The best boy on campus

Chapter 784 The long-lost brothers reunite!

No need to ask, these nine planes must have come back,) Liu Boyang was not surprised by this, he had a clear understanding of Mr. Yang's temper and style for a long time, and he guessed that after Mr. Yang knew the whole story, he would definitely not If you let Guo Xiaotian go, you won't let the Death Society go!Now it turns out that his guess was completely correct.

Cui Bajuan and He Jiuxiao stood aside, watching Yang Tinglei send the nine helicopters away, they looked as usual, nothing happened.In fact, these nine helicopters are not Yang Tinglei alone, they should be regarded as the common assets of the four old masters. They are the treasures left by them when they made deals with the old men of country M when they were wandering around the world in the early years. It has not been used for so many years, and this time it can finally come in handy.

The four old gentlemen owned a total of fifteen helicopters. This time when they came to G City, they dispatched ten of them at once. The reason for such a big battle was to use the most domineering method for Yang Lin and Liu Boyang. To get back the place, the next thing is to make an example to the monkeys, to show their prestige to the people in the whole city of G, the grandsons of the fathers are not easy to bully!


As Yang Tinglei sent the helicopter away, the atmosphere in the corridor suddenly became heavy again.

Yang Lin's situation is not optimistic, and there will be no improvement in a short time, and there may be a crisis of life decline at any time.Like everyone else, Liu Boyang was determined to stand here and guard him. If his good brother didn't get better for a moment, he didn't want to leave for a moment.

However, Diao Chan's noble concubine Ma Ke'er, Cui Guodong, Gao Zhenfei and other brothers did not want Liu Boyang to stay here, because Yang Lin's situation was certainly not optimistic, but Liu Boyang himself was not much better, he just woke up and couldn't sleep for an hour. No, he didn't eat or drink, he was too weak, and he was still infusion, the needle came out...

Everyone persuaded Liu Boyang to go back and rest, as long as they are here, Liu Boyang firmly disagreed, but in the end even He Jiuxiao, Cui Bajuan, and even Yang Tinglei persuaded him to go back and rest first. Accompanied by Hu Zi, he went back to the ward, and Diao Chan's noble concubine, Xi Shi Zhaojun, Ma Ke'er and other girls also went back with him. ()

Cui Guodong and He Bin stayed with the old men to guard Yang Lin, while the old cat took Wan Ziliang and Ren Xiaotian to go through the transfer procedures, transferring them from Shixi Hospital to live in the same hospital as Liu Boyang.

The ward where Liu Boyang lived was not an intensive care ward. Besides the bed he was lying on, there were two empty beds next to it. Liu Boyang sat back on the bed and asked Gao Zhenfei and Huzi: "Are you two tired?"

The two of them were not tired, Liu Boyang tilted his head and said, "It's no wonder you're not tired! Look at how tired you two are. You haven't closed your eyes since last night? Your eyes are bloodshot, don't worry about anything else." Go, lie down on those two beds, close your eyes and sleep."

Gao Zhenfei said: "Brother Yang, no need, we are really not tired, who will take care of you when you fall asleep, you don't have to worry about us, just rest and rest."

Liu Boyang glared at him: "Still stubborn, why are you talking so much nonsense? You can sleep right away! I just woke up, and I've had enough rest. I'm fine now, so I don't need you to take care of me."

Diao Chan and Concubine Gui also persuaded: "Just sleep, we will take care of him, don't worry, nothing will happen to him."

Gao Zhenfei and Huzi couldn't hold back, so they could only listen to Liu Boyang's words, and lay down on the bed respectively. After a while, the two of them started talking loudly.They said they were not sleepy, but in fact they were already exhausted. Think about it, they really haven’t closed their eyes since last night. They have been guarding Yang Lin outside the operating room and the intensive care unit. It is a state of high tension, not daring to relax or burnout.This kind of exhaustion is the most tormenting, it is more tormenting than running a marathon of tens of thousands of meters.

