The best boy on campus

Chapter 737 Horse gang leader, come down to pick up the guests!

"Don't move! I warn you, if you take another step forward, we will shoot you! Even if you all die together, don't even try to get in!" When the Toyota car slowly stopped at the door of the villa, dozens of people immediately surrounded and blocked Open the door, Qiqi raised their guns and pointed at Liu Boyang and Cui Guodong who were in the car. ()

"Get out of the car." Cui Guodong tilted his head with a smile, and knocked Li's neck with the muzzle of the gun.

Li Ke said bitterly: "Do you know that you are playing with fire now? Do you really think that they are all terrified of death? They really drove them into a hurry, even if they die together, they will not hesitate!"

"That's right," Cui Guodong turned his head and looked out the window with a smile. The feeling of being held by dozens of black guns is something that ordinary people probably won't be able to touch in a few lifetimes. There are few people in the world who are as fearless as Liu Boyang, he said: "I don't believe that there are people who are not afraid of death!"

The anger in Li Ke's heart!I still don't believe that some people are not afraid of death, you two are a typical example of not afraid of death!He bit the bullet and said: "Okay, I admire you all! But you think my life is too valuable. I am just a caretaker at the bottom of the house here. Do you think you can threaten them by holding me hostage? "

"You talk a lot of nonsense, let me tell you again, we don't need you to teach us how to do it. Get off!" Cui Guodong said.

Li Ke was forced to have no choice but to get out of the car with his hands held high by Cui Guodong's gun. Liu Boyang and Cui Guodong came down afterward. The dozens of people instantly aimed their guns at Liu Boyang and Cui Guodong's heads, and hooked their index fingers on the trigger!

"Don't shoot! Do you want to die together?" Li Ke shouted pale, his calves trembling with fear.

"Li Ke, do you know what you are doing now? You actually brought these two guys in and even helped them, don't you think your life is too long?" The bald man who was the leader of the group of men in black shouted coldly . ()

Li Ke was completely forced to lose his mind at this moment, and roared violently: "You think I think so! You're trying to put a gun on them!"

The bald man's eyes froze. He is the leader here, second only to Ma Junsheng's four bodyguards, and Li Ke is just a younger brother, how dare he yell at him? !

The bald man turned his cold eyes away from Li Ke, and turned to look at Liu Boyang. Liu Boyang smiled lightly, and slowly stretched his hands into his chest...

The bald man's pupils shrank, and he pointed the gun at Liu Boyang abruptly. Everyone in the skill also tensed up, and the gun pointed at Liu Boyang's head!

"Hehe, don't be nervous, you guys scare me like this, I'm scared, I just want to smoke a cigarette!" Liu Boyang smiled and slowly took out a pack of cigarettes, put one in his mouth, and smiled with his eyes narrowed.

The bald man's face turned green with anger, this kid is so fucking hot!In front of so many people, he actually dared to tease him!

He scanned Liu Boyang and Cui Guodong closely with his eyes, trying to find out whether they had tied a bomb or not.

"We came here today to talk to your boss, and we didn't intend to kill anyone. You don't need to make such a grand welcome ceremony? You bully me, can't you stand the fright?" Liu Boyang smiled.Being pointed at by dozens of guns, he dared to talk and laugh freely!

"Talk?" The bald man frowned slightly, apparently not believing it.

"Yeah, hehe, there are so many of you, how dare I lie to you? So please make way, I will go in and have a few words with the horse gang leader, and then I will leave!" Liu Boyang said with a very "kind" smile.

"You think I'm an idiot? Do you think I'll believe whatever you want? ——Stop, don't go any further!" Baldhead said coldly.

"Oh! It seems that the rumors are true. The people under the leader of the Dragon Gang and the Horse Gang are all heroes who are brave and not afraid of death! Protecting the family and protecting the master, loyal, brave and unyielding, and fearless in the face of danger—"

Hearing Liu Boyang's self-contained praise, the bald group of people narrowed their eyes slightly for an instant. What kind of medicine did this guy take wrongly? What are you doing with such words at a critical moment?

But who would have thought that Liu Boyang changed the subject and said again: "You are simply more competent than the most loyal watchdogs in the world! Although I was scared by me just now and didn't dare to fart all the way, and watched me come here, But you can still guard the door with bluff, and threaten me with the mentality of seeing death as home—"

"Shut up!!" The bald man was furious, and reversed!It's fucking reversed!Not only did this kid dare to ridicule, but he even dared to beat around the bush and make sarcastic remarks. He really thought that people like himself were just a display!

"My son, you are so fucking bored! Today I must..."

"Wait!" Someone suddenly interrupted the bald head, and everyone was startled. They all looked back and saw Ma Junsheng's personal bodyguard——Zhang Xiaolin, four people came over with gloomy expressions, and the younger brothers consciously rushed over. Get out of the way, and only listen to Zhang Xiaolin said: "Boy, I heard what you said just now, are you here to talk to our leader?"

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "Otherwise, what do you think? You are the ones who inspire the teachers, not me!"

Zhang Xiaolin snorted coldly: "But I heard that you are still wearing bombs, is this the sincerity of talking to our leader?"

"Is your surname Ma?" Liu Boyang asked him suddenly.

"Huh?...You, why are you asking this?" Zhang Xiaolin was stunned for a moment.

"It's strange. I came to talk to Ma Junsheng today. Why do you people always like to jump out and talk nonsense? Is Ma Junsheng so useless? You guys, either shoot and let's die together, or Go away and stand aside, don't waste my time." Liu Boyang finally got a little impatient.With Ma Junsheng's courage, it's no wonder that the Dragon Gang is in decline, hiding in the house for so long and not daring to come out to meet people!Returning to the boss of the Dragon Gang, I bah!

"You!!—Okay! Boy, you have the guts, don't you just want to come in? Yes, our leader will come down immediately, but I hope you will be polite to him, otherwise don't put a bomb on your body, even if you help the atomic bomb , You also have some in and out!" Zhang Xiaolin gave way to Liu Boyang under the surprised gazes of the bald man and his brothers.

Liu Boyang shrugged his shoulders and strode in first, while Cui Guodong followed behind with Li Ke on his shoulders, and everyone who watched him strolling in the courtyard had their eyes spitting fire and their teeth itching!

What is being defiant? This is called being defiant!

"Boy, don't let me know what kind of tricks you are playing, or you will die in an ugly way!" Zhang Xiaolin whispered to Liu Boyang when the two passed by.

"Hehe, you should have come out earlier. As expected, a high-level watchdog like Your Majesty understands the concept of time better. You have a bright future, and I am optimistic about you." Liu Boyang said secretly with a smile.

"You...!!" Zhang Xiaolin clenched his fists tightly, trembling all over...

Liu Boyang finally entered Ma Junsheng's heavily guarded luxury villa. Like a familiar guest, he strode over to the rhinoceros leather sofa that Ma Junsheng bought for hundreds of thousands, put a cigarette in his mouth, raised his legs, and squinted. Scanning the surroundings, he suddenly smiled and said, "Horse Gang Master, come down to pick up the guests!"

The best boy on campus

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