The best boy on campus

Chapter 90 The mountain and rain are about to come and the wind is full of buildings!

At this moment, Liu Boyang had no idea that his two brothers had been beaten unconscious. He was walking with his wife Sun Xiaorou and his brothers to accompany Zhu Tao outside the school, but just as he reached the door, suddenly A doorman ran over with a serious expression. As soon as the doorman came up, he said in a hurry: "Mr. Zhu, I have something to tell you."

This doorman was the witness who saw Hua Snake kidnapping Song Qianxia not long ago. He saw that scene with his own eyes. He wanted to go to the school immediately to find the principal and director or something, but it was almost time for school. Many teachers who had no classes had already left school, and they called the principal's office several times but no one answered them. When they were anxious like ants on a hot pot, they suddenly saw Zhu Tao walking over. Great savior, so I rushed over in a hurry

You must know that Zhu Tao, like He Juxiong, is also a person with black and Taoist backgrounds. Because of his bold personality, he is liked by many friends on the road. It is a matter of course to make friends with him. There are many friends. It's just that he doesn't belong to the gangsters himself, so in terms of overall strength, he is slightly inferior to He Juxiong

"Xiao Jia, what's the matter, don't worry, talk slowly" Zhu Tao was also a little stunned when he saw the guard Xiao Jia was so anxious, but he still said calmly

"Mr. Zhu, it's not good. Some of our students were robbed by people outside the school." Xiao Jia said anxiously out of breath.

"What? Xiao Jia, please speak clearly. When did it happen? Where did it happen? Who did it happen to?" Zhu Tao also became a little anxious when he heard this, and asked.

"Just now, a female student was robbed by a black Santana outside the school. I wanted to rush out to stop them, but I couldn't run as fast as them. I called the principal's office..." Xiao Jia said anxiously non-stop

"Don't worry, the more you do this, the more you can't explain clearly. The key point is who was robbed?" Zhu Taozhong asked with a frown

The faces of Liu Boyang and others were also ugly. How could someone be so bold as to rob the girls of his school in broad daylight?You must know that those who come out to hang out attach great importance to the concept of territory. Although Liu Boyang has not yet unified the S, in the eyes of him and his brothers, it is only a matter of time, and now someone dares to be in their territory. Come up, isn't this bullying coming to the house?

"I don't know the girl who was robbed. I guess she followed you to PE class, otherwise she wouldn't have come out so early..."

"Physical education class? What do you look like? What kind of clothes do you wear?" Zhu Tao asked repeatedly

"I didn't see what it looked like, but it should be pretty, wearing a school uniform and a pair of white shoes..."

When Xiao Jia said this, Liu Boyang was startled suddenly, a figure flashed in his mind for a moment, that pure face, that petite figure, that innocent girl like an angel suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart that was so strong, everything The guesses all pointed to the same person—could it be her?

He suddenly took a step forward, and asked coldly: "That girl, did you have a hairpin tied on her head?" Liu Boyang went out with Song Qianxia in the morning, so he clearly remembered what the little girl was wearing this morning. She tied a simple hairpin, which impressed me the most

"Yes, do you know her? Check to see if it's the hairpin." When Xiao Jia heard that the information matched, she was overjoyed, and hurriedly took out a white hairpin in her hand to show Liu Boyang.

This hairpin fell when Song Qianxia was struggling desperately in the hands of those two people. At that time, those two people were busy catching Song Qianxia and didn't pay attention. Later, Xiao Jia ran over to check the situation. picked up

Someone in the class immediately recognized the hairpin and exclaimed, "This is the class leader's."

Liu Boyang faced Chen Rubing, took the hairpin with trembling hands, and held it tightly in his hand, his eyes flashed with a cold light like ever-changing ice, and his heart was filled with anger. Song Qianxia was the girl he liked. To be honest, she is so innocent that she can't even swear, yet someone kidnapped her

If anyone dares to touch her, I will cut down his whole family

When he thought of the girl who was scared by him last night and hid in his arms and didn't dare to move around, and when he thought of Song Qianxia's shy face that he tricked him into eating tofu, Liu Boyang felt so regretful that he wanted to protect her. Unexpectedly, the sun is in crisis

It was the first time for Sun Xiaorou to see Liu Boyang getting so angry, his eyes were red with anger, and his fists were clenched so tightly that the hairpin was cracking, and he didn't dare to disturb him right now, just Gently pulled his arm, but found that Liu Boyang was not moved at all

What kind of eyesight did Yang Lin Laomao and the others see at a glance who was the owner of the card in Liu Boyang's hand? Although they haven't said a word to Song Qianxia, ​​subconsciously, they have long regarded Song Qianxia as their own She is one of the sister-in-laws, and the first impressions of the three of them on the little girl are not bad, she is beautiful and innocent, since she is taken by brother Yang, she will be a member of our Jiulong Club sooner or later, if you touch our sister-in-law, no matter it is No one wants to live

Now I just wait for Brother Yang to say a word, as long as he speaks, Yang Lin Laomao and others will immediately follow him to save people, and by the way, chop up the blind beast and feed it to the dogs

"See what the license plate number is?" Liu Boyang asked in a surprisingly flat voice while stroking the card in his hand

A simple sentence made Lao Mao and the others shudder. In my impression, Brother Yang only said three times in this tone in H County. Nearly a hundred people chopped it down, and almost closed their eyes at the end. At that time, Brother Yang grabbed Huzi's hand in the intensive ward of the hospital, and asked in this tone, asking only three words: "Who did it?" The son raised his weak eyelids and said the word "Wolf Gang". The next day, this small gang was expelled from County H;

The second time, the old Ba Tiezheng worked for the association and went to Bacun to get oil, but he was betrayed by Fa Xiao, who was a kid from a young age. In the end, Tie Zheng plunged into the mud and hid in the reed bath to take refuge. Those frenzied people even lifted stones and threw them into the river. Because he was seriously injured, he was rescued for a day and a night. Even the doctors thought he was going to die, but in the end he woke up miraculously. Closing his eyes, Liu Boyang said with tears in his eyes, "Brother Yang, it's great to see you again..."

Liu Boyang gently held his hand, and said in the same tone at this moment: "Lao Ba, take care of him at ease, and leave everything to me." Not long after, the Fa Xiao who betrayed Lao Ba suddenly disappeared, and his life No one was seen, no dead body was seen, and the dozens of people who led a dozen big wolf dogs to chase Tiezheng back then, the one who took the lead burned down his house and people, and the rest were disabled. As for the dogs, Inexplicably ate something bad, all poisoned to death

The third time, when they were in County H, Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei drank together at night, swaying shoulder to shoulder and singing on the road, but they annoyed a group of people who were unhappy with them. Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei drank like mud, they were no match for each other at all. In the end, Gazi pushed Liu Boyang away, jumped on him, and blocked thirteen knives for him. Up to now, Gao Zhenfei still has a scar on his back. The next day, that group of people suffered the most unforgettable pain in their lives. They could no longer walk on their own feet and speak with their own tongues.

County H is like this, people are not ruthless, they are unstable, only I am stronger than you, can you survive

At this moment, Liu Boyang used this tone for the fourth time, so it proves that the happy days of Huashe are over.

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