Chapter 122
After entering the delicacy restaurant, An Qingyan asked for a private room.

Hua Jiujiu knew that the box was next to the window and could see the hall downstairs, so he didn't say anything more.

Although I didn't hear as much as in the hall, but at least I can see everyone in sight, which is a kind of experience.

As soon as he sat down, Xiao Er came to greet him enthusiastically, which was the complete opposite of what he did at noon today.

That's right, An Qingyan's image as a nouveau riche, if she isn't enthusiastic, she is insane.

Xiao Er began to report the names of the dishes.

This delicacy restaurant is the same as the delicacies restaurant, the menu is very literary and artistic, and seeing An Qingyan's appearance, it is also incomprehensible.

However, he didn't care, he just waved his hand and said, "All the signature dishes."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Hua Jiujiu, "It's too much to finish." There are only two of them, if they all eat, wouldn't it be a waste?
An Qingyan changed her words, "Ten signature dishes."


Forget it, it's not that exaggerated anyway.

"Okay!" Xiao Er excitedly ran to the back kitchen.

Sure enough, the treatment of local tyrants is different.

Hua Jiujiu picked up the teacup on the table, drinking tea while watching the scene of people coming and going downstairs.

The decoration of Zhenxiu Restaurant will be more elegant than that of Jiacai Restaurant.

The food restaurant feels like a nouveau riche.

It's also thanks to the two completely different styles, otherwise the competitiveness between them will only be greater, and it's hard to say whether they can coexist peacefully by then.

Huajiujiu listened carefully to the information here, and there are still some differences from Jiacailou.

After all, people with different tastes, the people and things they come into contact with are also different.

It's just that I don't know what's going on tonight. After listening for so long, what I heard is basically about the Lord of War.

Then, Hua Jiujiu discovered that everyone's God of War Lord is different.

So, what does it really look like?

"Qingyan, tell me about this God of War prince." Hua Jiujiu turned to look at An Qingyan who had been chatting about interesting things about the capital.

"Lord God of War?" An Qingyan paused, "Are you interested in that murderous maniac?"

"Murderer? What's going on?" Hua Jiujiu became interested.

"The God of War, the God of War, is naturally invincible, so he can be called the God of War."

Invincible is hard.

This Lord of War God really deserves it!
"All the surrounding countries are terrified of this god of war. Some countries even encountered him on the battlefield. They not only surrendered, but also voluntarily ceded their land."

Seeing that Hua Jiujiu was very interested, An Qingyan told everything she knew.

"But, you know, the surrounding countries are not afraid of him because he is invincible."

An Qingyan said mysteriously.

Hua Jiujiu raised an eyebrow curiously.

"It's because I don't want to be massacred!" An Qingyan lowered her voice, and a trace of fear appeared on her face.

Hua Jiujiu looked at An Qingyan in disbelief.

"Don't believe it, but he did slaughter the city. I even heard that there was no river in that city, but he killed a river of blood!" An Qingge's body trembled a little.

Hua Jiujiu's eyes moved slightly.

Kill a river of blood...

What a tragedy!
"Do you know why he slaughtered the city?" Hua Jiujiu asked curiously.

"Who knows, some people said that he was bloodthirsty and couldn't control himself, and some people said that because his appearance was accidentally seen by the people in that city, he became angry and slaughtered the city."

An Qingge spread her hands.

 PS: Babies, the first four shifts in these two days, Xiao Yu will save the manuscript, and continue the sixth shift next week~
(End of this chapter)

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