Chapter 135 Seeing the wrong person?

When leaving the shop, Lou Sijin asked curiously: "The bottle and cap don't fit well."

Isn't the bottle made by the little woman for skin care products? Why is it made in such a strange shape?
Hua Jiujiu showed a mysterious smile: "Accompany me to another place."

Next, they went to the blacksmith shop. Hua Jiujiu showed the blacksmith what he needed, and the master looked embarrassed.

Hua Jiujiu had to explain it to him in detail.

The master said to try it himself, but there is no guarantee that it can be done.

Huajiujiu could only pray in his heart.

After paying the deposit, I left the blacksmith shop, and Hua Jiujiu said: "The thing I made just now is a spring, which is to be put in the bottle just now. When the time comes, you only need to press the button on it to release the water in the bottle." Press it out."

Lou Sijin seemed to be able to imagine what it was like.

I have to be surprised by the idea of ​​Huajiujiu.

What exactly is in this little head, such things can be figured out.

Hua Jiujiu raised her chin proudly, she was full of anticipation for what will happen next.

"Ajin, I have one more thing to deal with, and we'll go to eat after we're done."

In fact, I'm a little hungry now, but thinking that I might invite another person to dinner later, I endured it for now.

Lou Sijin nodded, and followed Hua Jiujiu to the outside of the town.

When I stopped in front of a grave, my heart was full of doubts.

Could it be that the person buried here was known by Hua Jiujiu?
This tomb is still new.

Who could it be?

Hua Jiujiu looked around, but didn't see anyone familiar, so he couldn't help frowning.

Could it be that he didn't complete the mission and dared not come?

Half an hour has passed since the appointed time.
Hua Jiujiu waited for a while, but still didn't find anyone, and felt a little disappointed.

It seems that I also have time to look away.

Just as she pulled Lou Sijin and turned to leave, a hurried voice sounded from behind: "Miss, wait for me!"

Hua Jiujiu paused, and a smile appeared on the corner of his eyes.

This smile was seen by Lou Sijin, and a sour taste suddenly surged in his heart.

He turned back with a cold face, and saw a boy running over.

That face looks pretty good.

However, if the body is weak, the little woman should look down on it.

Lou Sijin turned her head and took another look at Huajiujiu, seeing that the smile in the corner of her eyes became more and more obvious, and the sour taste in her heart became stronger.

Isn't it just a little smaller, other than that, how else can it compare to him? !

However, do little women just like smaller ones?

Soon, this sour taste turned into a bitter taste.

It's good to be small.

At least, I can spend more time with her
Lou Sijin lowered his eyelids, and the shadows blocked his dark eyes, making the already dark eyes even darker, and in the end, he even felt a little dead.

Hua Jiujiu didn't notice Lou Sijin's strangeness, she would be in a good mood now, because Su Mo's arrival at least proves that his character is still good, and it's okay to cultivate him by himself.

She didn't dare to think about how much money Su Mo made, because he didn't have a bottle of fish sauce on him.

Even if not all ten bottles are empty, there will be one or two at least, and the result is that none of them are empty or full.

Unless you are in a hurry, put the full fish sauce somewhere, so you can easily hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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