The best boy on campus

Chapter 752 Pull it out!

"Master, you can deal with whoever you want. Shanxiong and I have brought twenty good fighters here this time, and I guarantee that you won't be disappointed." The short cripple said respectfully.Although there are two people sitting beside his hall master, a man as thin as a skeleton, and a young girl as beautiful as a seductive goblin, but his eyes are only on the mysterious boy, and he doesn't care about the other two. .

"Haha, with Uncle Hao's words, I have a solid foundation in my heart. Come on, Uncle Hao, Shanxiong, it's not easy for the two of you to come here overnight by car. Come and have a cup of tea. I will introduce two friends to you." Mysterious The boy stood up himself and greeted the two of them.

The dwarf cripple and the mountain bear were not polite, they came up one after the other, and sat next to him on the left and right under the guidance of the mysterious boy.

Ning Mengnan didn't like these two people at the first sight, that stupid strong man was just like calcium deficiency, with a heartless smile on his face, he was very bright, at first glance, he was a big, stupid and heartless type, Not to mention the short, thin and lame guy in the back, he even struggled to walk, limped and walked behind, obviously not very old, like an old man in his dying years, giving people the feeling of being weak.

Thanks to "He Bin", he even boasted: These two people will definitely be able to send an unexpected "meeting gift" to Emperor Yang Qing!But Ning Mengnan wouldn't believe it even if she was beaten to death, but these two people could be hidden characters!

"This is the boss of Culou Photography, Li Gubai, Brother Li." The mysterious boy smiled and introduced Li Gubai to the two of them.

The mountain bear smirked, and the short cripple nodded slightly.

"This is Brother Li's girlfriend, Ning Mengnan, from City W..."

"Hey! Don't be like that! He hasn't started yet!" Ning Mengnan gave Li Gubai a charming look, interrupting the mysterious boy's introduction.

The mysterious boy shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "Okay, then I'll change my words, this is Brother Li's future girlfriend..."

Li Gubai smiled and listened beside him, his face didn't even change.

The mountain bear smirked, and the short cripple still nodded slightly.

"Brother Li, beautiful lady Ning, these two are my most effective subordinates in W City, Uncle Hao, Hao Zhichen, Shanxiong, Baishanxiong. They are the same as the 'demon sword' I mentioned to you, they are all my To deal with Emperor Yang Qing, you don't need that 'Yao Dao' to go out, just the two of them are enough." The mysterious boy turned and pointed to the dwarf cripple and the mountain bear for introduction.

Li Gubai smiled and said: "I expect the two of you to bring me surprises." He took the initiative to pick up a cup of tea, respected him, and then took a sip.

The short cripple picked up the tea in front of him very well, and sipped half a cup, but it was just his head, nothing.

And the mountain bear directly picked up the teacup and drank it down, even drank the tea leaves, frowned and chewed, but couldn't chew well, so he could only spit it out with a bitter face.Ning Mengnan looked at it with white eyes and contempt again.

"Hey, is it true? With just the two of them, you think you can settle Emperor Yang Qing's War Soul Hall? You think Yang is a softie?" Ning Mengnan finally couldn't help but sarcasm, To be honest, she couldn't understand the confident look of the mysterious boy.

"Mengnan, don't be rude. There is a saying that real people don't show their faces, and those who show their faces are not real people. How can you judge people by their appearance? Since Brother He and the others can do it, I will definitely believe that they have unique skills." Li Gubai smiled at Ning Meng Nan said.

The mountain bear continued to giggle, the short cripple remained expressionless and remained silent.

Ning Mengnan snorted coquettishly, and said disapprovingly: "Who knows, why did you guys say that? Mount Tai isn't built, and you're not just bragging about being awesome. I'll believe it just by hearing you and the others are good? You have the ability Let them show their hands and try!"

Hearing Ning Mengnan's sarcasm and dislike for the two people, even Li Gubai couldn't hold it anymore, and said to the short cripple and the mountain bear: "Don't be angry, Mengnan just has such a temper, and the child's temperament is all for letting go. I spoiled it, so just don't take it seriously.

"Hey!" Ning Mengnan protested: "Who is spoiled by you? Who has lost his temper? Am I wrong? Hmm..."

Li Gubai didn't wait for her, so I covered my mouth and said with a smile, "Drink tea, don't mind!" He glanced at the mountain bear and the expressionless short cripple, and asked the mysterious boy: " Brother He, why are they not talking?"

"Uncle Hao is not good at words, this guy Shanxiong has a silly personality, Brother Li just needs to get used to it." The mysterious boy laughed.

"It turned out to be like this..." Li Gu didn't finish talking, and suddenly felt that Ning Mengnan had bitten his palm, and as soon as he instinctively let go, Ning Mengnan yelled: "Why do you gag me! Is it wrong? Yes Mules are drawn by horses!"

This time the mountain bear stopped smirking, and slowly put away his facial expressions, while the short cripple didn't calm down anymore, tilted his head, narrowed his eyes and looked at Ning Mengnan.

The atmosphere fell into a stalemate for a while, Li Gubai could only bite the bullet and come out to smooth things over, "Brother He, why don't you let them both show their hands? It's not that I don't believe them, it's rare that they come all the way and let me open it It’s good to open your eyes!”

The mysterious boy thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Alright, Shanxiong, you come first, show me all your housekeeping skills, let Brother Li and Mei Ning see your methods, don't embarrass me!"

Shanxiong smiled, and banged two iron fists as big as bowls against each other, and suddenly stood up, exuding a domineering aura like a king of towers in a short time.

Li Gubai tilted his head slightly, facing a row of confidantes standing behind him in the darkness, and said with a smile: "Long, come and play with him, remember to put all your strength on me, don't lose our city The face of Lou Photography!"

In the row of shadows, a short and slightly thin figure came out, chewing on the braces, wearing a black glove on each hand, with sharp eyes that could kill, squinting at the mountain bear, looking across the air He swung his fists twice to demonstrate, and finally raised his thumbs at the mountain bear, a provocation of Chi Guoguo!

This guy named Long is one of the top thugs who can be ranked next to Li Gubai. He has practiced taekwondo in h country and karate in j country. Recruit deadly ruthless people.In fact, he also disliked the mountain bear. What qualifications does this kind of idiot, big-bodied, simple-minded guy have to be trusted and favored by others?

Shanxiong saw the other party pressing his thumb to provoke him, and immediately laughed more happily. He turned his head to look at the mysterious boy, and said with a chuckle: "Master, can I kill someone?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was taken aback except the mysterious boy and the short cripple, even Li Gubai narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Try not to. Brother Li's people are also his own people, so it's fine if we can tell the winner." The mysterious boy smiled.

But in fact, his words stimulated Li Gubai instead, Li Gubai said: "Brother He, don't be like this, it's just a matter of fists and feet, and I'm here, even if someone is killed, no one wants to fight!" I don't mind. Of course, if there are no accidents, don't be too hot on purpose."

"Have you heard what Brother Li said? Go." The mysterious boy said to Shanxiong.

ps: Brothers, I will have an exam tomorrow, and the update of Chapter [-] will be in the evening. Please forgive me.

The best boy on campus

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