The best boy on campus

Chapter 716 Sister Sha's Heartbeat?

There was a hoarse scream in the room. The three sisters, Diaochan and Concubine Sha, who were already in a panic, couldn't bear it any longer. They were really afraid of killing people, and just about to rush in desperately to have a look, when they suddenly heard the door "bang" It opened with a bang, and then Liu Boyang and his group came out as if nothing had happened. Sister Sha was worried and wanted to take a look inside, but Liu Boyang smiled and pulled her to go out, saying: "Don't look, he's fine, he can't die."

Sister Sha was nervously pulled away by Liu Boyang, but she still couldn't help taking a sneak peek, it didn't matter if she didn't look, she immediately turned pale with fright when she saw her pretty face!Fang's heart was pulled hard!

In the room, Wang Hai didn't know whether he was alive or dead. He was lying on the ground with blood all over his buttocks, especially his vitals...

Gao Zhenfei was standing next to him, wiping his hands expressionlessly...


Sister Sha couldn't guess what happened next, of course Wang Hai didn't die, Gao Zhenfei didn't know what method to take, and got him to the hospital through the small back door without anyone noticing, but the surname Wang wanted to touch him again in this life. Women are out of the question.

Coming down from upstairs, Director Du and the others had already had a heated fight with those beautiful technicians, and Gao Feng stopped pretending, and had already played with two Russian beauties with a wine glass...

Seeing Liu Boyang come back, Gao Feng asked blankly: "What did you do up there?"

Liu Boyang said with a smile: "In the future, heaven is really up to me."

Gao Feng frowned immediately!

"Hehe, don't worry, Director Gao, don't think of me so badly, I won't make it difficult for you. Although five good citizens can't judge me, I won't easily do murder and arson."

Gao Feng nodded lightly, he believed that Liu Boyang should have this measure.

"There are still a few vacant rooms up there. Chief Gao Du, you are all tired. Go up and take a rest. Our technicians here are all good at their skills. Let them try their hand!" Liu Boyang laughed.

"That's right! Brother Gao, let someone take care of you!" A girl who was tired of Gao Feng's side said sweetly.

Director Gao Fengdu and the three have endured it for a long time. A normal man can't stand such teasing!What they were waiting for was Liu Boyang's words, they were not polite, they gave Liu Boyang a smile of approval, each of them had two beauties in their arms, and went upstairs under the guidance of the boys in the War Soul Hall.

"Thank you for what happened just now." Sister Sha said to Liu Boyang very seriously.

"Hehe, you're here again, thank you? I'm doing it for myself, not for you. Besides, with our relationship, can I not stand up for you?" Liu Boyang said.

Sister Sha said: "I'm serious, thank you very much."

A woman like Sister Sha, although she is sexy, beautiful, charming, and is missed by countless men, there are still very few people who are really willing to stand up for her and go all out for her, and Liu Boyang did it.

"What do you mean? Is it possible that the thanks to me were all fake?"

Sister Sha blushed, gave her a blank look, and said angrily: "How could that be! Well, let's not talk about this, the real new head of Honeymoon Paradise, the little servant's family will have to work for you in the future, please take care of me! "

Liu Boyang was speechless, Sister Sha is indeed an evildoer who turns all living beings upside down, her jokes are so touching, she said with a wry smile: "Well, sister, don't say that, I just wanted to leave it to you, and I'm a big deal to you." Don't worry, from now on you will be the eldest sister of Honeymoon Paradise, and the master of this house!"

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"Are you my sister, and the family still speaks two languages?"

"Hey!" Sister Sha protested, "You keep calling me sister, do I really look that old?"

"How can you be beautiful? Don't I respect you?"

Sister Sha said indignantly: "Come on, the imperial concubine and Diao Chan are also a bit older than you, why don't you care about them being called sister?"

"Just pretend to be stupid. They are both my women. Why do I call you sister?"

"Then I..." Sister Sha blushed all of a sudden, gave Liu Boyang a hard look, didn't say anything, and asked instead: "What did you do to Wang Hai? He won't die?"

"No, but even if he has a heart for you in the future, he won't have that ability anymore..."


Today, the "Hot Dance Party" in Honeymoon Paradise lasted until eleven o'clock in the evening. Although the atmosphere of the whole scene fell into a low point a few times, it was still very hot in general.Honeymoon Paradise is famous far and wide, and it is believed that it has become the number one entertainment venue in the west of the city, and it is famous in the entire city of G.

Many men have found their passion here tonight, and their appetites have been whetted, wishing they could spend money in it right away.To say that the coolest ones are of course Director Gao and Director Du and the three of them. The girls Yang Lin found were all the best in Honeymoon Paradise, and they directly served the three of them softly.

Director Gao and the three of them couldn't get enough of it, those Russian beauties are killing me!Being entangled by those white and tender thighs, can it still make people live?It's been a long time since Gao Feng came out to steal. Once he has been holding back for a few weeks, he will be the most violent when he erupts. It is said that the next day, a tender little girl asked Sister Sha for leave. Her back is so sore...

Director Gao is satisfied with Liu Boyang's arrangements tonight, so of course he is satisfied with Liu Boyang, and he will not say anything. From now on, he will be on the same boat. Director Gao has vision, and it is absolutely possible to be a backer for someone like Liu Boyang!

That night, Liu Boyang took his war soul cousins ​​to send off the three director generals, and when they returned to the cozy nest of the imperial concubine and Diao Chan, he also had a lot of fun with them. After all, people like Liu Boyang and Yang Lin were also surrounded by beautiful women They teased the whole night, and the flames were also very big. It is said that Yang Lin didn't go back to the hotel, but went to find Zhao Shuangmei...

After some cloud and rain, the imperial concubine and Diao Chan nestled in Liu Boyang's arms, dripping with sweat, but they didn't even have the strength to take a bath. Their two fair and tender faces were flushed, and they were moistened more and more by Liu Boyang. moving.

Diao Chan drew circles on Liu Boyang's chest with her pale jade fingers, and murmured: "Brother Yang..."

"Call me husband." Liu Boyang patted her buttocks.

"Oh!" Diao Chan chuckled, not to mention how sweet she was: "Honey, you are getting better and better now!"

"I also feel that if the two of you come together, I can kill you to pieces..."

"I hate it! They didn't say that!" Diao Chan pouted and pinched Liu Boyang's chest.

Liu Boyang laughed loudly, pinching her delicate face: "Then what do you want to say?"

"Now even the head of the Public Security Bureau is backing you, so won't you be more unscrupulous in the future?"

"I was never afraid of anyone." Liu Boyang scratched his head and smiled.

"Hmm! Hehe, it seems that following you is indeed a wise decision, you are so capable!" Diao Chan praised sincerely.Having been with Liu Boyang for a long time, she and the imperial concubine feel more and more that this man is attractive, the kind of charm that can make women fall into it and cannot extricate themselves...

"Husband, after you helped Sister Sha clean up Wang Hai tonight, I saw that the way Sister Sha looked at you changed. Maybe she also admires you in her heart. Do you have any interest in her? Sister Sha is so beautiful and sexy, She has such a great figure, and she is even more charming on the bed as an extremely charming fairy! If you can accept her, you can do it!" h

Chapter 710 Sister Sha's Heartbeat? @! !

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