The best boy on campus

Chapter 751 Lame, Mountain Bear.

"Cough, cough! Ke'er, what are you looking at? Is there something on my face?" Liu Boyang asked awkwardly. ()

Ma Ke'er was stunned for a moment, then suddenly came back to her senses, her pretty face quickly climbed up to two bright red flowers, she wrung her hands and said, "Oh! No, it's nothing!" She intentionally shifted her eyes and looked away, not daring to look at Liu Boyang again.

The whole room fell into an awkward silence, and the two could clearly hear each other's breathing. The lonely man and the widow were in the same room, or in a hotel late at night. What an enchanting atmosphere it was. If there were red wine candles, someone would have If you can't hold it back, you will become a beast!

And Liu Boyang's posture at the moment is also very elegant, holding Marco'er's soft and fragrant shoulders with both hands, a tender and seductive body that is spraying perfume is not even a few centimeters away from him, and with a little force, she can embrace her whole body into the arms, next to the big soft bed...

Her pretty face is also very close to Liu Boyang's, as long as she leans forward lightly, without bending her waist, she can kiss her tender lips...

And Ma Keer finally realized something, turned to look at Liu Boyang again, the posture between the two is so ambiguous, if he really leans over, what should I do, should I refuse...

For a moment, Liu Boyang really wanted to go all out, and he must kiss her fiercely. Since he had the opportunity to possess her for such a delicate girl, it would be a pity if he gave up, and Ma Keer also clearly saw Liu Boyang The possessive and aggressive gaze in her eyes suddenly made her feel at a loss in her heart. Her love history is a blank sheet of paper. No boy has ever walked into her heart before. Don't kiss and go to bed, even her hands are not covered. Others have led her, facing Liu Boyang at this moment, she suddenly felt a little apprehensive, a little scared...

Seeing her mouth open slightly, Liu Boyang thought she was ready, and buried his head with a proactive attitude. Seeing that pretty white cheek getting closer and closer to him, her long eyelashes could touch him When she reached the bridge of his nose, her hot breath showed her inner cramps, and her slightly parted lips were blankly waiting for his invasion...

But all of a sudden, Marco dodged away. She retreated, then gave Liu Boyang a gentle push, and subconsciously closed the collar of her pajamas. Elsewhere, tidying up her messy hair in a panic. ()

Liu Boyang woke up as if being sprayed with a basin of ice water, and he was stunned, stupid, what was he doing just now, why did he eat him?This self-control and control, really you are getting more and more backwards!

Looking at the somewhat helpless Ma Keer, Liu Boyang suddenly felt a deep sense of self-blame, and blamed Rou for having sex with him just now, making him lose his mind like a gunpowder keg, and then...

"Ke'er, I'm sorry, I..." The hatred in Liu Boyang's heart, he was so fucking unbelievable, what if people misunderstood that he wanted to take care of them, but in fact he wanted to take their sisters into his pocket?Then I am simply inferior to Pang Tianxin!

"It's okay..." Marco whispered with red cheeks.Liu Boyang blamed herself endlessly, and her heart was also in a mess-why did she push him away just now?If I could kiss him deeply regardless of everything, I would be willing in my heart...

If he can take the initiative again and be overbearing...

"I'll go back first." Marco'er didn't know what was going on in her mind, and chose to escape in panic.

"Okay, I'll see you off, and stop by to see your sister." Liu Boyang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, this was the most embarrassing time he ever faced a girl.


In the room of Ma Xiaoyu and her sisters, Ma Xiaoyu fell asleep like a well-behaved cat at this moment, wrapping herself tightly with a quilt, protecting herself with all the warmth.It's just that this girl didn't care about her head and her feet, her upper body was covered tightly, but half of her feet were exposed under the blanket, which was extraordinarily pink and translucent.

Liu Boyang helped her tuck up all the quilts, and said to Ma Ke'er, "Okay, you go to bed early, I'm going back."

Ma Ke'er climbed to the position next to the elder sister on the big bed, and said to Liu Boyang: "Yes! You should go to bed early!"

Before Liu Boyang went out, he turned his head to Ma Keer and said, "What happened just now..." Halfway through, he suddenly froze, and saw Ma Keer stretching out those snow-white nipples and gently lifting the quilt next to his sister to get in. The beautiful white legs are simply dazzling, the skin is radiant, without a trace of blemish, smooth and elastic, slender and slender - you must know that Marco was like a boy in the past, he liked to play ball and run, and the elasticity and Delicate, far from being comparable to ordinary girls!

"Huh?" Marco covered her beautiful legs with a quilt, subconsciously confused.

Liu Boyang sighed secretly, out of male selfishness, he had to say: What a pity, such beautiful legs can only be seen for a short moment! --Um?Why is Nima acting like a beast again?Is the evil fire still gone?Can you be promising? !

"It's okay, good night!" Liu Boyang finished calmly on purpose, and then opened the door in a bit of embarrassment and went out. This time it was really embarrassing, and he couldn't calm down when he was hooked by Ma Ke'er's beautiful legs, and lost his mind.

In the room, after Liu Boyang ran away, Ma Ke'er smiled lightly and exposed her pair of white and tender legs from under the bed. She curled her toes playfully and looked left and right. Isn't it so beautiful?Let him almost bang his head on the door when he went out all at once?

The girl thought about it happily for a long time, then lightly turned off the lamp, tucked into the bed, snuggled up to her sister and fell asleep sweetly...


For the next three days, Liu Boyang was looking for a new house at Pai Ran while helping to deal with gang affairs. It was not a big deal to live in a hotel all day, and now that he was not short of money, he must get a villa he liked. Build a home of your own with your brothers, only in this way can you find the real happiness of belonging in your g city

But Liu Boyang didn't know that just as the War Soul Hall was booming in all aspects, those who wanted to get in trouble were also actively planning plots against him.

"Uncle Hao, Shanxiong, do you know why you were called here this time?" In Li Gubai's private villa, the mysterious boy from W City sat on the sofa and said to the two people in front of him.

Of these two people, one is less than 1.7 meters tall, over 30 years old, and has a scrawny body. Due to a natural defect in one leg, he can't even stand upright.The other one is completely opposite to him. He is at least two meters tall, with long arms and a round waist. He is five big and three thick, and weighs at least 250 kilograms. He has a big bald head and always has a heartless smile on his face. No wonder he has a bear nickname.

Although the height and appearance of these two people are extremely inconsistent, there is nothing special about their clothes. The short cripple is wearing an old-fashioned Chinese tunic suit, which is dirty, and the big stupid bear is even simpler. He is directly wearing Adidas sportswear. It looks like playing basketball.

But there is no reason for these two people. As long as they stand together, they give people a very difficult feeling. Let alone the short cripple, the big stupid bear is definitely on the same level as the old cat, and it is even worse. and!

The best boy on campus

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