The best boy on campus

Chapter 783 Attacking the God of Death?

"To tell you the truth, the doctors in our hospital cannot be regarded as authoritative in the treatment of this kind of gunshot wound. We need to invite Vice President Zhang from the Central Hospital. He is an expert in this field. We need to form an expert group for consultation. The chance of rescuing Lingsun is better. ()" Jin Congliang secretly wiped his cold sweat.

Liu Boyang had an impression of the Vice President Zhang he was talking about. It was the old doctor who rescued Ma Xiaoyu last time.

"Then what is Vice President Zhang, have you invited?" Yang Tinglei asked coldly.

"Not, not yet, it's not yet time, Ling Sun is still under observation, temporarily unable to perform surgery, and Vice President Zhang is also busy..."

Yang Tinglei became angry when he heard this, "Busy?! What's the reason? You dare to stand in front of me and he is busy? Isn't my grandson's life his life? Speed! Send someone to call him, and immediately form your one What expert group, otherwise I will let you know what it means to be busy today!"

"Uh?...Yes! Yes! I'm going right now, I'll contact the Central Hospital right away, calm down!" Jin Congliang was completely helpless, he had never seen such an unreasonable person like Yang Tinglei in his life , but no matter how reluctant he was, he dared not do anything else, so he could only honestly contact the Central Hospital.

"Can I go in and see my grandson now?" After Jin Congliang left, Yang Tinglei asked another vice president.

"Yes, yes, but it's best not to go in too much, and don't speak loudly, so as not to affect the patients..."

"Then open the door! Don't be naughty!" Yang Tinglei shouted.

The vice president personally opened the door of the intensive care unit, and Yang Minghai and Xiao Lan rushed in immediately. Before Yang Tinglei entered the door, he thought for a while and said to Liu Boyang: "Boyang, you come in together. (,)"

In the intensive care unit, Yang Lin was lying on the bed with a haggard look, his chest was covered with snow-white gauze, and various infusion tubes were inserted into his arms. At this time, he was no longer as calm as usual. Frowning tightly, it is still clear that he is enduring great pain.

The moment Xiao Lan saw her son, she couldn't help crying. She squatted beside the bed and gently held Yang Lin's hand, and gently touched Yang Lin's face with the other hand. If Yang Minghai hadn't walked over in time to pat him If he touched her shoulder, she would hug Yang Lin and cry bitterly.

Seeing such a miserable Yang Lin, Liu Boyang's eyes turned red instantly. Right in front of his eyes, this good brother who has been standing behind him steadfastly since childhood, actually made this look for himself, Liu Boyang The guilt and self-blame in my heart can be imagined!If Mr. Yang Tinglei and Yang Lin's parents were not here, Liu Boyang would definitely rush to the bed, hold the hand of this good brother, say sorry to him with tears in his eyes, and pour out his regret and heartache to him!

Mr. Yang Tinglei has not said a word since he entered the door. He walked to Yang Lin's bed with a cold face, and looked down at his grandson. In those cloudy old eyes, there were thoughts that no one could guess. It took a long time for him to understand. Taking a deep breath, he turned his head and said lightly: "Boyang, come with me!"

Liu Boyang followed the old man out of the door, and the two came to the corridor. Cui Guodong, Gao Zhenfei and others quickly surrounded him, only to hear Yang Tinglei say: "Boyang, I want you to tell the whole story completely, without a single word." Let me know what is left behind, don't leave anyone behind, don't miss anything!"

Liu Boyang had no choice but to explain the whole thing to Mr. Yang slowly. All the people around him also listened quietly, and no one dared to interrupt.

At the end, Liu Boyang said: "Grandpa Yang, this is what happened. The guy named Li Gubai who shot the gun was killed last night. Although we didn't do it ourselves, he died without a whole body. It can be regarded as more than enough to die! His gang was also defeated by us, and the losses Yang Lin and I have suffered are not in vain!"

Yang Tinglei squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then said lightly: "In this case, what is the name of this Li Gubai, I will not pursue it, but what is the name of the one you ran away just now? Guo Xiaotian? He and Li Gubai are the same The guy? Or is it from our Death Society in W City?"

Liu Boyang nodded and said, "Yes!"

When He Bin heard this, he continued to remain silent, his face unchanged, his expression as usual, as if he didn't know anything, and didn't say anything.

"Then how could he have anything to do with City G as a person from City W?" Yang Tinglei asked with a frown.

"I don't know either, but this Li Gubai has had a grudge against me for a long time. He went to W City some time ago, and he doesn't know how he met Guo Xiaotian, let alone what happened to the two of them. When he came back, , Guo Xiaotian followed him back to City G." Liu Boyang said.

Yang Tinglei sneered and said: "I don't care about these things. Since Li Gubai is dead, there is no point in finding out if there is no proof of his death. But I really didn't expect that a mere death society would dare to bully my descendants! Then The courage of the gang is getting bigger and bigger, do you really think that I am too old to walk?!"

Liu Boyang said: "Grandpa Yang, maybe the Reaper's Society doesn't have this meaning, it's just that Guo Xiaotian is not on the right track with us, don't wrong them, and blame the entire Reaper's Society for him..."

Yang Tinglei snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "What is venting anger?! Boyang, in the eyes of your grandfather Yang, you have not won the word "innocent"! No matter who it is, it is not good to make me unhappy! Those bastards are not pleasing to the eye. In the past ten years or so, the four of us have gone home to take care of ourselves. How dare those bastards dare to call themselves the "Four Gangs" in the city? It's unbelievable! Back then, your grandfather and I started out in society. At the time, they didn't know where they were!"

Yang Tinglei became more and more angry: "Wang An, Dugu Miaoguang, has no way to discipline him. The people under him dare to deal with my grandson. I don't blame him or whom? What's more, what happened to your grandfather a while ago is also directly related to them." , those blind people, relying on the backing of Qin Wangshan, dare to attack the Dragon King! Forget it, let me settle the old and new grudges together this time, and let them know what will happen to me if I offend you!"

Dugu Miao Guang, the current boss of the God of Death Society, but a few months ago, he was only a senior veteran in the society. Hei Ying pulled the detonator and exploded to pieces, and his younger brother Dugu Miao Guang took over his position.Of course, when it comes to qualifications, Dugu Miao Xing is still qualified to talk to Mr. Yang Tinglei, but Dugu Miao Guang is not even qualified to flatter him.

As soon as Mr. Yang mentioned the "big chaos", Liu Boyang's eyes darkened, because of what happened that night, his grandfather and uncle disappeared together, the glorious Liu family was in decline, and he was forced to run away!Wake up, since that night, I and these four major gangs have buried a mortal enmity in my bones!

Yang Tinglei has always been a straightforward person, and he never hesitates to do what he wants to do. He directly took out his phone and walked to the window to make a call to the people outside.

Standing at Liu Boyang's angle, he could just see the ten helicopters circling over the lawn below the main building, and they suddenly took off. Except for the plane that the old men were flying in, the other nine flew over. , Qi Qi faced the glass and paused to the old man, and then flew directly in the direction of W City!

The best boy on campus

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