The best boy on campus

Chapter 89 Beating!

Hou Qiang looked at this man's extremely arrogant appearance, nodded lightly and said: "Yes, I..."

He hadn't finished speaking when suddenly there was a "bang" on his face and he was punched hard. He immediately felt a black nose and sore eyes, and he leaned back and almost fell *book*(

"Haha," the man laughed loudly, and suddenly his expression changed again, revealing an extremely fierce side, and he said sinisterly, "Fuck you, damn it, if you want to know, I'll tell you? I'll tell you if you're upset. Is there any reason to clean you up?"

At this moment, even if Li Gui and Hou Qiang didn't need to ask, they knew that the matter in front of them was absolutely arranged by Li Zifeng. It seems that Li Zifeng wanted to defeat everyone, he had planned it long ago.

"Small, pussy, is there still a problem?" The man with glasses walked over with clenched fists and said again

"I'm fighting with you!" Hou Qiang roared loudly, got up from the ground, and stabbed at the man with glasses. Hou Qiang knew that there was no point in holding back at this time, and the other party made it clear that he was coming Challenging

The man in glasses was caught off guard, he didn't expect that Hou Qiang would dare to fight back in this situation, and when he reacted, Hou Qiang had already rushed in front of him, grabbed his shoulders and swung down hard, raised his knees and pushed up hard It hit the man with glasses on the stomach immediately, Hou Qiang was so powerful that he grabbed his hair and tore it left and right, wishing he could pull his scalp off as well, and pulled him back hard to knock him down. Then he rushed up and aimed at his face and kicked him violently. The third kick crushed his glasses. The man with glasses curled up on the ground with his face in his arms and howled.

"Small, I force you to dare to do it." Seeing that the man with glasses was knocked to the ground, the two people over there rushed over while shouting angrily. One of them jumped up two meters away and kicked Hou hard. On Qiang's lower back, Hou Qiang, who was kicked immediately, staggered, swayed forward a few steps and almost fell down.

"Mom, you are so courageous after following that bastard surnamed Liu. The boss is right. If you don't teach you a lesson today, you really don't know what the hell you are." The two yelled at each other. While rushing forward, one person grabbed Hou Qiang's collar and pulled him into a bow, while the other jumped up and slammed his fists into a ball, hitting Hou Qiang's waist like a jackhammer. Hou Qiang, who was smashed immediately, fell to the ground with a muffled grunt.

"Little bastard, are you happy?" The man who was pulling the collar flew up and kicked Hou Qiang's head again. This kick was impartial and just hit Hou Qiang's ear. There was a buzzing in the ears, then a strong tinnitus, and then a burning pain

Hou Qiang yelled, clasped his ears with both hands and rolled on the ground, it seemed that the other side kicked hard, Hou Qiang gritted his teeth in pain, and all the blue veins on his face were exposed

"You two go away, you bastard, you dare to hit me, I will make your life worse than death." The man with glasses who was hit by Hou Qiang on the ground just rushed over angrily, and pushed away the two accomplices who were kicking Hou Qiang in front of him. , slammed down, aimed at Hou Qiang's face and upper body and stomped fiercely

"He, fuck, four eyes, don't slap your face, if that thing breaks, you'll be in trouble, greet yourself" Wang Long's voice came over

The bespectacled man nicknamed "Four Eyes" suddenly understood that the place where he stepped left Hou Qiang's face, but stomped on his stomach and thighs, and Hou Qiang shrank like a scalded shrimp in pain. Bloodshots gushed from the corners of his mouth...

On the other hand, Li Gui was also having a hard time. He was a little stronger than Hou Qiang, and he knocked over two of them, but he still incurred more violent revenge. At this time, he was kicked out by Wang Long, and his back was hit hard On the horizontal bar, his waist injury has not yet recovered. This time, it was as if he had been shocked by an electric shock. His whole body seemed to be torn apart, and he could no longer straighten his waist. He squatted on the ground with his hands on the ground, and cursed with red eyes: "I'm so stupid, did your ancestors know that more people bully less people?"

There are 1 anger in his heart now, 1 hate that his body is not up to date. If he is not injured and heals well now, how can he let them step on his nose and be arrogant, no matter how hard he tries, he will beat him up. Yes, even if you die, you have to take a bite

"You're still scolding him, mom is still scolding" Wang Long, the one on the left, was annoyed. He rushed up and kicked Li Gui over. Pressed into the sand, let Li Gui eat a mouthful of dirty sand

"Come on, let me hear you again." The man grabbed Li Gui's hair and asked with a sinister smile.

"I... grass... you... mother" Li Gui cursed vaguely with sand in his mouth

"Your mother really scolded me for letting you scold me." As he said that, the man grabbed Li Gui's neck fiercely, grabbed five blood marks in an instant, and pressed Li Gui into the sand again.

"Get out of the way, let me do it" There was a ruthless guy behind him, he rushed up with a brick, aimed at Li Gui, and was about to smash it

"Wait a minute, are you crazy? This thing can kill people, let me put it down. To deal with them, they still need to move the guys. Give me fists and kicks." Wang Long is still a relatively sober one here. Seeing himself This group of people will do bad things if they continue to fight like this, so they have to stop it.

The group of people heard it right, Brother Feng meant to teach these two little ones a lesson, and there was no need to kill or disable them, so they started to greet them like raindrops...

Even if Li Gui and Hou Qiang fight back, they can't hold it anymore, their vision is slowly turning black, their strength has long been exhausted, and their thinking has gradually become blurred. There is only one thought in my heart: Brother Yang, remember to give Revenge brothers...

In the end, the two fell into a coma one after another.

"Don't fight anymore!" Wang Long stopped it aloud when he saw that it was almost done.

He still spoke with weight, and a group of people felt that it was almost enough to vent, so they all stopped.

"Siyan, call the infirmary and ask them to carry the person, let's go." Wang Long looked at the two lying on the ground lightly, snorted disdainfully, turned around and left with a group of people, and let Siyan give it to him. The infirmary has no choice but to say hello, after all, in school, it will be troublesome if someone dies.

"Liu Boyang, haha, it's your two younger brothers at noon today, and it's you in the afternoon."

Note to readers:

collection, smashing bricks, tickets

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