The best boy on campus

Chapter 735 Fathers Come With Bombs Strapped! (2nd more

"get off!"

"Stop! And you!"

On the outskirts of the road that formally entered the manor, a large group of people in black suits and black mirrors had long been waiting. Although night had already fallen, the dazzling lights of Ma's Manor could clearly illuminate the place. Seeing Cui Guodong Sitting in the car and holding his companion at gunpoint, the group of men in black were all ready to fight, and many of them were ready to draw their guns!

"Don't worry about them, keep going. ()" Liu Boyang lay lazily on the back cushion, closed his eyes and meditated.

The hostage mirror man sneered, and said: "It's too late for you to regret it now. They stopped you. At most, you will be disabled and let you go back. But later, you will annoy the leader and sister-in-law, and you will die without knowing it." How did you die?"

son..." Liu Boyang murmured and repeated, it seems that the out-of-control female goblin who seduced Ma Junsheng still has a lot of prestige among his disciples, the future of Xiaoyu and Keer is going to be worrying, their stepmother seems to be There are certain means!

"You talk a lot! If you are told to drive, you can drive it, and you have to worry about our affairs?" Cui Guodong hooked the trigger with a smile.

The mirror man gritted his teeth and didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he could only continue to step on the accelerator and accelerate towards the manor!

The dozens of men in black were furious instantly, they didn't take themselves seriously!Immediately, many people took out pistols from their backs and pointed them at the black Toyota: "Li Ke, stop quickly! If you dare to drive forward, don't blame us for doing it! The two guys inside are also listening, you want to enter the car!" This door is absolutely impossible, when so many of us are vegetarians?! Put down the guns honestly, or I will beat you, including people and cars, into a sieve!"

"They really did it!" Li Ke, the mirror man, said coldly: "The boss has already ordered that anyone who dares to break into his manor without permission will be killed without mercy! If you force me to drive forward, what will happen to us We can only die together!"

"Hehe, kill without mercy? Ma Junsheng's heart is quite cruel! Why are you so heartless? You don't do bad things on weekdays, and you are not afraid of ghosts calling your door in the middle of the night. No wonder you have so many housekeepers. He must be retribution You have done too much!" Liu Boyang smiled. ()

Li Ke was furious. He dared to talk and laugh at such a time. He really thought those pistols that were ready to fire outside were toys!Although he admired Liu Boyang's courage and courage from the bottom of his heart, the fear from the bottom of his heart also made him feel that Liu Boyang was a hopeless psychopath!

"Did you hear what I was doing? Are you crazy? Think I'm joking?! They will really shoot! If you don't stop, we will all become hornet's nests!" Looking at his companions coldly Raising the gun to himself, Li Ke's forehead and palms were already sweating!

"Tell them, we came here with bombs strapped to our bodies, and we will die together at worst. What are we afraid of? Two people earn a hundred, so it's worth it!" Liu Boyang said with a smile.

Li Ke was shocked!Subconsciously wanted to look back at Liu Boyang, but Cui Guodong's muzzle pushed him back fiercely, "What are you looking at?" Cui Guodong smiled and said, "Don't believe what Brother Yang said? We dared to bring a gun, why didn't we dare to tie him up?" Bomb? You’d better think about it, I’ll kill you with multiple holes in your head, but if we blow it up together, there will be no bones left. Even if you die, you have to find a relatively comfortable way!”

Li Ke's face was pale, and he never tires of cheating. He really couldn't figure out whether the two people's words were true or false!

"Why are you hesitating? Can't even learn to speak? Do you really want to be a hornet's nest or a dust in the air?" Cui Guodong narrowed his eyes and said.

"Don't shoot!!" Li Ke finally couldn't bear it anymore!The double pressure inside and outside the car almost drove him crazy. He would rather believe it than believe it. He shouted loudly: "They have bombs on them. If you shoot us, none of us will be able to escape. We will all die together!!"

As soon as this was said, the people outside who were about to shoot immediately let go of their hands, and stared at the inside of the car with wide eyes in disbelief. A few leaders immediately frowned!

"Go! Tell Brother Xiao Lin quickly about the situation, and ask him to tell the leader: Someone is about to break in!"


Liu Boyang and Cui Guodong watched a tall bald man send others back to report the news, but they didn't care at all. Cui Guodong said to Li Ke: "Come on, drive in, tell them, anyone who dares to get in the way will be run over to death!"

"Get out of the way, don't block, let them in first!" Li Ke once again chose to compromise!

The people outside stared at each other, and finally they all gritted their teeth and chose to separate, giving way to the middle lane, and the Toyota slowly passed between them. When passing by the bald man, Liu Boyang smiled and gave him the middle finger.


"What are you? Someone broke in? Are you guys eating rice? Tell me, are you eating rice?!" Zhang Xiaolin, who was the head of Ma Junsheng's four bodyguards, said angrily.

The brother sent by the bald head looked bitter and explained: "Brother Xiaolin, listen to me, it's not that we are not good at things, and it's not that we don't dare to shoot! It''s...the two guys in the car directly They came with a bomb attached! We can't act rashly!"

"What?!" Zhang Xiaolin was startled when he heard the words, exchanged a glance with the other three bodyguards, frowned and stared coldly at this younger brother, and shouted, "What are you? They have bombs strapped to them?"

"Yes!" The brother nodded heavily.

"Is it real? Did you see it with your own eyes?" Zhang Xiaolin's mind was in a mess.What does it mean to come with a bomb strapped to it, to raze this place to the ground?How much enmity do they have with the guild leader? As for treating death like home like this? !

"I didn't see it with my own eyes, but it belonged to Li Ke! They hijacked Li Ke and rushed in!" The brother's throat was dry, and he said anxiously: "Brother Xiao Lin! They should be coming soon, no one dares to stop them!" !"

"It's unreasonable! How dare you break into the gang leader's private villa! What's so great about wearing a bomb, at worst, we'll die together! Go back and tell everyone that if you can't stop him, they all get out of the Dragon Gang!" Zhang Xiaolin said sternly.

That brother raised his head suddenly: "Brother Xiaolin..."

"What are you still doing in a daze! Hurry up!!" Zhang Xiaolin said angrily.

The younger brother gritted his teeth hard, turned his head and ran away, cursing in his heart: "You mother is so hot!"If you have the strength to get angry at Lao Tzu, why don't you stop yourself, your life is your life, our life is not our life! !

"The three of you are staring here, I'll go up and tell the boss!" Zhang Xiaolin said to the other three bodyguards intently.

The best boy on campus

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