The best boy on campus

Chapter 736 Meeting the leader of the Dragon Gang!

In a super-large bedroom on the second floor of the manor villa, just a huge velvet and gold silk bed is extremely dazzling. According to reports, this bed was specially ordered by Ma Junsheng from abroad at a cost of 20 yuan. It is more than enough for individuals, elastic and soft, and has many health care functions, but Ma Junsheng mainly uses it to ride women. ()**

In the wavy soft mass of white hair, a fragrant and soft naked foot suddenly stretched out, together with a white and flawless delicate thigh, extending straight like the neck of a proud swan.And following Ma Junsheng's forceful pull back, it quickly disappeared into the large expanse of snow-white softness.

On the whole bed, all the white is soft and ups and downs, lingering and ups and downs like white ocean waves. Ma Junsheng's vigorous back sometimes bows and sometimes presses down, breathing heavily. Below him is a beautiful voice. It is an unrepressed chanting of the sounds of nature, with a thousand turns and a beautiful spring.

As Ma Junsheng's movements became more and more violent, the coquettish voice under her body became more and more sharp, and finally she let out a long scream, and Ma Junsheng also let out a sigh of relief, and then the wind stopped and the rain stopped, Everything subsides.

After the weather calmed down, Hu Die stretched out a light-white jade finger and drew circles on Ma Junsheng's back. Her face was still blushing, but her black eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and she said lightly to Ma Junsheng: "What's the matter with you today? As for being so absent-minded? You are just perfunctory to me, and you don't even spend half of the usual time."

Ma Junsheng took a deep breath, sat up with difficulty, and wanted to touch the pack of cigarettes, but suddenly remembered that Hu Die had confiscated it long ago, so he could only curl his lips helplessly: "You should know what I am worried about, even if you don't want to see Xiaoyu again He Tianxin, but after all, one of them is my daughter and the other is my nephew..."

Butterfly became angry when she heard this, and lazily got up, slid on Ma Junsheng's back like a beautiful snake, turned his face and said: "Ma Junsheng, look at me, tell me, for so long, I have I have been working so hard all this time, for what? I have taken all the nasty medicines, and tried all the disgusting prescriptions, who am I all for?"

Whenever she mentioned these things, Ma Junsheng felt guilty towards her, and this time was no exception: "Die..."

"Okay! Anyway, you don't care about your liver today, get out! It's as if I care so much about your dirty things!" Hu Die sat down on the side of the bed and said angrily.

Ma Junsheng's head was extremely big, and he quickly coaxed her: "Die, listen to me..."

"I don't listen! Hmph, Ma Junsheng, you are a heartless thing! I let you torment me all day, and my waist is tired. Didn't I just want to give you a man and a woman? What's so good about those two girls? Is Pang Tianxin your own son? You have time to care about them, why don't you put all your thoughts on me? If I can give you a baby, you still need to worry about others all day long? "

Hu Die really deserves to be a troublesome fairy like Daji, who knows how to act and how to act, the tears come as soon as they come, and her eyes turn red, which makes Ma Junsheng at a loss all of a sudden.

Ma Junsheng was most afraid of this trick, so he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Oh! Die, don't cry, don't cry! I was wrong, I will never mention them in front of you again, okay? You are my baby, my favorite , I swear I will only pretend to be you in my heart from now on!"

"That's about the same," Hu Die pouted, dissatisfied: "Just now you were too bad, and you were done just as soon as I got into the mood, I want you to do it again! Dedicated to me - want me!"

"Do you want to come again?" Ma Junsheng said bravely.

But Hu Die didn't give him a chance to hesitate at all, she had already laid down slowly, her two thighs as crystal white as jade were lightly stacked, she looked very much like an ancient concubine, her charming posture, her seductive eyes, was a man's look. I can't bear it!

But Ma Junsheng had just finished venting, how could it be so easy to rise up, when he was really aggrieved, suddenly Hu Die's exquisite toes slowly served his soft baby, Ma Junsheng couldn't bear the teasing, and suddenly felt reborn from the fire, belly The group was hot, so I took the opportunity to suppress it...

But just as the two were about to enter the state, suddenly there was a hasty knock on the door, and the expressions of Ma Junsheng and Hu Die sank immediately!

The anger in Ma Junsheng's heart, it's hard to strike while the iron is hot, who is so closed-minded?


"Clan leader, it's me! I have something urgent to talk to you!" Zhang Xiaolin said outside the door.

"Hmph, these ignorant dog slaves know bad things and good things. I told you a long time ago that you should discipline them severely, but you just didn't listen!" Hu Die said angrily.

Ma Junsheng pulled out his body and patted her face lightly: "Honey, don't be angry, I'll go and see what's going on."

With only a nightgown wrapped around him, Ma Junsheng opened the door impatiently, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Xiaolin lowered his head, consciously not daring to take a look inside, and said, "Master! Someone broke in from outside! It's the one who shot my sister! None of us can stop him. According to reports, he has a bomb strapped to his body." !"

"What?" Ma Junsheng was shocked when he heard that! "Then? Still tied with a bomb?"


"What the hell is going on?"

"We don't know either, he seems to be looking for you! Could it be that he..."

"You go and face it first, it's best to ask what's going on, and I'll go out and have a look as soon as I put on my clothes!"


Ma Junsheng closed the door, and his mind suddenly became confused. He remembered Liu Boyang, who beat him last time in the hospital. What is he doing here?Come with a bomb?

Connecting all the things tonight, Ma Junsheng suddenly wanted to understand something, it seems that his daughter must have been picked up by this boy, and Pang Tianxin was also abolished by him!

OK!There is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!I was looking for him, but he came to my door by himself!

"Where are you going? What happened? Who broke in?" Hu Die asked, covering her chest with the quilt.

"Don't worry about it, stay on the bed honestly, don't come down without my permission!" After Ma Junsheng was cold, he put on his pants, put on his coat, and went out.

Hu Die hesitated for a moment, then quickly took her own clothes and began to put them on...


"Brother Yang, those people are still following us!" Cui Guodong held a gun in one hand and pointed at Li Ke's forehead, while turning his head and looking back.

The gang didn't let them in in vain, and they all followed quickly behind with guns.

"Heh, that's what's interesting. The messenger has been away for so long, and Ma Junsheng should come out. Today, I will show him all the cards that should be shown!" Liu Boyang still looked lazy, and said indifferently: "I Let's see how powerful and capable the leader of the Dragon Gang is!"

ps: Brothers, I know that the plot of these chapters is delayed, there is no way, Qingdi I have to review the exam, there is really no way to delete it with all my strength, I have already failed a subject, I can’t devote myself to writing, I promise everyone , After a few days after the exam, I will bring up the rhythm and plot!Guaranteed to be wonderful!

The best boy on campus

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