The best boy on campus

Chapter 715 Wang Hai's Fate!

Just as Wang Hai tore off Sister Sha's black woolen sweater, revealing most of her white and tender shoulders, and wanted to bury his head down to kiss and enjoy, someone suddenly patted his shoulder from behind. )

Wang Hai suddenly shuddered, and Mao was so frightened that he turned his head in amazement, and stared at Liu Boyang and all the people in the Zhanhun Hall with wide eyes!

"You, when did you come in?" Wang Hai asked in a daze.

"Brother Wang, you had so much fun, it's normal that you didn't hear it." Liu Boyang laughed.

"Uh, hehe, hehe..." Wang Hai smiled awkwardly.

Sister Sha pushed him away angrily, wrapped her woolen sweater tightly with red eyes, ran off the bed and left without looking back, the imperial concubine Diaochan hurried after him.

"Boss Wang, I found something very interesting." Liu Boyang said with a smile.


"You have become more courageous after you came back from Shenzhen." Liu Boyang said unhurriedly.

"What do you mean?" Wang Hai's heart pounded, watching Liu Boyang approaching step by step, he forced himself to be calm.

"Didn't I tell you that Sister Sha is my sister? I still want to ask you, what do you mean by treating her like this? Don't you take me seriously?" Liu Boyang bent down and asked him with a smile.

Wang Hai was hairy all over, and said with a smile: "Hehe, Brother Yang, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back just now, you should know that I have liked Sasha for a long time..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Boyang slapped Wang Hai with a "slap" and threw Wang Hai onto the bed. Wang Hai was startled, covering his burning and painful left face, and looked at Liu Boyang in disbelief. !

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back for a while, you should know, I've wanted to deal with you for a long time..." Liu Boyang still had a harmless expression.

Wang Hai was completely frightened, and said sternly: "What do you want to do? I warn you, don't forget what this place is, don't mess around!!"

"Boss Wang, I'm happy to call you boss, do you really take yourself seriously? In fact, in my eyes, you are nothing! You dared to yell when you just came back. I really don't think I Are you paying attention? Scolding this and scolding that, how much money is a big deal?"

"Yang, Emperor Yang Qing!! I warn you not to come here again!! Gao Feng is right below, it's not good for anyone if you make a big mess! This is my fault, can I apologize to you..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Boyang slapped Wang Hai again, and then he slapped Wang Hai away, and rolled off the bed. Liu Boyang's hands were so strong that two slaps made the left side of his face congested with blood, which was frighteningly red.

"Gao Feng? Are you scaring me? Not to mention the chief of public security, even if the head of state is standing here, I will beat you up!" Liu Boyang squatted down with a smile, and pulled Wang Hai up by the collar. , Said: "You stare at me again!"

Looking at Liu Boyang's "pure" smiling face, Wang Hai was so frightened that he didn't dare to say anything, he could only falter in panic...

With a sound of "Pa!!", Liu Boyang slapped him for the third time, but before Wang Hai fell to the ground, Gao Zhenfei leaped over and grabbed his shoulders, aiming at his shoulders and hitting three knees in succession, loosening his grip. When he opened his hands, Wang Hai directly knelt down while clutching his stomach...

"Look at me, what else do you want to say?" Gao Zhenfei plucked his hair and said coldly.

"Bah!" Wang Hai spat at Gao Zhenfei, and then cursed at Liu Boyang: "F*ck your mother Yang Qingdi!! Don't be so fucking arrogant!! I really don't have any of you! What are you guys doing on this site!! If you dare to make a move, I will make you go all the way!" Wang Hai yelled.

Gao Zhenfei touched the drool on his face and smiled.

Liu Boyang was also happy. The most annoying thing was that someone mentioned his mother. Wang Hai was very good. He violated this big taboo. Liu Boyang gave the people behind him a wink. Ren Xiaotian shrugged and went to close the door. Sister Sha and the noble concubine Diaochan In fact, I have been waiting outside the door, seeing Ren Xiaotian, Sister Sha came up with red eyes and said: "Just teach him a lesson, don't kill anyone..."

Ren Xiaotian just smiled and closed the door without saying anything.

Immediately, Sister Sha heard an earth-shattering howl from inside, and her heartstrings trembled suddenly!

Gao Zhenfei retracted his foot, Wang Hai curled up on the ground with his arms around his stomach, struggled and rolled, and spit out blood with a "wow"...

"Come on, do you know anyone? Call, call everyone." Liu Boyang picked up Wang Hai's mobile phone from the bed with a smile, and handed it to him.

Wang Hai gritted his teeth and stared at Liu Boyang, his eyes could breathe fire!

"I asked you to call someone, what do you want me to do?" Liu Boyang smiled, and slammed his mobile phone on his head hard! With a sound of "click", the plastic case of the mobile phone was smashed, and a bloody hole opened on Wang Hai's forehead, red, swollen and pus-blue. He held his head on one side and screamed like a pig!

Later, Long Tianyang, Ren Xiaotian and others didn't hesitate anymore, they brought seven or eight younger brothers up and kicked Wang Hai, who was kicking and kicking all over the ground. Immediately, Wang Hai became dizzy and even his nostrils were bleeding.

Liu Boyang waved his hand to make the group of people retreat to the back, squatted down, pulled a piece of bedcloth to wipe Wang Hai's blood, and said with a smile, "Is there anything else to say now?"

Wang Hai rolled his eyes weakly: "I, I..."

"What are you talking about? I can't hear you? Louder!" Liu Boyang said.

"I, I was wrong... no... dare not..."

"Who will decide the honeymoon paradise in the future?" Liu Boyang continued to ask with a smile.

"What you say..."

"Then do you dare to come again?"

"No, I won't come..."

"Very good, hehe, but, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't leave behind. Honeymoon Paradise will not allow you to take a step forward, but the nominal boss must be you. You'd better not go out and talk to people everywhere." Talk nonsense, otherwise, it would be easy for me to kill you." Liu Boyang laughed.

Liu Boyang has always been more considerate in his work. Although he won Wang Hai's place and became the real head of Honeymoon Paradise, he can't let this matter leak out in a short time, because if others find out, the reputation of Zhanhuntang will be bad. Well, who would dare to deal with Liu Boyang in the future, and who would dare to trust the battle hall to watch the scene?

"I understand... I understand..." Does Wang Hai dare to be disobedient? ...

"Do you like playing with women very much?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile.


"Hey, you still don't admit it, who was having so much fun just now? Sister Sha's idea, do you dare to fight in the future?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!!"

"Can you believe what people like you say? Hehe, Boss Wang, don't blame me, you just scolded me, pissed off my brother, and tried to force my sister. If I let you lightly today, this matter I can't justify it. Since you already have a child, I shouldn't be too conscientious, so I will leave you with a thought..."

Wang Hai had already heard the meaning of these words, and he said in shock, "No, don't...!!" h

Chapter 710 The end of Wang Hai! @! !

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