The best boy on campus

Chapter 86 Basketball game!

Liu Boyang was taken aback for a moment, looked down at his wife's belly, and said with a gloomy expression, "'re here? Isn't it such a coincidence?" He was always articulate, and he was a little awkward in speaking.

Seeing his gloomy look, Sun Xiaorou laughed with a voice like a silver bell, stretched out her small powder fist and hit him lightly, and said with a smile: "You look so nervous, now you know you are scared? You were so nervous just now." Overbearing, why don't you think about the consequences? Hehe, don't bully me like this in the future, you scared me so badly."

Liu Boyang rubbed his nose and said with a smirk: "Okay, Nizi, are you lying to me? You are so brave." Then he stretched out his hand to scratch his daughter-in-law's itch

"Ah Brother Yang, don't, you're good or bad." Sun Xiaorou smiled and dodged left and right, and the two got into a mess in the toilet


But at this time, Song Qianxia walked to the school gate alone, with tears streaming down her face. Now she was full of trauma, and suddenly felt that everything around her was so strange to her, and she seemed to be A patch of duckweed has nowhere to go, only when we go home can we find our warm haven

The more I walked, the more lonely I was, and I didn't even have a good friend who could complain about my grievances. Song Qianxia looked up at the school clock. It was almost time for school to end at this time, so she wiped the tears on her face, walked out of the school gate, and walked towards the school. go home

But I didn't expect that when she just left school, she was followed by several people

"Brother Snake, that's the girl. She's Liu Boyang's horse. I saw her go to Xijia Lane for dinner with that kid surnamed Liu yesterday." On the other side of the road, in a black Santana sedan, on the driver's seat A man who looked like a student said to a man next to him with a bald head and a long face, and a black snake tattooed on his shirtless back.

"Huh? Hehe, she's a pretty good girl, so juicy" Hua Snake looked out through the window glass, and immediately took aim at the lonely Song Qianxia

"You guys, go and ask that little girl to come up, let's take it back and play for fun." Hua Snake smiled at the two younger brothers behind her.

"Yes" the two answered, opened the car door neatly, and rushed towards the unsuspecting Song Qianxia

"Tsk tsk, what a nice little girl, much better than the ones your boss brought me yesterday." Hua Laosnake looked at Song Qianxia and said that he was far away from Li Zifeng and would come to clean up in the afternoon Liu Boyang happened to be free at noon, so he came over to check on the situation, unexpectedly there was an unexpected harvest

On the other side, Song Qianxia was walking with her head down, when she suddenly realized that someone was following her. Before she opened her mouth to ask, she was immediately covered by a big hand coming towards her. Song Qianxia suddenly had a premonition of something , was so frightened that she wanted to struggle and shout for help, but the other two people didn't give her a chance at all. One of them pressed her head hard and sealed her mouth so that she couldn't even use the strength to bite. The other one directly picked up her feet, and the two of them picked her up one after the other and rushed to this side, even though Song Qianxia cried her throat dry, it was of no avail

At the gate of the school, the security guard on duty inside suddenly noticed this scene. Someone rushed out with an electric baton, but it was too late. Those two people stuffed Song Qianxia into the car and slapped her hard. The simple and honest Song Qianxia was stunned, and then Hua Snake ordered to drive, and this black Santana drove away amidst Song Qianxia's desperate cries.

When Liu Boyang took Sun Xiaorou back to the playground, just in time for the school bell to ring, Lao Mao and the others saw Liu Boyang put the T-shirt on his shoulders, and walked over shirtless, holding the hand of his wife Sun Xiaorou, all of them were worried. Understood ** points, everyone tacitly understood, only Lao Mao and Cui Guodong kept staring at Sun Xiaorou and smirked.

Sun Xiaorou was thin-skinned, seeing those two smirking at her with ill intentions, her cheeks flushed, she pinched Liu Boyang fiercely, she blamed this bad guy, otherwise she wouldn't have put herself in such a mess

"You two are smiling brightly. Come here and tell me what's so funny." Liu Boyang couldn't just watch his wife get embarrassed, he hooked his fingers at Lao Mao and Cui Guodong, and said with a smile

"Oh, no need for brother Yang, hehe, it's nothing, when did we laugh? We haven't laughed all the time, hehe" Cui Guodong said with a smile

Sun Xiaorou bit her lip angrily, glanced at the smiling Cui Guodong over there, then turned her head and rolled her eyes at Liu Boyang, it's okay to be bullied by you, but you actually let him be teased by your brother

"Well, Guodong, you are a typical kid looking for excitement when you have nothing to do. If you don't relax your muscles and bones today, you really don't know who I am the boss for." Liu Boyang broke his fist and laughed.

"Uh, brother Yang, don't come here, we have something to say, can't I stop laughing? I don't laugh anymore." Cui Guodong cried and looked at Liu Boyang walking towards him with a smile, and immediately ran around in fright. He begged for mercy while running, causing the boys on the basketball court to burst into laughter

"Brother Cat, save me" Cui Guodong still wanted to call for the savior at this time

"Guodong, go away, brother Tanshang Yang, I don't have it either, so you can just do it yourself." The old cat looked at the lively Cui Guodong sympathetically, pretending to be helpless and smiled.

"Wow, brother cat, why didn't I see it, you are so unjust... Wow, second brother, help me!"

A few people were making a fuss on the basketball court, but a few sports teachers with big bellies walked over with a smile on their faces. One of them, who had an astonishingly big beer belly but was not very tall, walked up to Yang Lin and the others first. It was Zhu Tao, the boss of the sports group, who greeted Liu Boyang and Cui Guodong, who were making a fuss: "Hey, you two, stop making trouble, come here, I have something to discuss with you guys."

"What's the matter?" After hearing the words, Liu Boyang also stopped cleaning up Cui Guodong, walked over and asked

"You guys are good at basketball. Are you interested in participating in the high school basketball game to be held in the city next month?" Zhu Tao said

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