Chapter 124 Revealing Medical Skills
Xiaoer on the side, the more he stood down, the more arrogant he dared not show up.

I don't even know what the boss is going to do.
Just when Xiao Er's legs were numb, Nangong Yu finally said, "Go down."

Xiao Er hurriedly backed away, but he didn't understand what his boss was thinking, why he noticed a peasant girl, and after paying attention, there was no movement.

Nangong Yu stood up, looked at the hall where people were coming and going, and showed a self-deprecating smile.

What Dongfang Lan said was not wrong, he did think too much.

Farmers rarely come to restaurants, and it is not impossible that they are not used to such delicate meals.

He has this time to think about this matter, so why not think about it, where did that guy go!

Fortunately, he thought his intelligence network was strong enough, but he didn't even find the slightest trace of that guy!

Inside the box where Huajiujiu is located.

An Qingyan was already full, and was laying on the chair to digest.

Even so, there are still a lot of leftovers on the table, just when Hua Jiujiu was about to lament the waste of food, An Qingyan called out: "Xiao Er"

"Miss, what's your order?" Xiaoer walked in immediately.

"Let's pack these meals and give them to the beggars outside."

Although this is a street for the rich, it is not that there are no beggars. They probably expect the rich to show kindness so that they can live for a long time.

Of course, it is also very dangerous in the rich man's street. If you accidentally bump into a nobleman, you will be punched and kicked.

It is not impossible to kill someone.

Xiao Er didn't seem surprised by this decision, and packed up the food and sent it to the beggar.

Hua Jiujiu looked at An Qingyan with admiration in his eyes.

Seemingly aware of Hua Jiujiu's gaze, An Qingyan said with some embarrassment: "Everyone will encounter difficulties, please help if you can."

Huajiu agrees.

It is rare for a rich person to have such an idea, or even practice it.

The two sat in the box for a while before leaving.

It was completely dark outside, and it was still cold enough to make people shiver.

"This damn weather, I don't feel that cold during the day, but it's so cold at night that I'm about to freeze." An Qingyan hugged herself tightly.

"The temperature difference between day and night is large, and I am afraid that many people will get sick recently."

Hua Jiujiu thought that in his free time, he would have to grow various medicinal materials for treating wind and cold, and those pills might be the only chance for the poor to survive.

"Yes, I heard that all medical clinics are full, especially Ren Medical Hall."

Just as he was talking, a terrified voice sounded in front of him, "Grandson, wake up, don't sleep, we are almost there."

Hua Jiujiu and the others looked over, and saw an old woman in shabby clothes, holding a child, sitting on the ground, looking desperately at the child in her arms.

"Grandson, wake up, don't go to sleep, grandma has borrowed money, we can go to the big medical clinic, they can definitely cure you, wake up!"

That voice was as helpless as it could be.

An Qingyan could not bear to look away.

Even if she is kind, there is nothing she can do at this moment, she is not a doctor!
Just as she was about to drag Hua Jiujiu away from here, Hua Jiujiu walked over with heavy strides.


An Qingyan didn't know what Hua Jiujiu was going to do, but she still followed.

Hua Jiujiu squatted beside the old woman, looked at the child who was blushing, twitching and rolling his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Put the child down quickly."

Hearing this sudden immature voice, the old woman couldn't react.

(End of this chapter)

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