The best boy on campus

Chapter 701 The old cat goes berserk!

Li Gubai took out his phone and dialed a few numbers casually. Of course, the appeal of the boss of the photography studio was not built. In an instant, countless horsemen rushed out of all the photography studios near this street, jumped into the van and rushed towards Li Gubai. Bone White is driving here!

There are a total of 82 branch halls under Li Gubai's photography studio. The masters of these branch halls are all the lobby managers scattered in the wedding photography studios all over G City. Each of them usually keeps a group of horse boys under his command, just to be useful at critical moments.Therefore, the three major gangs are the most difficult to pull out, because although their headquarters are in the north of the city, their forces are densely distributed in the entire g city, just like more than [-] large strongholds. It is not easy to shake them!

In just 5 minutes, more than a dozen vans full of people rushed towards the two nearest photography buildings. Any citizen with eyes on the entire road, as long as they see these eye-catching "buildings" The license plate with the lettering on it immediately hid far away to make way for them, as if they were a group of plague gods, and they were afraid to avoid them.

When the first van stopped in front of the Lincoln, a bandit with a python tattoo on his head and wearing a gorgeous purple suit strode over and lay down beside the Lincoln. Li Gubai rolled down the window slowly. , Fu Er said a few words to him, and the gangster glanced coldly at Cui Guodong and Huzi who were in the alleyway, waved and shouted: "Little ones! Come with me!" Stretching into the back of the waist, he drew out a long-bladed pocket knife, and dozens of people rushed over in such a menacing manner.

"Who is this? The boa constrictor on the head is very stylish!" Ning Mengnan chuckled, pinching Li Gubai's thigh with her delicate hands, Li Gubai could call so many people in such a short period of time. A person who is enough to prove to her that his city boss's words are true!

"It's just a hall master below me." Li Gubai smiled indifferently, took out the cigarette case, put a long and thin white cigarette in his mouth, squinted his eyes and looked out the window, and said: "The good show will start soon. .”

"Tch, like ordinary citizens who have never seen the world, how dare you call it wonderful with such a small number of people? You haven't seen a big melee with hundreds of people!" Ning Mengnan said disdainfully.

Li Gubai just smiled and didn't say anything.But then Ning Mengnan realized that she was wrong, this is really exciting!In addition to the bald people, there are countless vans coming from all directions, all models, all license plates, and all people in black suits inside.

Now Ning Mengnan finally looked stupid, opened her small mouth slightly, and said incredulously, "This, this is all yours?"

Li Gubai chuckled, and said disapprovingly: "Well, I only called for a few closer ones, are you satisfied?"

Ning Mengnan smiled charmingly, slipped her jade hand under him again, blinked her eyes and said: "You bastard, I knew you didn't dare to lie to me, I really can't see it, you are quite the boss... "

In the alleyway, Cui Guodong and Huzi saw so many people surrounding them. Countless men in black jumped out of the van and rushed towards them with wrenches and machetes. Huzi smiled helplessly: "Six Brother, it seems that people are on guard, now we are going to risk our lives."

Cui Guodong tore off a piece of fabric from Yuan Long who was unconscious, wrapped it around his hand, held the Juba knife more stably, and said with a calm smile: "Don't mess around if you are afraid of death. A dozen or twenty of them will be buried with him!"

"Did you beat the people on the ground?" The bald bandit with the python pattern glanced at the messy ground nearby, and walked over directly on the car to ask.

"It's the same for you later." Cui Guodong said with a smile.

"Listen, listen! What does it mean to have a seed? This is what it means to have a seed! I, my mother, love to deal with people with a seed! Brothers, kill anyone who counts on me, let me do it!"

As soon as his words fell, more than a hundred people from all directions responded, and then rushed over one after another. Cui Guodong, a tiger who defended one side by himself, jumped down to fight with them. The person who was stabbed was actually the photographer of the building, and one of them hugged his shoulders and howled and fell down. It turned out that Cui Guodong cut off his arm with the knife. Now he has to kill without seeing the blood.

Seeing Cui Guodong and Huzi rush into the siege like a desperate Saburo, Li Gubai in Lincoln's car finally had to sigh, secretly lamenting that Liu Boyang really has a group of tough brothers who are not afraid of death. Then no one will have to worry about it!

Time passed by, Huzi and Cui Guodong finally started to run out of energy after killing more than a dozen people. Fighting with so many people, it is really a very difficult thing to kill them while defending. Both of them were not injured, but a lot of blood was still splashed on their bodies. This continuous stream of people couldn't be cut down. Wave after wave would come again, and the more they cut, the more angry they would be. After all, it was their brothers!

The bald man with the boa constrictor was the most ruthless, he slashed wildly with his jackknife, he barged with Cui Guodong a few times and exploded into sparks, he was really strong enough to numb Cui Guodong's wrist, Cui Guodong stole a kick to kick him out , took a step back and formed a back-to-back defensive posture with Hu Zi, Hu Zi wiped the blood on his face and said: "Sixth brother, why don't we retreat first! There are too many fucking things, I can't kill them all, I am not afraid of death, the main thing is I don’t think it’s worth dying at the hands of these people!”

Cui Guodong squinted his eyes and scanned the surroundings, and said with a sneer, "Retreat, where are you going? Didn't you see that they are all around? From the moment they surrounded us, we have no way out! Don't say it's useless , Kill to the end! Brother Yang will avenge us if we really hang on here!"

"Ha!" The bald bandit and several other hall masters came over again with their knives in their hands, and sarcastically said, "I really can't see that you two are so good at fighting, you beat so many of my brothers, and you don't say anything!" It’s not wrong to send you to hell, take your life!!”

After speaking, he rushed forward with a knife, a large group of people followed behind them with red eyes, Hu Zi and Cui Guodong were waiting in battle, the machete Hu Zi snatched was still dripping blood, it was already a blood knife...

But just when a new round of massacre was about to erupt, suddenly there was a strong roar of a motor in the distance, everyone present could hear it clearly, even Li Gubai was shocked, turned his head and looked back, only Seeing a Range Rover approaching murderously from a long distance, and a convertible Ferrari next to it, Li Gubai recognized Liu Boyang with a livid face at a glance, Ning Mengnan's heart trembled!

"Damn it, there are too many people bullying the few! I'll kill him a son of a bitch!" The old cat in the Range Rover roared viciously, then opened the roof of the car, and its huge body popped out with a bazooka on it, aiming its infrared rays at the white Lincoln!

Li Gubai was shocked all of a sudden, he kicked the car door and pulled Ning Mengnan out, shouting, "Get out of here quickly! Find a place to lie down!!" h

Chapter [-]: The old cat goes berserk! @! !

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