Diao Chan and Concubine Gui gently covered Gao Zhenfei and Hu Zi with the quilt, and then came back to serve Liu Boyang to lie down. Diao Chan and Concubine Gui knew that Liu Boyang hadn't eaten, so they couldn't find anything to eat and drink from the snack bag they had bought long ago. Liu Boyang, compared to the intimacy and generosity of these two women, Xishi and Zhaojun seemed a little reluctant to let go. They really wanted to get close to Liu Boyang like the imperial concubine and Diaochan, but they were afraid that their identities were not suitable, so they could only watch eagerly.

As for Ma Ke'er, she felt that Diao Chan and Concubine Gui had snatched away what she was supposed to do, so she was somewhat unhappy in her heart, but she didn't show it. Looking at it like an aggrieved woman.

When Liu Boyang was eating, suddenly there was a knock on the door of the ward, Xi Shi went to open the door, and saw He Bin walking in, all the beauties in the room were stunned for a moment, they were not familiar with He Bin, they didn't know what to do.

He Bin looked at the beauties in the room, and then at Liu Boyang, who was well taken care of, and said with a smile: "Brother Yang, do you want to disturb you?"

Liu Boyang smiled and said, "Why bother, why are you here?"

"Second brother, Guodong and the old men are watching, I want to come and talk to you, hehe, we haven't talked for a while." He Bin said.

Liu Boyang nodded and said with a smile: "Indeed. I also have a lot to say to you, so let's chat."

Concubine Diaochan and the girls watched He Bin approaching, and stood up in a sensible way and walked aside.

"You all go out, let's chat alone." Liu Boyang said.

The five beauties said "Oh" and walked out very obediently. Before going out, the imperial concubine said to Liu Boyang, "Husband, we are outside, you can call us anytime you have something to do."

He Bin watched the five people go out and close the door, pouted his lips, and smiled at Liu Boyang: "Dizzy, brother Yang, are they really your daughter-in-law?"

"Why, are you envious, jealous?" Liu Boyang also laughed.

"Tsk tsk, what a blessing!" He Bin gave a thumbs up, walked to Liu Boyang's side with a smile, and sat down on the bed naturally.

≠Come on, if you want to find it, it’s not like you can’t find it. "Liu Boyang pursed his lips and smiled.

He Bin shook his head and said, "I'm not interested. One is enough to be tiring. If you want so many, it's not enough to cause headaches all day long. I'm not guilty of that." He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and asked Liu Boyang: " Can you smoke here? In your current condition...can you smell the smoke?"

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "Even if I can't, I can stop your big smoking gun?"

He Bin chuckled, and sure enough, he took a cigarette in his mouth, squinted his eyes and lit it, took a puff comfortably, and then exhaled a puff of smoke lightly as if intoxicated.

The hobbies of the brothers in the Kowloon Society are of course very familiar with each other. For example, Cui Guodong is more lustful, Lao Mao likes mature women, Gao Zhenfei likes to drink white wine, He Bin can't leave his mouth and so on.Even though He Bin is handsome, and his teeth are also white, but this guy is the most standard smoking gun. He has basically smoked a pack of cigarettes a day since the fifth grade. It has been so many years, and it has not changed.

"Hey, are you just taking care of smoking by yourself? Don't know if you can give me one too?" Liu Boyang kicked him.

He Bin curled his lips, and glanced up and down at Liu Boyang: "You're messing with me, in your current situation, can you smoke?"

"Nonsense, what's my situation? Isn't it dead yet? Hurry up, come on, you are so vigorous in front of me, you are sincerely stimulating me?" Liu Boyang laughed.

He Bin chuckled, with a cigarette in his mouth, he also put one in Liu Boyang's mouth, lighted it for him, and said with a smile: "This is what you want to smoke yourself, let the sister-in-laws come in and see it later, you have to Honestly, don't rely on me."

The best boy on campus

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