The best boy on campus

Chapter 87 It's a man, let's go!

"Basketball game?" Liu Boyang and the others froze for a moment.

"Yeah, it's a pity not to go with your skills. How about it? Do you want to represent our school in the competition?" Another physical education teacher also said.

"Is there no school team in our school?" Yang Lin asked

"Yes, but their level is far worse than yours. Last year, they didn't even make it to the group line, which embarrassed me. We have been looking for new recruits for a long time, and we haven't seen many tough players. I'm planning to abstain this time, seeing you guys today, let us see how hopeful it is, boys, it's up to you to give the school a face, will you go or not?"

"If you go, I will give you full marks in sports scores, and I will personally sponsor 500 yuan for each of you, how about it?" Zhu Tao said

"Teacher, we have never received professional training, can we go like this?" said the old cat

"What are you afraid of? Training is secondary. Do you still need training with your skills? At most, I will give you special training for a week. If nothing else, if you don't win the prize, old Zhu My physical education teacher for the past seven years has been in vain.”

"This one……"

"What's the matter, boys, are you a man? You are a man, and you should stand out when you should. I am optimistic about you. In a word, go" Zhu Tao persuaded with a smile

At this time, the voices of Hou Qiang and other younger brothers and the group of idiots in the class also shouted:

"Brother Yang, you guys all support you"

"That's right, Brother Yang, let them see the strength of our s."

"Brother Yang, during the city high school basketball game, there are many beautiful MMs, go and let the younger brothers follow you to get the glory and feast their eyes, haha"

"Brother Yang, go, I support you, and I will be your cheerleader when the time comes." Daughter-in-law Sun Xiaorou exaggeratedly clenched her little fist at Liu Boyang, encouraging her

"Hehe, what do you guys think?" Liu Boyang was a little moved. This was the first time he represented the school since he was a child. It felt really good, and it greatly satisfied a man's vanity.

"Why don't you go, just like what the brothers said, let those bastards see how powerful our Kowloon Club is!" the old cat shouted

"Brother Mao is right, let's kill gods when we meet gods, and destroy Buddhas when we meet Buddhas, what the hell!" Cui Guodong also yelled

"Hehe, okay, that's all I said, Mr. Zhu, let's go, I hope we can do what you want, and win face for the school." Liu Boyang turned around and said to Zhu Tao with a smile

"Haha, boys, I am optimistic about you, so, don't go home at noon today, my old Zhu sits east, let's go out and find a restaurant for dinner, we should get to know each other, how about it?" Zhu Tao boldly said

As we all know, in school, physical education teachers are the best-talking teachers among all the teachers, and they are also the ones who can get along with the students the most. Good students, so I can understand the psychology of these students, especially boys. To put it bluntly, I can "smelt like" with them

"No problem, hehe, Teacher Zhu is too polite, how can you invite us, I invite you, it is my Liu Boyang, on behalf of the brothers, thank the teachers for their care" Liu Boyang laughed

"Well, boy, you go to the senior group to find out who I am, Zhu Tao. I just like to make friends. Money is a trivial matter. It's a big thing if we eat and drink to our heart's content. I'll invite you today. Who are you?" If you fight with me again, I'm in a hurry, haha, let's walk and talk," Zhu Tao greeted

This is really a physical education teacher with a bold personality. The Liu Boyang brothers like to deal with such people the most. They didn’t say much at the moment. It’s better to follow orders, Mr. Zhu, let’s go.”

Talking and laughing, the brothers followed Zhu Tao to the outside of the school, followed by several other physical education teachers, one of them said to Hou Qiang and Li Gui before leaving: "Class is over, you two are responsible for keeping Return the ball to the equipment room, and the rest of the students let them dismiss the class."

"Dizzy, we are doing coolies again." Li Gui and Hou Qiang said with depressed faces

Can you not be depressed?Since the first physical education class, the drudgery of returning the ball has always been theirs. Who made them grow taller and look more powerful?

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