The best boy on campus

Chapter 824 A battle of life and death!

The leader of the young ninja who commanded Bie Rao is, of course, one of the new generation of young leaders of the Red Flower Society, the b+-level ninja Masao Kimura!

He and Cangmai belong to the sub-team sent by the senior management of the Red Flower Society in City G. Cangmai is the captain, and Kimura Masao is the vice-captain. There are 21 other members. At this time, Cangmai has led eight ninjas to follow Xu Xin out Negotiations, and twelve ninjas including Masao Kimura stayed at the villa. Two of them had already been killed, four went up to the second floor to investigate the situation, four were sent by Masao Kimura to guard the secret door, and two At this moment, Ma Junsheng and Lei Bao are being guarded in the dark room, only Masao Kimura is really in the hall, with expressionless face and cold eyes narrowed slightly!

Even if the three of Gao Zhenfei didn't understand J Mandarin, they knew that someone was coming up from the other party when they heard the footsteps in the blink of an eye, and they still stepped on the wall directly. , all of them should not be underestimated!

As the four people turned up to the second floor at the same time, Cui Guodong immediately raised his gun and shot at them, but the two ninjas seemed to have been prepared for a long time. They turned over at lightning speed, and one circled 360 degrees directly. After jumping down, the two bullets were shot in the air, and they shot together and shot into the wall opposite the hall!

After the two ninjas landed on the ground, they pulled out their ninja swords with great training, and stretched out three fingers to Masao Kimura who was standing in the middle. The meaning was obvious: there are three people upstairs!Then he stepped up and flew up the stairs again!

Downstairs, Masao Kimura tilted his head slightly, showing a sneering sneer, and slipped out three darts, still standing still, quietly waiting for the three uninvited guests upstairs to show up!

At this time, the upstairs has already been fighting together!

The moment Cui Guodong and the two of them raised their guns and shot into the air, the other two ninjas jumped up with their strong hands. Cui Guodong and Huzi were not stupid, they didn't expect to hit these perverted ninjas with their guns, so those two shots would be regarded as At the meeting ceremony, draw your guns and draw your knives and go straight up to meet them, and start a life-and-death fight with those two senior ninjas on the narrow stairs!

There is only one good thing about fighting with the Red Flower Club. These people never use guns, because for them, darts can solve all problems, but not everyone is invincible with darts. The accuracy and speed of low-level ninja throwing darts are of course They are all worse than high-level ninjas, but this does not prevent the two ninjas in front of them from being able to threaten Cui Guodong and Huzi with this method!

Although these two ninjas can barely rank C rank, they are not necessarily stronger than Cui Guodong and Huzi in terms of real skills. Shocked, I never thought that the three teenagers who came up from the back wall would be so difficult, and they could be held back by a single kill!

On the other side, Cui Guodong and Huzi fought fiercely with these two men for more than a dozen rounds, and they all smiled coldly. Sure enough, the rumors that the three of them became tigers killed people. Who made the rumors? This group of ninjas from the J country is boasting everywhere, and today they competed twice. It's not a big deal. Apart from speed, they don't even have the strength to swing a knife. It's a waste of time to fight against them!

The two of them figured out the details of Lie Rong, so they stopped holding back their hands immediately, and resorted to the trick of pressing the bottom of the box. The potential exploded in an instant, slashing horizontally and vertically, flying up and down in a trance, and violently smashed the two The momentum of the ninja was suppressed, and they were directly forced to stagger and retreat. The light of the knife flashed and the stars splattered in all directions. Cut it back and get close to the railing!

The two ninjas were already shocked, they were horrified by the even fight just now, who would have thought that it was because Cui Guodong and Huzi kept their hands!

And now those who have been hacked are retreating steadily, it really embarrasses the organization! The people of J country have always had a sense of national pride. The two roared like dogs jumping over the wall, and their eyes turned red. They couldn't fight Cui Guodong and Huzi, so they started to withdraw and play darts. Cui Guodong moved a little faster, and the dart with his head tilted slightly brushed his ear and shot past, and stuck into the wall with a "duh" sound!

Er Huzi was a little careless, unable to dodge in time, he could only raise his machete violently to block in front of him, only heard the crisp sound of "Dang!", the dart directly broke the bar of Huzi's machete, spun it and flew out Stab into the railing next to it!

The two ninjas were stunned, throwing darts at such a close distance couldn't kill anyone, or this obvious boy from country Z, how could it be possible? !

The ninja who was dealing with Cui Guodong flipped his hand "Shua Shua Shua" and shot three more darts, but Cui Guodu turned around, a few apes dodged all of them, and rushed up with a sudden step, rolling the shore With a slash on the head, the ninja hurriedly dodged sideways. Cui Guodong missed the knife, but grabbed the opponent's top melon skin with his other hand, yanked back and took the knife to slap his neck fiercely. Even the railing was broken, and it flew out like a broken kite!

On the other side, Hu Zi missed a dart, and the clothes on his left elbow were rubbed off by the opponent's dart, and there was a slight bloodstain, but it was not a big problem, I saw that he also drove the opponent to a dead end, kicked him Taking advantage of the opponent's instinct to hold his belly, he rushed forward and stabbed the opponent's stomach hard with the broken knife. With a "poof", the broken knife's blade emerged from the ninja's back, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and Huzi punched Blow him off the floor!

Huzi was only a second slower than Cui Guodong in finishing the solution, but the palms of both of them were already sweating. Hearing the sound of footsteps, Gao Zhenfei, whose face was splattered with blood, came up with two heads in his hands, and said coldly: "Let you mess around! Do you want to die in vain?!"

Both Huzi and Cui Guodong smiled wryly, as expected, the fourth brother was awesome, he only decided to kill one, and he had already killed two of them!At this time, Gao Zhenfei's upper body was spattered with blood, but not even a drop of it belonged to him. The two heads in his hand were the two that turned up later, and he stopped him alone. ()()

In fact, Huzi and Cui Guodong can't be blamed for this. Without knowing each other's depth, Rao's instinct is to keep a hand first and feel the opponent's bottom!Who would have thought that this group of red flower ninjas are so famous, how can they be as amazing as previously imagined!

Just as they were standing there to catch their breath, Gao Zhenfei suddenly yelled, "Move!"

Cui Guodong hurried to the outside, and something flew over with a "whoosh", taking a lock of his hair with him!

And Huzi couldn't dodge in time, seeing a black spinning thing was about to pierce his eyes, at the very last moment, he heard a sound of "Pa!!", the flames exploded, Gao Zhenfei stepped on the railing with both feet, The dart flew, and then the tall and straight figure stood still, with his back straight, facing Masao Kimura coldly below!

Without saying anything, Gao Zhenfei threw the ninja knife he had taken away into Huzi's hand with his back on his back.

Huzi caught the ninja knife, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead secretly, felt ruthless, narrowed his eyes, and stared coldly at Masao Kimura who wanted to fight three-on-one, Huzi knew that this is the real ninja Here we go!

"This person is not simple, be careful!" Gao Zhenfei said lightly.

Masao Kimura at the bottom tilted his head and took a look at Gao Zhenfei. He suddenly gave a sinister smile and waved his hands in lightning. Six or seven darts shot at a shocking speed again, and he himself took advantage of the momentum and flicked his body. Ying up to the second floor!

The best boy on campus

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