The best boy on campus

Chapter 823 The tough Gao Zhenfei!

Xu Xin's villa is located in Jinshan Villa District in the south of the city. For this, Liu Boyang never visited you, and it's not that he has never been here. The last time Xu Xin's son Xu Jianqiang abducted Ma Xiaoyu and Ma Ke'er sisters here to commit violence. Came here to rescue the first time. () It's just that when Xu Jianqiang was killed, he left after saving people, and he didn't pay attention to this house carefully. Liu Boyang never thought that there was something hidden in this place. dark hole.

Liu Boyang remembers very clearly that Xu Xin's house is the most conspicuous one in the entire Jinshan villa area. It is quite large in scale, red all over, and has a magnificent European style.Especially the narrow alley leading to the outside of his villa, Liu Boyang still remembers it vividly. The last time it was in that alley, Guodong was shot and died.

It was [-]:[-] in the afternoon, half an hour had passed since Xu Xin took Fan Long, Hou Saidong, Cang Majing and eight other senior red flower ninjas out to negotiate with Hu Die.

At the back of the villa, at some time, three vigorous figures have already sneaked in, all without anyone noticing, with leaves in their mouths, hemp ropes in their hands, and different swords pinned to their backs.

Gao Zhenfei took the lead. He looked up at the villa, turned his head to look at Cui Guodong, and pointed to it.

Cui Guodong understood what he meant, probably: "Are you sure that window can directly lead to the corridor on the second floor inside?"

Cui Guodong held the leaf in his mouth and nodded. He and Liu Boyang came together last time, and they are very familiar with each other.

Without further hesitation, Gao Zhenfei spat out the leaves, put the hemp rope in his mouth, and pulled out the steel knife from his back waist. The handle of the knife was an iron water pipe, and a ruler-long blade was welded on it. Knife, let Cui Guodong and Huzi squat down, put their hands together, and then he stepped on it, Cui Guodong and Huzi slammed hard, and directly lifted Gao Zhenfei up!

And Gao Zhenfei also jumped three meters high by jumping with his own surprise. With one hand, he precisely hung a protruding edge of the back wall of the villa, and stepped on the wall with both feet to support it, and even hung on the wall!

This scene is absolutely exaggerated. Gao Zhenfei has completely exploded his perverted physical strength. He is almost pawing at the wall with three limbs, like a big agile gecko. Holding that simple knife, in Gao Zhenfei's hands, everything is a weapon, but this simple knife is undoubtedly the most handy, just like Laomao's catcher and Guodong's Juanba. ()

However, Gao Zhenfei's skills were amazing enough and he didn't make any loud noises. They still looked at the red flower ninja in the villa. There were two senior ninjas on duty on the second floor who faintly heard something was wrong under the big window. Passed over, opened the window and looked down!

Gao Zhenfei saw the two heads protruding from above, and said nothing, he threw the simple knife upwards violently, and a ninja was caught off guard, and was directly pierced by the simple knife that rushed up like a sharp arrow, and entered through the mouth , was pierced through the back of the head, and before he even had time to let out a scream, he slumped and bowed to the edge of the window and died miserably. The splashed blood flowed all over the wall!

"Someone is coming up!!" Another red flower ninja suddenly yelled into the villa, and then Lightning shot three darts at Gao Zhenfei with a "shua, shua, shua". The sharp speed was really amazing, and the three darts were like three darts. A soul-hunting bullet!

Gao Zhenfei didn't dare to be careless, hung on the wall with one hand, kicked the wall with his right foot, and flicked it with all his strength, directly changing from lying on the wall to facing away from the wall, avoiding a certain distance, and at the same time he dodged, Two darts "swish" past him, but when Gao Zhenfei looked up, he suddenly found that the third dart was coming right in his face!

Huzi and Cui Guodong below were shocked, and subconsciously wanted to shout "Brother Dafei's heart!!" But it was too late, Gao Zhenfei raised his neck and shook his body, and then the dart didn't fall again, Presumably it penetrated his body!

The senior ninja above had a sneer subconsciously, while Huzi and Cui Guodong below were about to explode. If it wasn't for the leaves in their mouths, the hysterical "Brother Fei!!" had already been shouted, and the two were gnashing their teeth He was looking for a direction and wanted to step on the wall to avenge Gao Zhenfei, but it was too late, and in a blink of an eye, he saw Gao Zhenfei's "dead" "corpse" after being hit by a dart, and he "lived" again!

Gao Zhenfei raised his head and smiled coldly, with the dart in his mouth, he had already taken off the hemp rope at some point in his hand, and yanked it up in the air, unbiased, just tied the ninja's neck, and Gao Zhenfei also In the end, because both hands were empty, he fell from the wall, but his hand was holding on to the hemp rope tightly!

The ninja above was terrified, and quickly grabbed the rope around his neck, trying to untie it, but the hemp rope was wrapped around his neck three times, which was equivalent to fastening a dead button, and Gao Zhenfei fell under gravity again. In the process of pulling the rope violently, it is directly equivalent to dragging his whole body to fall out of the window!

The ninja's face was all red from being strangled, his hands were firmly stuck on the window sill and he refused to go down, but Gao Zhenfei had already fallen into the rain, and Huzi and Cui Guodong were following him below, so he wouldn't fall to his death, but the moment he landed, Pulling the hemp rope vigorously, the red flower ninja finally couldn't hold it anymore, his neck was almost cut off, he could only scream, and fell from the window like a kite with a broken string!

Gao Zhenfei's skills are definitely not covered!He would not let go of any available opportunity. While pulling the other party out of the window with all his strength, he took advantage of the momentum to step on the wall again and turn up again, stepping on the falling ninja with his feet in the air, and with a hard bounce , the whole person finally jumped onto the big window on the second floor, which was more than five meters high, grabbed the window sill with one hand, and exerted force with both feet, he turned sharply into the villa like this!

And the ninja who was dragged down by Gao Zhenfei, before he could make a sound after landing, was stabbed into a shrimp by Huzi with a heart-piercing knife, blood spattered, grinning with disbelief, spurting blood and dying Death!

Gao Zhenfei did not drag himself into the villa. The first thing he did was to pull out the simple knife that stabbed the first ninja to death. The second thing was to turn his wrist and tighten the hemp rope. Finally, they climbed up along the hemp rope. With their skills, of course it didn't take much effort, and the two of them jumped into the window in a blink of an eye!

Huzi and Cui Guodong held a knife in one hand and a pistol in the other, standing on either side of Gao Zhenfei from left to right, while Gao Zhenfei tied the simple knife to his hands with a cut hemp rope, in order to avoid killing him later. Time to skate!

Don't look at the tedious description of the whole process, in fact, everything just happened in a short moment, and the cry of the second ninja who died just now naturally attracted the attention of the other ninjas in the main entrance hall!

At that moment, I saw a young man with a gloomy complexion standing in the middle of the hall and glanced upwards, commanding his four subordinates: "You, you, you, you! Go up and have a look!"

"Yes!!" The four ninjas jumped up in an instant, they didn't even go up the stairs, they just stepped on the sofa or stepped on the pillars, jumped up the stairs in the air!

And the young man rolled his eyes, as if he had guessed the intention of the uninvited guest, he turned sharply and pointed at the other four subordinates standing behind him, and said, "You all, go and seal the secret door for me, and if anyone rushes over, they will be killed." !"


The best boy on campus

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