong stepped on the car, pulled out the Juanbadao, lit a cigarette for himself, took a puff and put it sideways to his mouth, and lit up the knife and said: "Today, I'm going to kill chickens to scare monkeys. Who is Lou Photography? Look after the surname Ding. I'll send you all to heaven in the time of a cigarette!"

"Fuck me!!" Ding Feng was terrified from the bottom of his heart. Cui Guodong's skill and speed can only be described by the word "perverted". But just as he called his brothers to take action, he suddenly heard a "bang!!", and there was a loud noise from behind. Everyone turned their heads in amazement, only to see that the tiger had jumped onto the front of the car behind them at some point, Throwing away the bricks that smashed the glass of their car, he took off the steering wheel of the Passat with ease and tried the handle. Let you go all out, you don't want to bully people today, let's talk about it first, half of each person!"

Cui Guodong shrugged his shoulders, looking helpless, "I really can't stand you..."

Ding Feng, Yuan Long and his group were stunned. As a high-level photographer in the building, it was unheard of to be despised to such an extent. A group of people shouted and divided into two groups to directly kill Cui Guodong and Huzi. The first one to fly out was actually It was Yuan Long, he rushed the most, was hit by Huzi's steering wheel and lost his way, kicked him to the side and went into convulsions!

The fierce fighting is about to begin!But the situation turned in a direction that no one expected, and it was not Cui Guodong and Huzi who were beaten like a grandson and cried for their mothers, but the Lou Photography gang who were so awesome and coaxed just now!

Cui Guodong and Huzi didn't intend to kill any living beings today, so they didn't hit the vital parts. The eight rolls knife just poked a few holes in these people, but those who were thrown by Huzi flew unconscious without exception. Ning Mengnan, who unbuttoned Li Gubai's pants, stared straight at him, watching Ding Feng being beaten by Cui Guodong until his face was covered in blood, and then kicked into the sky, almost smashed the car glass when he fell. , she angrily let go of Li Gubai's treasure immediately, and scolded: "You surnamed Li, what are you bastards?! So many people beat two people and they dealt with it like this, I'm embarrassed to see it! Is this what you told me, what kind of bullshit city north boss are you?"

Li Gubai smiled and pinched her face, said: "Baby, don't worry, where are you going now, what do you want to see exciting? Then I will give you all the fun!"

Chapter [-]: Destroyed Building Photography Prestige! @! !

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