Chapter 121
When An Qingyan stopped in front of the food restaurant, Hua Jiujiu froze, "Let's change to another one."

"It's okay, I'm treating guests today." An Qingyan thought that Huajiujiu was worried about money, so she patted her chest and said boldly.


It will be better if you don't do this action.

"No, I just think that the taste of this dish is not very good." Hua Jiujiu said in a low voice.

People come and go here, and she doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble because of her words.

An Qingyan looked at Hua Jiujiu suspiciously, "I can't. I heard that there are imperial chefs in the food restaurant. Although they were eliminated by the imperial dining room, it must not be easy for those who can participate in the selection of imperial chefs."


She doubted the level of the imperial dining room.

Will it be all paper?

"However, since you don't think so, let's go to the Zhenxiu Restaurant." An Qingyan didn't force Hua Jiujiu, and took her to the Zhenxiu Restaurant not far away.

Huajiujiu also wants to try, how does this Zhenxiu restaurant taste.

But I don't know why, but I always feel that I can't hold out too much hope.

The two of them didn't know it at all, and their conversation fell into the ears of the two men who just walked out of the restaurant.

"Nangong Yu, I seem to have heard a joke." Dongfang Lan laughed dryly.

"You heard me right." Nangong Yu quietly looked at Huajiujiu's back.

The woman I saw at noon today was her, and as he had guessed, she didn't think the food in the restaurant was delicious.

I heard them say that they were going to their own delicacy building, and it just so happened that they were going to the delicacy building as well, so they wanted to see what the woman had to say.

Nangong Yu walked towards his own restaurant, and Dongfang Lan hurriedly followed, "Nangong Yu, you said that the new dishes you have newly researched at Zhenxiu Restaurant will be more delicious than mine, why don't I believe it?"

Apparently Dongfang Lan didn't take what Hua Jiujiu said just now to heart.

"You'll know if you try it?" Nangong Yu was too lazy to explain.

"Then I really want to give it a try." Dongfang Lan's eyes were full of rivalry.

This restaurant is opened in their own names.

From the beginning, the idea of ​​opening a restaurant collided with each other, and after that, various ideas collided, and the people in the capital always compared the two of them, so they naturally began to compete secretly.

Today this person has a good idea, tomorrow that person has a good idea, and it never stops anyway.

However, the competition is the competition, but their relationship is still very good, at least they never damage each other's manuscripts, and occasionally help each other.

It's healthy competition.

The business of Zhenxiu Restaurant is comparable to that of Jiacai Restaurant. From this point, it can be seen that their abilities have always been evenly matched.

That's right, only rivals who are evenly matched can get along so harmoniously.

On the journey of Huajiujiu, I heard An Qingyan say a lot about these two restaurants, and I have a bit of admiration for the people who founded these two restaurants.

"You still pray that you don't run into them." An Qingyan said quietly.

"What?" Hua Jiujiu asked curiously.

"One of them is a smiling tiger, and the other is a cunning fox. No matter who they are, they will peel off a layer of skin." An Qingyan didn't feel very good about these two people.

Hua Jiujiu nodded, indicating that this is normal, if he has no skills, how can he support such a large restaurant?

(End of this chapter)

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