"His license plate number is 6638, a car from this city, and a black-faced Santana bubble *book*(" said the doorman Xiao Jia

"Which direction is it going?" Liu Boyang continued to ask

"I just drove north along the road at the school gate," Xiao Jia said truthfully.

"6638?" Guo Xiao, who was beside Liu Boyang, frowned and repeated, then suddenly walked up to Liu Boyang, and said, "Brother Yang, I know this car, it's Huashe's car."

"Flower Snake? Who is that?" Yang Lin frowned and asked

"He is a well-known gangster in Nanjiaxiang. He is famous for his lust, especially those underage female students in the school. I heard that he has a good relationship with Li Zifeng, a sophomore in high school. He has five establishments in Nanjiaxiang. One ktv, two restaurants, neither small nor big, if my younger brother No. [-] said he drove all the way north, I guess he probably returned to Nanjia Lane, which is his territory" Guo Xiao said

Liu Boyang nodded when he heard this, and said lightly: "I see, Guodong, where is the car?"

Cui Guodong said: "At Huzi's place, do you need me to call him and ask him and fourth brother to come over?"

"It's too late, come with me." After Liu Boyang finished speaking, he took two steps, then turned his head and said to his wife Sun Xiaorou, "Daughter-in-law, you go home first, I will finish this matter, and I will call you later."

Seeing Liu Boyang's fierce look, Sun Xiaorou knew it was to persuade him not to stop, so she had no choice but to run over and grab Liu Boyang's shoulder, and said tenderly: "Brother Yang, you must be careful not to let anything happen, Otherwise, I, I..." As he spoke, he couldn't help the redness of his eyes

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, I'll be fine." Liu Boyang smiled lightly, wiped away the tears from Sun Xiaorou's face, nodded to her, and said, "Trust me." Then, without looking back, he strode towards the outside of the school.

"Liu Boyang, stop where do you want to go? Do you want to find that flower snake? Just take these few people with you? You are very impulsive, do you know that?" Zhu Tao stopped him suddenly, walked up to him and said

Liu Boyang raised his head and looked at him, without saying a word

"Leave it to me, leave this matter to me, I know what kind of flower snake, I have a way to deal with him, you don't need to take action" Zhu Tao said

Zhu Tao didn't lie, he has many friends who hang out in this area, so he has heard of that Xingzhi called Huashe, but he is just a half-grown ruffian, not too bad. Going to the underworld and the society, as long as you find a few friends to help out, it should be easy to clean him up

Liu Boyang still just looked at him without speaking.

"Don't you believe me? It's much better for me to come forward than you. After all, I am a teacher..."

"Mr. Zhu, thank you." Before he could finish speaking, Liu Boyang interrupted him suddenly

"Thank you for your kindness, but, you know, I have a habit, whoever provokes me, I always like to do it myself, and make him die ugly"

"This bad temper, after so many years, I'm used to it, just laugh at me"

"I am deeply sorry for not being able to eat your meal today. I apologize for my crimes. I will treat you another day."

After saying these three sentences, Liu Boyang walked away without looking back, followed by a large group of brothers including Yang Lin Lao Mao, stopped three taxis from the school gate, and headed straight to Nanjia Lane go to

Sun Xiaorou, Zhu Tao, doorman Xiao Jia, a group of students, and other physical education teachers were left standing there staring at his back in a daze.

Nanjiaxiang "Qi Lehai" wine is one of the largest wines on this street. The owner is a middle-aged beautiful woman, and the person watching the scene is Hua Snake. It is said that Hua Snake has an improper relationship with the beautiful proprietress. It is not clear whether the proprietress took care of him, or whether the flower snake and tender cow ate grass and hooked up with the proprietress. In short, the two of them worked hand in hand, and they could be regarded as bullies in Nanjiaxiang

Because of its notoriety, almost no one around this "Qi Lehai" came to join in the fun during the day, and if he accidentally offended the little eunuch inside, he would be beaten unjustly

Every night, "Qi Lehai" is full of feasting, singing and dancing every night. Countless crazy men and prostitutes come here to vent their excess youth hormones. During the day, the business here is relatively deserted. The gate is half closed, as if there is no business at all. I mean, it's pitch black inside, I don't know what shady secrets are hidden

Three taxis came from outside the street, turned a corner, and stopped directly at the door of "Qi Lehai". Liu Boyang walked out with a group of younger brothers in stride, without talking nonsense, and walked in towards "Qi Lehai" ,

"Hey, what are you doing? Mom, shit, didn't you see that this place doesn't do business during the day? Why do you enter randomly?" Suddenly, a man with big earrings, a black T-shirt, and a black bear tattoo on his shoulder came out from a shop opposite. The man, with an unfriendly expression on his face, pointed at Liu Boyang and others and shouted:

Liu Boyang stopped, turned his head, went straight to the point, and asked lightly, "Is the Flower Snake here?"

"Who are you, little bastard? How dare you call Brother Snake's name directly?" Big Earrings immediately started cursing when he heard that Liu Boyang was so confident. Students, as a member of society, are you afraid that they will fail?

"I'll ask again, is the flower snake inside?" Liu Boyang asked coldly

"Damn it, brat, bastard, you just keep calling Brother Snake's name, aren't you tired of living?" Big Earrings yelled angrily, and walked towards Liu Boyang with eight-character steps like a demonstration

"Guodong, beat the half-crippled second son and others and follow me in." Liu Boyang gave him a faint order without even looking at him, and walked into "Qi Lehai" with his head held high, followed by old Yang Linmao, Guo Xiao and others Without further ado, the younger brother also walked in with him.

"I'm your mother's little bitch, you stop for me!" The big earrings pointed at Liu Boyang's back and roared

"You're very unlucky" Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of him, and Cui Guodong stood in front of him at some point, and said indifferently: "To provoke my elder brother at this juncture, it seems that either he did evil in his previous life or he didn't accumulate virtue in this life. "

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