Chapter 125 Yuchi Black City
With a sullen face, Hua Jiujiu took the child out of her arms.

The old woman hugged the child subconsciously, "Who are you and what are you going to do?"

"If you don't want anything to happen to the child, just do as I say." Probably because Hua Jiujiu's voice was too powerful, the old woman was so startled that she hurriedly put the child on the ground.

People passing by were all curious about what a peasant girl was going to do, and surrounded her one after another.

They shook their heads and sighed, or sneered.

Hua Jiujiu ignored these people, but tore some of the overwrapped clothes off the child.

"What are you doing, my grandson is shivering from the cold, and you even took off his clothes." The old woman said angrily.

What kind of evil did she have to believe in a little girl.

The little girl might be drawing pictures of her grandson's clothes.

An Qingyan also had some worries and doubts, so she couldn't help but said, "Jiujiu, let's go."

"Don't disturb me." As he said, Hua Jiujiu took out the silver needle and quickly stuck it on the child.

The people around were shocked immediately.

This is murder!
A person with a big fart is still a woman, and she even learns how other doctors give needles. Isn't this killing people? !

An Qingyan was also quite frightened. Just as she was thinking about how to safely retreat from the crowd with Hua Jiujiu, a voice of surprise suddenly sounded: "Look, look, it's moving, the child is moving."

The old woman's originally sad and angry eyes were immediately stained with disbelief, and she quickly looked down at her grandson.

Really woke up!
Moreover, the temperature on his body seemed to drop a lot, and he didn't twitch and roll his eyes anymore.

Everyone looked at Huajiu in disbelief.

Hua Jiujiu just said indifferently: "The child is still very dangerous, send it to Renyitang quickly, and say that I let you go."

With that said, she got up and pulled the stunned An Qingyan away, saving herself from being surrounded by people who had reacted.

Not far away from the tea house, an indifferent gaze stayed here for a moment, and then swept over Hua Jiujiu, but quickly retracted them all.

"Still haven't found it yet?"

This person's voice was very cold, but if you listen carefully, you can still hear that there is a little weakness in this voice.

"Master, I didn't find out." A black shadow knelt down.

Yuchi Mocheng's cold eyes fell on the man in black.

The man in black tightened his body.

"No one went up the mountain that day, and there was no sign of anyone passing by." The man in black was sweating coldly on his back, but he had to bite the bullet and continue.

Yuchi Mocheng's slender, white fingers tapped the tabletop once and for all, and the sound was like a reminder, making the man in black feel his soul trembling.

"You mean, I'm hallucinating?"

The voice was very soft, but it made the man in black feel like he weighed a thousand catties, making him a little out of breath.

He knocked his head down all of a sudden, and the sound made people feel pain.

"This subordinate will go and investigate again!"

Yuchi Mocheng didn't reply, and the man in black retreated tremblingly.

He knew that he would not be able to escape a punishment.

Now he can only hope to find some clues, otherwise all that awaits him is death!

In the box, he was left alone.

He leaned against the window, his cold eyes looked out of the window again, and then stayed on a figure from the back for another two seconds.

Like talking to himself.

"Who are you?"

He was caressing something between his fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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