The best boy on campus

Chapter 88 The Fuse!

When the other students heard the complaints of the two, they secretly laughed a few times, then left the playground in twos and threes, and walked towards the school gate. School is over, right?

In front, Zhu Tao took Liu Boyang and others to the front. His loud and clear voice can still be heard clearly, talking and laughing, making Li Gui and Hou Qiang speechless for a while.

The two stopped talking nonsense, packed up the basketballs, put them all into a big net, and then carried it towards the equipment room behind the playground

However, not long after walking, the two suddenly found a group of people gathered on the sandy ground with horizontal bars in front of them, looking at them coldly.

Li Gui and Hou Qiang knew this group of people. They were all minions under Li Zifeng's sophomore class. The thin man at the front was Wang Long, one of Li Zifeng's capable generals, and he was well-known in school. bullying, notorious

Li Gui, Hou Qiang and other first-year people and that group of people have always been indifferent to each other, and they can't afford to provoke them, and they don't want to provoke them. Since they have been spotted from a distance, it is right to take a detour. Famous like looking for trouble

But in the entire playground, there is only one door that can lead to the equipment room. Unfortunately, it is next to the horizontal bar sandy field. Walk over there, I hope Wang Long and others don't take the wrong medicine today and cause trouble for themselves

Sadly, all the misfortunes made them guess

When the two of them were about to walk out of the basketball court, suddenly someone stopped them: "Hey, I said, those two bastards over there, stop for me, come here, come here!"

The two turned their heads to look, and saw a very dark and skinny boy with a shirt on his shoulders and a shirt on his shoulders walking towards them. This person was exactly Wang Long, followed by the bad-looking boy No. [-] and [-]. Hanging around with a cigarette butt in his mouth, he looks full of ruffianism

"What's the matter?" Hou Qiang and Li Gui had to stop, turned their heads and asked

Wang Long stepped forward, without further ado, with a crisp sound of "slap", the flying hand slapped Li Gui across the face, with full force, he knocked the unprepared Li Gui to the ground at once, Wang Long broke his mouth and slapped Li Gui. Scolding: "Fuck you, you can't do it if you are blind? You don't even know how to call a brother Wang when you see me. The more you fuck around, the more ignorant you become."

Li Gui was furious, he wanted to get up and fight Wang Long to the death, but you are too arrogant, you beat me without saying anything?However, Hou Qiang hurried over to stop him, and gave him a wink, the meaning was obvious: the two of us are not Brother Yang, facing the seventh and eighth people, if we really do it, we can only eat the turtles. Hou Qiang signaled Li Gui wants to endure the hero and not suffer the immediate loss

"Brother Wang, you called us, what is your order?" Hou Qiang could only laugh along with him.

"Go away, I'm talking to you?" Wang Long didn't even look at him, and impatiently "slapped" Hou Qiang's face, slapped him aside, stepped forward and stepped on him. On Li Gui's chest, he said with a sinister smile: "Little brat, just stare at me again."

Li Guiqi's chest was about to explode, he grabbed the ground tightly with both hands, tried to calm his anger, and tried his best to calm himself and said: "Brother Wang, I was wrong, what's the matter with you? "

"You poor man, it's almost like I'm in a hurry, leave your balls for fun." Wang Long lightly took out the cigarette and lit it, squinting his eyes and smoking while saying

"Brother Wang, you are making things difficult for us. This is a school ball, not ours. If we lose it, we will have to pay for it," Li Gui said.

"Hmm" Wang Long said "hmm", and suddenly stomped his foot on Li Gui's chest, stomping Li Gui to the ground, and cursed: "F*ck, it's up to you? Do you want to throw it away?" Yes, what's the matter with me? If you are sensible, leave the ball and get out, or else I will not be playing ball, but you will be hitting you."

Li Gui resisted the severe pain in his chest, and gritted his teeth and asked, "Brother Wang, so you are sincerely making things difficult for us?"

Hearing this, Wang Long stopped smoking, put the cigarette butt in his mouth, then turned around, bent down with a smile, and slapped Li Gui's face with the back of his hand, and said with an arrogant smile: "Forget you! Fatty is not stupid, he actually saw it, that’s right, I came here today to clean up you, and I just want to abolish you two ignorant little bastards, understand?”

Hou Qiang stood aside with a gloomy expression, and asked, "Then I really want to know, why did the two of us offend Brother Wang? So many people came to intercept us?"

Before Wang Long could reply this time, among the group of people he brought, a guy with black-rimmed glasses came over and asked with a smile, "You want to know?"

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